
  • 网络political elections
  1. 先前的一些调查表明,在这个国家的政治选举中种族曾经是最为重要的因素,因为这是一个由多个种族、多个民族组成的国家。

    According to some prior surveys , race used to be the most important factor in political elections of this country , as the population is comprised of multi-races and multi-ethnics .

  2. 这肯定会引发美国两党之间的斗争,因为数字将影响未来几年的政治选举。

    It is sure to set off a battle between America 's two political parties as the numbers will shape political elections for years to come .

  3. 政治选举更多地取决于诡辩的能力,而不在于是否懂经济。

    Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy .

  4. 这也是所有政治选举活动中最费钱的地方。

    That 's where most of the money goes in any political campaign .

  5. 浅析政治选举中的不投票行为?

    Why abandon the voting right in political election ?

  6. 灾难救助其实是政治选举的反过程

    Disaster relief is essentially a backwards political campaign .

  7. 这就是一个悬而未决的政治选举所导致的对英镑的大的影响。

    That is why fears of an indecisive election result have been blighting the pound .

  8. 捐献给政治选举活动的资金目前已从国库获得数倍的回报。

    The cash contributed to political campaigns has now been repaid many times over from the public purse .

  9. 无论属于哪个阶级,男性都被视为唯一具有理性思维的性别,因而应当拥有政治选举权。

    Regardless of class , men were deemed uniquely endowed with rational thought and thus worthy of political enfranchisement .

  10. 在一场政治选举中,开始你没有兴趣和能力去实践

    In a political campaign , you start with no interest and no capacity to turn that into action .

  11. 日本内衣制造黛安芬国际(日本)介绍了胸罩解除对政治选举和日本人民的利益。

    Japanese lingerie manufacture Triumph International ( Japan ) introduced the brassiere to lift the interest of Japanese people in elections and politics .

  12. 公众参与的途径通过社区理事会(neighborhoodcouncil)凸现,参与内容主要包括社区服务、社区自治和政治选举。

    The public participate in community development through its Neighborhood Council with community service , self-management and political election as its major content .

  13. 在政治选举中,那些具有天生较有能力的面孔如美国总统奥巴马,比具有较无能面孔的候选人,更容易胜出。

    Political candidates with naturally competent-looking faces , such as Barack Obama , were more likely to win elections than those who looked less competent .

  14. 一战后,妇女逐步获得与男子同等的政治选举权、财产权和离婚自主权。

    After the First World War , British women gradually had the equal rights with men on politics voting right , the property right and the independence right of divorce .

  15. 卡耐基梅隆大学的研究人员称,无论是在政治选举中的投票还是在法庭上要做的证词,拜脸主义能让人做出草率、欠考虑的决定。

    And now researchers from Carnegie Mellon University have warned that face-ism can lead people to make rash decisions , from voting for a particular politician to convicting someone of a crime .

  16. 政治选举的研究日益强调将候选人基本特征与选民在选举中所运用的认知加工策略结合起来,以考察二者对选民选举决策和选举行为的影响。

    Political electoral research increasing emphasizes the combination of basic characteristics of candidate with the cognitive processing strategy of voter , hoping to explore their effects on voting behavior and voter choice .

  17. 西方人民对政府的不信任是众多因素长期混合和交互作用的结果,包括政治选举、政府本身、利益集团、社会文化以及大众传媒等方面的原因。

    In fact , the factors influencing the distrust in western governments lie in multiple levels , including political vote , government itself , interest group , social culture , mass media , etc.

  18. 林肯的立场有了进一步发展,他不仅认为黑人不应为奴,他们还应当受到平等的公民待遇,享有完整的政治选举权和参与权

    Lincoln had totally grown to where he said not only should blacks not be slaves , they should be treated as equal citizens with full enfranchisement , right to vote and right to participate .

  19. 我的竞选管家大卫·普洛夫是一位无名英雄。是他打造出了美利坚合众国历史上我认为最好、最好的政治选举。

    And to my campaign manager , David Plouffe , the unsung hero of this campaign , who built the best & the best political campaign , I think , in the history of the United States of America .

  20. 我提到了我曾参与过圣地亚哥的一场政治选举中,我现在的老板正想进入安克雷奇的议会,这让他对我很感兴趣,这一步我走的很对。

    I mentioned that I 'd worked on a political campaign in San Diego . My current boss is running for office in Anchorage , which sparked his interest in me . It was a lucky move that paid off .

  21. 女权主义运动几乎是与社会现代化及工业化发展同时诞生的。从最初争取女性政治选举权的斗争到女权主义解放运动,女性主义运动发展至今已涉及到了社会的各个方面。

    Feminism comes into being with the development of social modernization and industrialization . From the fight of women for voting right at the beginning to the movement of women liberation , feminism has entered almost every aspect of society now .

  22. 城中村在从乡村向城市转变过程中,管理体制和政治选举保留农村模式,因土地、户籍、人口等多方面均属城乡二元管理体制。

    Villages in from the countryside to cities in the process of change , management system and political election keep rural model , with land , household registration , population and so on various belong to the urban and rural management system .

  23. 然而在18世纪时,情况发生了转变,男女服饰之间的差异开始反映更广泛层面上的文化转变。无论属于哪个阶级,男性都被视为唯一具有理性思维的性别,因而应当拥有政治选举权。

    This changed , however , in the 18th century when the distinctions between male and female dress began to reflect larger cultural shifts . Regardless of class , men were deemed uniquely endowed with rational thought and thus worthy of political enfranchisement .

  24. 但中国将根据完全不同的政治流程选举新一届领导人。

    China , however , will take on new leaders under a far different political process .

  25. 在深入分析仁的内涵的基础上,探讨这一思想对古代社会生活的影响,侧重点在于仁对社会发展的负面影响、消极意义,具体体现在政治、选举、教育、自然科学等方面。

    Through the analysis of the connotation of benevolence , we should focus on the negative impact on society of benevolence . The negative impact is incarnated in politic , vote , education , nature science and so on .

  26. 她得到了国大党领导人索妮亚甘地(soniagandhi)的个人支持,而且外界一直预计帕蒂尔会在一场空前政治化的选举中获胜。

    She had the personal backing of Sonia Gandhi , the Congress party leader , and had been expected to win an unprecedentedly politicised election .

  27. 许多政治人物在选举期间试著误导选民。

    Many politicians tried to mislead voters during the election .

  28. 十九世纪,移民和城市政治机器使得选举文化迅速发展。

    During the 19th century , immigrants and urban political machines helped fuel this culture of voting .

  29. 由于外戚和宦官操纵政治,垄断选举,使吏治更加腐败,社会矛盾更加尖锐,封建社会的伦理观和价值观也严重扭曲,从而进一步影响到东汉后期选官制度的变化。

    Because outside relatives and eunuchs manipulated the politics as well as the election , this made official more corrupt and society contradiction sharper and the ethics and values of the feudalistic society were distorted seriously . The entire thing affected further the variety of choosing officer system .

  30. 在两党对抗性政治的昔日,选举是容易的。

    In the old days of two-party adversarial politics , voting was easy .