
  • 网络government information
  1. Internet上美国政府信息的检索

    The Search for American Government Information on Internet

  2. 加入WTO后,政府信息将全面对国内外公开。

    The Government will open information to public after joining the WTO .

  3. 本文讨论了基于Agent的信息门户在电子政务中的应用,建立了基于Agent的政府信息门户框架,并以网上并联审批过程为例分析了系统的工作过程。

    In this paper , the application of agent technology in the e-government is discussed , and a framework of the agent-based government portal is given .

  4. 政府信息定位器服务(GILS)标准,是改进政府电子记录管理,提高政府信息资源管理水平的重要工具。

    GILS is a vital tool to improve electronic record management and increase management level .

  5. 我国政府信息公开的立法模式选择

    A Theory on Selecting Open Government Information Legislation Model in China

  6. 各国政府信息公开现状比较

    Comparison of Current Situation of Government Information Publicity in Various Countries

  7. 政府信息资源共享环境中的电子协作支持模式

    E - Collaboration Mode in Sharing Environment of Government Information Resources

  8. 主动队列管理机制研究完善政府信息发布机制;

    Researches on Active Queue Management perfecting government information issue mechanism ;

  9. 政府信息公开背景下档案管理制度优化探析

    Optimization of Archival Management System in the Government Information Opening Background

  10. 政府信息平台单点登录系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Government Information Platform Single Sign-On System

  11. 政府信息资源建设网上调查及对策分析

    Internet Survey and Suggestions on the Establishment of Governmental Information Resources

  12. 信息公开制度对政府信息资源管理工作的影响

    The Effect of Information Publicity System on Government Information Resources Management

  13. 手机媒体发布政府信息的工具性作用分析

    On the Instrumental Role of Mobile Media in Government Information Issuing

  14. 政府信息公开是一个范围很广的问题,又是一个势在必行的问题。

    The publicity of government information is a wide matter and imperative .

  15. 政府信息公开是依法行政、高效行政的必然要求。

    Information open is necessity of administrating legally and effectively .

  16. 英国的信息自由法与政府信息共享

    Freedom of information act and publicly funded information access in the UK

  17. 其次深入分析了我国政府信息公开制度的困境及其成因。

    Secondly , analyzing the system dilemmas and the reasons about it .

  18. 从范本走向常态&由汶川大地震引发对政府信息公开的法律思考

    On Legal Consideration of Government Communication Opening from Wenchuan Earthquake

  19. 公共危机管理中的政府信息公开研究

    A Study on Government Information Disclosure in Public Crisis Management

  20. 刍议我国政府信息公开制度化建设

    On construction of setting up a systematic procedure of our government information publicity

  21. 政府信息立法及权利义务分析

    The Analysis on the Legislation of Government Information and Its Right and Obligation

  22. 政府信息是社会信息资源的一个极其重要的组成部分。

    Governmental information is a very important component part of social information resources .

  23. 美国克林顿政府信息政策的几个原则

    Several Principles of Clinton Administration ′ s Information Policy

  24. 公共档案馆建设与政府信息公开有着密不可分的联系。

    The public archives are tightly connected with the opening of government information .

  25. 论政府信息公开对大众传媒的建构性影响

    On the Constructive Influence of the Governmental Information Publicity to the Mass Media

  26. 论政府信息公开中的商业秘密保护制度

    On Commercial Secret in the Government Information Disclosures System

  27. 政府信息公开诉讼原告资格问题研究

    Study on Plaintiff Qualification in Government Information Publicity Litigation

  28. 公共图书馆面向企业的政府信息资源组织与服务

    Businesses-oriented Government Information Organizing and Services in Public Library

  29. 第二章:聊城市政府信息公开的发展和成效。

    The second one is the development and effect of government information disclosure .

  30. 政府信息开放的标准探析

    Probe into the Opening Standards of the Government Information