
  • 网络conditioned inhibition
  1. 通过优化反应条件抑制异构体的量,从而保证奥美沙坦酯的质量。结果表明:温度、pH值升高,镀速会迅速增加;

    The results show that the plating rate increases with temperature and pH , the effect of graphite quantity can be negligible ;

  2. 汉语静态存在构式对动作动词的语义选择条件抑制性条件作用抑制性制约作用

    Selection Constraints of the Chinese Static Existential Construction on Action Verbs

  3. 本研究采用硫酸亚铁与氰化钠作为铁闪锌矿的组合抑制剂,适宜的药剂条件抑制活性黄铁矿。

    In this paper , brittle boulangerite is floated selectively using ferrous sulphate and sodium cyanide as combined depressant for marmatite under appropriate reagent condition of depressing active pyrite .

  4. pH对酶活性的影响会在一定条件下抑制纤维二糖酶而促进酚氧化酶。

    PH would promote the phenol oxidase activity and inhibit the cellobiase activity in certain condition .

  5. 高浓度CO2、低O2条件具有抑制代谢活性增强的作用。

    High concentration CO2 and low O2 have the action of inhibiting the increase of metabolic activity .

  6. 大豆异黄酮摄入显著抑制女性骨丢失:随机对照研究的meta分析抑制性条件作用抑制性制约作用

    Inhibition of soy isoflavone intake on bone loss in menopausal women : evaluated by meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

  7. 并且(冰温+保鲜剂处理)贮藏条件对抑制红优二号西瓜果实的软化效果最好,贮藏112d,果实仍能保持较好的鲜脆状态。

    ( ice-temperature + storage reagent ) storage had the best effect on restrain the soft of watermelon , after one hundred and twelve days , the fruit could still keep fresh .

  8. 商品马铃薯储存条件和抑制发芽技术的研究

    A study on the storing conditions and inhibiting sprout of ware potato

  9. 改变样品的边界条件可以抑制回波。

    The echoes are successfully suppressed by changing the boundary condition of the sample .

  10. 改善系统运动部件的工作条件也是抑制摩擦自激的有效措施。

    In addition , improving work conditions of motive parts is the effective measure to control frictional self-excited vibrating .

  11. 试验中的热处理条件不能抑制无核白鸡心葡萄的硬度下降,且50℃及更高温度会造成负面影响。

    Test of heat treatment conditions can not be pulled Centennial Seedless grape decline in hardness , and temperature 50 ℃ and higher will have a negative impact .

  12. 对红茶菌液中可能存在的抑菌成份进行了分析,从中提取出小分子量蛋白类物质,该物质在酸性条件下抑制细菌生长。

    The potential inhibitors in tea fungus were analyzed . A proteinaceous compound was extracted from the culture and it can inhibit the growth of bacteria when in acidic environment .

  13. 2007年下半年以来,国家出台了多次加息和提高存款准备金率的政策措施,从开发商和购房者两头收紧信贷,提高贷款条件,抑制投机需求。

    Since the second half of 2007 , the State introduced a number of policies and measures , such as interest rate hikes and to raise the deposit reserve ratio and so on .

  14. 血管生成是人体肿瘤生长和转移的必要条件,抑制肿瘤细胞介导的血管生成已成为近年来寻找新型抗肿瘤药物的一个主要研究方向。

    Angiogenesis is a fundamental process of tumor growth and metastasis , and thus inhibition of angiogenesis induced by tumors has become an important trend in research and development of novel antineoplastic drugs .

  15. 结果表明,建立的模型拟合精度较高,能较为准确地反映试验点蒸发量的变化趋势。(3)对比分析了三种材料覆盖条件下抑制水面蒸发效果。

    Results by this method showed higher accuracy , and reflected the changing trends of water surface evaporation . ( 3 ) Contrastive analyzing the effect of inhibiting water surface evaporation by three materials .

  16. 试验表明,只有采用结构合理的等离子枪,综合调控供气和电参数条件,抑制气流的脉动和抖动,才能形成层流等离子体射流。

    Experimental results confirmed that the laminar plasma jet could only be generated by suppressing the flow surging and whipping with a reasonable torch structure under a set of well balanced gas feeding and power conditions .

  17. 结合磨34井钻井工程中试行预算招标承包的实践,提出了实行单井概预算招标承包,是在市场经济条件下抑制钻井成本上升势头的有效途径。

    The inviting tender contract of carring out individual-well budget is an effective way to restrain drilling cost raising in market economy conditions , through the practice in trying budget inviting tender contract of drilling Mo-34 well .

  18. TBT对太平洋牡蛎血细胞的吞噬功能无论在活体还是在离体条件下均有抑制作用,且随着浓度的增加抑制程度增大。

    TBT pollution could apparently inhibit the phagocytic activity of haemocytes , and the effect increased with increasing TBT concentrations .

  19. 利用Lyapunov递推控制方法,设计了满足输入状态稳定条件以及干扰抑制的鲁棒控制器,且系统可为任意相对阶。

    In virtue of the Lyapunov recursive design method , a robust controller is designed which can ensure the system to be input-to-state stability and the disturbance is also attenuated .

  20. 把肉贮藏在高c02气压条件下可以抑制革兰氏阴性菌,其结果是乳杆菌在数量上占优势。

    Storing meat in a high CO2 atmosphere inhibits gram-negative bacteria , resulting in a population dominated by the lactobacilli .

  21. 在有闪锌矿存在的条件下亚硫酸盐抑制黄铁矿的机理

    Mechanism of Pyrite depression by sulphite in the presence of sphalerite

  22. 受力条件恶化严重抑制着软岩巷道支架支撑能力的发挥。

    Poor loading condition will severely limit the supporting capacity of the supports in soft strata .

  23. 通过设计特殊的温场以及在生长结束后采用适当的热条件有效地抑制了相变的发生。

    The phase transition was effectively suppressed by adopting special temperature distribution and after growth heat treatment .

  24. 过去的一些研究显示在其他条件下受抑制的自身调节可经过度通气恢复。

    Previous investigations in several other conditions have demonstrated that impaired autoregulation can be restored by hyperventilation .

  25. 有关条件推理的抑制效应的大多数研究主要从规则理论、心理模型理论和概率理论进行解释。

    The problem space model proposed by Zhang qinglin can made a more reasonable explanation of the suppression effect .

  26. 不同覆盖方式能改善土壤水热条件,有效抑制水分的流失,提高水分利用率。

    Different mulching methods can improve soil water and heat condition , effectively stop loss of water and increase WUE .

  27. 适当地控制变形条件,可抑制孔洞的扩展,从而能提高合金的延伸率。

    The propagation of the cavities can be controlled and thus the ductility of the alloy can be increased by suitably controlling the deformation conditions .

  28. 研究了广义系统带最坏初始条件和干扰抑制的奇异线性二次优化问题。

    The problem of singular linear quadratic ( LQ ) performance with the worst initial condition and disturbance rejection for rectangular descriptor systems is considered .

  29. 与此同时,让政府部门将重点放在以下两个方面:为在尽可能大的范围内实现充分就业创造条件,同时抑制通胀;消除微观层面上的扭曲现象。

    Meanwhile , let governmental authorities concentrate on securing conditions for as near as practicable full employment without inflation and removing distortions at the micro level .

  30. 在视听信息干扰抑制研究中,不一致条件进行干扰抑制,其反应时显著长于一致条件。

    In the audio-visual information inhibition study , incongruent conditions required subjects to interference inhibition , and the reaction time of incongruent conditions was significantly longer than the congruent conditions .