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  1. 如果你喝得酩酊大醉,也许你就成了“三条风中凌乱的帆绳”(threesheetstothewind)。这一习语来自于适度拉紧的船帆。

    If you are very drunk , you may be " three sheets to the wind . " The phrase comes from having a ship 's sails properly fastened .

  2. 没钩多少条,风太大了!

    Not much . it 's too windy then .

  3. 大规模非并网风电的应用,是一条探索风电多元化发展之路。

    The application of large non-grid-connected wind power is multi-directional development way to explore a way of wind power .

  4. 采用频谱表示法,仿真得到了作用在合肥电视塔上的与塔高竖向相关的19条脉动风荷载时程样本。

    With the spectral representation method , 19 samples of fluctuating wind load are simulated considering the vertical co relation .

  5. 建立了垂直运输机这一新型的混凝土提升机械的风振计算模型,采用计算机模拟的方法,得到了10条脉动风荷载抽样;

    Analysis model of a vertical transportation machine , which is a new kind of concrete lifting machinery , is established for the wind-induced vibration . Ten fluctuating wind load samples are attained through computer simulation .

  6. 提出了利用B样条曲线构造风机叶片中线的新方法:以叶栅平面内特定的6个点作为控制点构造3段三次均匀B样条曲线,构成一种新型的叶片中线模型。

    A method of designing the central curve of fan blade using B-spline curves is presented : Controlled by 6 special points specified within the cascade , three segments of uniform cubic B-spline curves are constructed and then constitute a prototype of the desired central curve .

  7. 包围热源环形条缝送风房间热分布规律初探

    A primary study on the heat distribution pattern inside conditioning or ventilating room caused by air flow through annular slot around a heat source on the floor

  8. 一个用于高温冷藏库及通风空调系统条缝均匀送风管道设计计算的简化公式

    Simplified Formula of slot uniform supply Air Duct Design calculation in High Temperature Cold Storage and Air Conditioning System

  9. 三种方案中经过改进的条缝型送风方案更能满足送风均匀性的要求。

    The improved the slot air supply of three kinds of schemes can better meet the requirements of uniformity of the blower .

  10. 而当海陆风环流和城市热岛环流发展到一定阶段并在城市上空叠加时,使近地面水平风速增大,并在上海地区形成三条明显的水平风辐合带。

    When the sea-breeze circulation ( SBC ) and the heat-island circulation ( HIC ) develop adequately and interact each other over the urban , such interaction intensifies the sea-breeze velocity and generates three horizontal convergent zones in Shanghai .

  11. 汽车密封条、火车密封条、采暖风管、三元乙丙胶条、橡胶配件、塑料制品、铝合金压铸件等。

    Automotive sealing strip , sealing strip trains , heating duct , EPDM tape , rubber accessories , plastic products , such as aluminum alloy die castings .