
  1. 不管别人觉得你有多怪多离奇,都要坚持自己的本色。

    Be yourself , however strange and weird that may be .

  2. 不管看上去有多怪,这动物是真实的。

    The animal , however improbable it might seem , was a real one .

  3. 选的时间多怪!

    What an odd time to choose !

  4. 多怪哪!当我走到门口时,那儿竟没人。

    How curious ! When I went to the door , no one was there !

  5. 列侬牙齿拍卖这件事是要多怪就有多怪,所幸最后的买家是一位牙医,这可能是最不让我们感到奇怪的地方了。

    Of all the weird aspects of the John Lennon tooth auction , we suppose that a dentist being the winner makes the most sense .