
  • 网络Multimedia Communication Systems;Packet-based Multimedia Communication Systems
  1. 在多媒体通信系统中引入代理服务器,使其成为Server-Agents-Users系统,并用对策论的Stackelberg理论研究该系统。

    Agents server is introduced into the multimedia communication systems , and the systems are called Server-Agents-Users multimedia communication systems . It is studied by using Stackelberg strategy of game theories .

  2. 323网上多媒体通信系统等。

    323 multimedia communication systems .

  3. 出现了很多的多媒体通信系统,如多媒体会议系统、视频点播系统等,这些系统在IP网络上提供点对点及多点的多种媒体通信业务。

    These systems have provided many kinds of point-to-point multimedia communication services on IP networks .

  4. SIPIP多媒体通信系统的地址翻译

    Address Translation of SIP in IP Based Multimedia Communication System

  5. 基于SIP协议的IP网络多媒体通信系统的研究与实现及其应用

    Research , Realization and Implementation of IP Multimedia Communication System Based on SIP

  6. IPSec联动的安全多媒体通信系统研究

    Research of Secure Multimedia Communication System Based on IPSec

  7. CATV网上多媒体通信系统

    A Multimedia Communication System on the CATV Network

  8. 基于H.324标准的GPS远程多媒体通信系统的实现

    Implementation of GPS Long - distance Multimedia Communication System Based on H.324

  9. H.323多媒体通信系统的组成和运作

    Composition and Operation of H.323 Multimedia Communications Systems

  10. H.323多媒体通信系统正获得越来越广泛的应用。

    The application of H. 323 multimedia communications systems is becoming more and more widespread .

  11. H.323多媒体通信系统安全技术

    Security Technologies of H.323 Multimedia Communication System

  12. 323协议是ITU-T制定的基于分组交换网的多媒体通信系统标准,它是一个框架协议,与之配套使用的还有H。

    323 protocol , Packet-based multimedia communications systems , was mapped out by ITU-T.

  13. 基于NetMeetingSDK的多媒体通信系统开发技术

    Developing Multimedia Communication System with NetMeeting SDK

  14. 90年代中期以来,Internet的飞速发展对电信业产生了巨大而深远的影响,基于分组交换网络的多媒体通信系统逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。

    From the 90 's middle period , the fast development of Internet takes great effect on the telecommunication trade , and multimedia communication system based on the packet switching network becomes the focus of people 's concern .

  15. IP多媒体通信系统分别在媒体会话控制层、媒体数据承载层和内容语义层引入P2P技术。

    An overlay network of distributed multimedia communication system is therefore constructed.P2P technologies are introduced into IP multimedia communication system on media session control layer , data transportation layer and content semantic layer respectively .

  16. 信息点播有桌上多媒体通信系统和交互电视ITV。

    The information selection and broadcast has on the table the multimedia communications system and interactive television ITV .

  17. W-CDMA无线多媒体通信系统设计考虑

    W-CDMA Wireless Multimedia Communication System Design

  18. 使用该策略能够有效地保证多媒体通信系统中各种业务的QoS要求,优化配置有限的系统资源,提高资源的利用率。

    The strategy can be used to guarantee the required quality of service ( QoS ) of various calls in multimedia communication system , optimize the available resource in the system , and improve resource utilization .

  19. 介绍移动多媒体通信系统的底层无线网络和一个重要标准WAP协议,给出支持移动多媒体通信的中间件的网络体系模型。

    The bottom of the wireless network system and a important standard & WAP protocol are also introduced , the network model for the middleware of supporting mobile multimedia communications is given .

  20. 在民用领域,基于ADSL、LAN的可视电话、3G多媒体通信系统、图像监控等系统,也是以图像处理平台为基础的。

    In civil domain , systems like based on ADSL , LAN system and so on videophone , 3G multimedia communications system , picture monitoring , also similarly take the picture processing platform as the foundation .

  21. 323和RTP协议,运用多线程技术设计并实现了一个多媒体通信系统,并在实验室局域网进行测试,对系统通信流程和通信性能进行了分析。

    Based on H.323 and RTP , a multimedia communication system is designed and implemented by using multithreading technology . And for analyzing communicating process and performance , it is tested on local area network .

  22. 正交频分复用(OFDM)具有较高的频谱利用率、可以提供更高的信息传输速率以及较好的抗多径衰落的能力,因此很适合未来的高速无线多媒体通信系统。

    Since Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) has a higher utilization rate , can provide a higher transmission rate for information and can effectively resist the multi-path fading of wireless channels , OFDM is well suitable to the future high data rate wireless multimedia communications .

  23. H.323标准制定了无服务质量保证的分组网络上的多媒体通信系统标准,为基于网络的通信系统定义了4个主要组件:终端、网关、网闸和多点控制单元。

    The H. 323 standards specify the packet-based multimedia communication system standards with non-guaranteed Quality of Service and define four major components for the communication systems based on network , that is terminal , gateway , gatekeeper and multipoint control unit .

  24. 论文首先分析了基于VoIP多媒体通信系统的技术原理,并根据其网络组成的特点,引入了网络管理系统,通过对其的分析与研究,提出了网络管理系统的设计方案。

    Firstly , this article analyses the technique theory of the VoIP multimedia telecommunication system . Then according to the characters of network component , the network management system is introduced , and at last the design project of network management system is put forword after analysis and research .

  25. 在H323协议规定的多媒体通信系统的基础上,提出了具有三层结构的新一代电话网络体系。

    Based on the multimedia communication system specified in H.323 standard , presented the new generation telephony system network with three-layer architecture .

  26. 近年来,国际电信联盟针对这方面的应用制定了ITUT120和ITUT130系列建议和草案,提出了多点多媒体通信系统的模型和结构。

    In recent years , some new recommendations were proposed by the ITU , such as the T120 and T130 serial , which defined the model and structure of the multimedia communication system .

  27. 世界各国都开始研究和开发这两种结合被称作无线宽带多媒体通信系统(WBMCS)的技术,从而真正实现全球信息村的梦想。

    It is a worldwide fashion for scientists and researchers to study and develop a new technology named WBMCS ( wireless wideband multimedia communication system ) which melts Internet technology and mobile communication technology . It can help human to realize a true global village dream .

  28. 移动多媒体通信系统的无线资源管理策略研究

    Research on Radio Resource Management Strategies for Multimedia Mobile Communication Systems

  29. 宽带无线多媒体通信系统中自适应调制技术的研究

    Research of Adaptive Modulation Technology on Broadband Wireless Multimedia Communication System

  30. 分布式多媒体通信系统中音频和视频同步算法

    The Audio and Video Synchronization Problems in the Distributed Multimedia Communication System