
  • 网络multiplicity
  1. 本文用多源模型(MultisourceModel)计算了高能强子-核碰撞的多重数高次矩。

    Higher moments of the multiplicity distributions in high energy hadron-nucleus collisions are calculated in the framework of the Multisource Model .

  2. 3.7AGev~(16)O-Em作用α射弹碎片多重数分布

    The Multiplicity Distributions of Helium Projectile Fragments Produced in ~ ( 16 ) O-Em at 3.7 A GeV

  3. 不需引入任何其它假定,就自然解释了Υ→3g三胶子碎裂末态重子多重数增高的重要特征。

    The important character of increment of the baryon multiplicity in Υ→ 3g fragmentation is interpreted naturally without any other assumptions .

  4. 计算了e+e-湮没与pp(p)反应过程的直生介子与重子多重数,与经验公式中的参数完全一致。

    In this paper the multiplicities of directly producted mesons and baryons in e + e - annihilation and pp ( p ) reaction are calculated and are in complete agreement with the parameter in the experienced formula .

  5. 并且理论上对Φ(pt)的起因并不明确,如起伏究竟是由单事件平均横动量和多重数关联n~n引起或由两粒子关联特别是玻色-爱因斯坦关联(BEC)效应引起。

    And many disagreements exist in the origin of the fluctuations even in the theoretical aspects , for example whether it comes from ( pt ) n ~ n or from Bose-Einstein Correlation ( BEG ) .

  6. 在很普遍的条件下证明了,当碰撞核不很轻,快度窗口不很窄时,多重数n的归一化矩近似等于参与碰撞核子数N的归一化矩。

    It is proved under very general conditions that , when the target mass is not extremely light and the rapidity window not very narrow , the normalized moments of the multiplicity are approximately equal to that of the number of participating nucleons .

  7. 但3种轻味夸克事例的平均带电粒子多重数近似相等,这与QCD强相互作用与味道无关的预言一致。

    But the final average multiplicities of charged particles seem to be equal in three kinds of light q 0 jet events , which shows that our results are consistent to the predictions of QCD , i.e. the strong interaction is irrelevant to the quark flavor .

  8. 利用400GeV/cpp碰撞多粒子产生的实验数据计算了QCD分支过程的熵指数,得到了非零值,熵指数随末态粒子平均多重数的减小而增大。

    The entropy indices of QCD branching process are calculated from the data of 400GeV / c pp collisions . The nonzero values of entropy indices are obtained . The entropy indices are increased with decreasing average multiplicity 's of the final states .

  9. 本文报告了12AGevα粒子与乳胶作用次级粒子多重数分布以及簇射粒子与重电离粒子之间的关联,得出随着簇射粒子数的增加,重电离粒子平均多重数也随着增加。

    The multiplicity distribution of charged secondary particles and correlation between sho - wer particles and heavy particles of alpha-particle interaction with nuclear emulsion at 12 A Gev are discussed . The results indicate the mean multiplicity of heavy particle increase with shower particle numbers .

  10. 通过运用蒙特卡罗方法,研究了熵指数对多重数分布的宽度和形状的依赖性,并和NA22实验结果作比较。

    The dependence of entropy index μ 2 on the width and shape of multiplicity distributions are studied in detail by using Monte Carlo method and comparing with the results from NA22 experiment .

  11. 不同能区核-核碰撞实验中高多重数,大起伏的事件性质的分析&与物理模型无关的统计分析

    Model-Independent Statistical Analyses of High-Multiplicity and Larger-Fluctuation Data in Different Energy-Ranges

  12. α模型中不固定多重数下的阶乘矩、粒子数关联矩

    Factorial Moments and Factorial Correlations in α Model for Non-Fixing Multiplicity

  13. e~+e~-湮没过程的多重数分布

    Multiplicity distribution in e ~ + e ~ - annihilation

  14. 其统计误差随多重数的增加而减小。

    The statistical errors of the result decrease as the multiplicity increase .

  15. 相对论重离子碰撞中的多重数分布与核的几何

    Multiplicity distribution and nuclear geometry in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

  16. 研究了固定多重数时的两粒子赝快度关联。

    Two-particle pseudorapidity correlations at fixed multiplicity have been studied .

  17. 多重数矩的能量依赖性与三火球模型

    Energy dependence of multiplicity moments and three fire ball model

  18. 宇宙质心参考系多重数和质心能量的关系

    The Relation between Center - of - mass - system Energy and Multiplicity

  19. 400GeV/cpp碰撞产生的带电粒子多重数分布

    Multiplicity distributions of charged particles produced in pp Collisions at 400 gev / c

  20. 多重数和质心能量的一种可能关系式

    A possible relation between multiplicity and center-of-mass energy

  21. 强子多重数分布对质量效应的依赖

    The Mass Effect Dependence of Hadron 's Multiplicity Distribution The Mass and the Weight

  22. 本文报告了在我国卫星回收核乳胶中发现的一个宇宙线的高多重数事例。

    A high multiplicity cosmic ray event observed in Chinese satellite emulsion is presented .

  23. 高能核-核碰撞多重数矩的能量、靶核和快度窗口无关性

    Independence of multiplicity moments on energy , target mass and rapidity window in nucleus-nucleus collisions

  24. 熵指数对多重数分布形状和宽度的依赖性的研究

    The Study of Dependence of Entropy Index on the Width and Shape of Multiplicity Distributions

  25. 200GeV/c的质子-核碰撞中产生粒子的多重数分布与能量亏损

    Multiplicity distributions of produced particles and energy loss in PROTON-NUCLEUS collisions at 200gev / c

  26. 不同快度窗口中带电多重数的奇、偶分布及归一化矩的能量依赖性

    Even-odd charged multiplicity distributions and energy dependence of normalized multiplicity moments in different rapidity windows

  27. 高能强子-强子碰撞中间歇程度对矩阶数、多重数和横动量的依赖性

    On the Moment-Order , Multiplicity and Transverse-Momentum Dependences of Intermittency in Hadron - Hadron Collisions

  28. 多重数和质心能量的关系

    The Relation between Center-of-mass-system Energy and Multiplicity

  29. e~+e~-对撞中夸克喷注强子化的多重数结构

    On structure of multiparticles in quark jets for e ~ + e ~ - colliding

  30. 高能核&核碰撞的灰粒子多重数,碰撞中心性和核内级联

    Multiplicity of Grey Particles , Centrality of Impact and Intranuclear Cascade in High Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions