
dìng zé
  • rule
定则 [dìng zé]
  • [rule] 说明事物之间的必然联系,且已经被公认为正确的规定或法则

  • 左手定则

定则[dìng zé]
  1. 奇异介子的G3宇称和共振态强衰变中的选择定则

    The g_5 parity of strange mesons and the selection rule in strong decay of resonance state

  2. 从Hückel分子轨道理论导出激发态周环反应的奇偶定则

    The derivation of the odd-even rule for excited state pericyclic reactions from h ü uckel molecular orbital theory

  3. 作为它的应用之一,我们证明了一个正规定则:设F为区域D内的全纯函数族。

    Suppose that F is a family of holomorphic functions in region D.

  4. α螺旋蛋白质分子Raman光谱的选择定则

    Selective rules for the Raman spectrum of α helical protein molecules

  5. Raman散射张量(作为统一张量)元的选择定则

    Selection Rules for Raman Scattering Tensor as Unified Tensor

  6. 假如V旋守恒,对奇异介子共振态强衰变中的某些选择定则给予了讨论。

    Suppose V-spin conservation , some selection rules in strong decay of resonance state of strange mesons are discussed .

  7. 如果根据上次课,我们阐明的原子光谱选择定则,我们就会知道在n等于1的那一层,有两种电子图像构型。

    So there are two electron configurations in the n equals one shell , if we follow according to the selection rules that we spelled out last day .

  8. 利用作者给出的α螺旋蛋白质分子体系哈密顿函数及能级结构,从理论上给出了该体系Raman谱的选择定则及合理的解释。

    In this paper , the choosing regulation of the Raman spectrum of α helical protein molecules is advanced on the basis of the Hamiltonian presented .

  9. 量子色动力学(QCD)求和定则在密物质的结果

    Result of QCD sum rule about dense matter

  10. 在具有自发放电的C(841)和Aδ(2279)单位中,α2受体拮抗剂育亨宾能阻断这些单位的自发电活动,而可乐定则使这些单位的放电频率增加;

    Yohimbine , α 2 antagonist , blocked the spontaneous discharges of C ( 8 / 41 ) and A δ ( 22 / 79 ) units , whereas clonidine increased the discharge frequencies of these units .

  11. Zipf定则及其广延在自然资源数量计算中的应用

    Application of Zipf theorem and its extension in quantitative calculation of natural resources

  12. 研究一维ZnO纳米棒体系中,具有不同跃迁选择定则的双光子吸收和单光子吸收诱导光致发光光谱,揭示一维ZnO纳米体系中的能带结构。

    To deeply reveal the energy band structure in well-aligned 1D ZnO nanorods , both one-photon - and two-photon-induced PL , with different transition selection rules , were performed in detail .

  13. 利用Montel关于正规族的定则,详细讨论了Julia方向的存在性。

    This paper use rule of normal variety of Montel , discuss exist of direction of Julia .

  14. 采用黄金定则方法和Kane六能带模型,分析了半导体中的量子干涉控制光生电流效应。

    Quantum interference control photocurrent in bulk semiconductors is analyzed using the Fermi golden rule and Kane six-band model .

  15. 首先对第一布里渊区中的高对称点A、KH、M,高对称线P、Δ求出该空间群的选择定则,在此基础上计算了的C-G系数。

    First the selection rules of this space are worked out in relation to the points of higher symmetry A. K. H and lines of higher symmetry P. Δ in the first Brillouin Zone .

  16. 但是,神奇的是,如果你还想用右手定则,却换了A和B的位置,如果你没有把自己弄残,那就是你的大拇指,肯定指反了方向。

    But , what happens is if you try to apply the right-hand rule but exchange the roles of A and B , then you will either injure yourself , or your thumb will end up pointing in the opposite direction .

  17. 同时说明了基夫(Zipf)定则广延的形式可以确定出各生态位空间的资源数量。

    The mathematically extending form deriving from Zipf rule is feasible to determine niche spatial resources quantitatively .

  18. 从而证明了在近共振条件下LO声子限制模仍遵从与非共振时一样的选择定则。

    And it is confirmed that the selection rules of near resonant Raman scattering from LO phonons in this kind of superlattices is the same as that of off resonant scattering .

  19. 得到一个亚纯函数的正规定则,推广了Bloch-Valiron关于重值的正规定则。

    Obtains a normality criterion of meromorphic function , which is an extension of Bloch-Valiron normality criterion .

  20. Montel正规定则的推广(英文)阐明要求的文件,这类文件称为规范;

    The Generalization of Montel Normality Criterion documents stating requirements ; such documents are referred to as specifications ;

  21. 根据XMCD求和定则计算得到的轨道磁矩和自旋磁矩分别是0.2490.195μB(玻尔磁子)和1.2301.734μB.随着膜厚的减小,Co原子的轨道磁矩增加,而自旋磁矩下降。

    Orbital and spin moments of 0.249 0.195 μ _B and 1.230 1.734 μ _B are found from XMCD sum rules . Increase in orbital moments and decrease in spin moments are observed with reducing cobalt film thickness .

  22. PWG玻璃陶瓷中的喇曼选择定则的失效及其态密度

    Failure of Raman Scattering Selection Rule and State Density in PbF_2 + WO_3 + GeO_2 Glass Ceramics

  23. 将分形方法引入区域经济系统中,从Zipf定则的理论出发,推导出Zipf公式是Hausdorff(豪斯道夫)维数的特例。

    Fractal method was introduced to study the regional economy systems . Based on Zipf theory , in was inferred that Zipf formula is a special case of Hausdorff fractal dimension .

  24. 气盘孤立波及其对星系旋涡结构和Titius-Bode定则的说明

    On Gaseous Solitons of A Two Component Disks and An Explanation to Spiral Structure of Galaxy and The Titius-Bode Rule

  25. 根据Hund定则,给出了直接用未满壳层电子数确定原子、离子基态的数学公式。

    According to Hund 's rules , we present a concise formula with which atomic or ionic ground state can be difined only by the electronic number of not filled subshell .

  26. 给出了微腔中原子在BEC状态下的波函数;并分析了微腔中决定玻色&爱因斯坦凝聚的稳定性因素及量子跃迁的选择定则。

    A wave function has been established for the atoms under the BEC conditions in the quantum cavity , and the factors having effect on the BEC stability in the quantum cavity and the rules for selecting quantum leaps are analyzed .

  27. 根据Jacobson理论及液体声速与分子自由程的关系,推导出有机混合液体声速与各组分声速之间满足的混合定则,并通过实验进行了验证。

    According to the Jacobson theory and the relationship between the ultrasonic velocity and the molecular free length in organic liquid , a multiple rule for the ultrasonic velocity in the mixtures of organic liquid is derived .

  28. 简化的普遍化Woodward-Hoffmann周环选择定则(SGWH定则)可适用所有类型周环反应。

    A simplified form of the generalized Woodward-Hoffmann pericyclic selection rule ( SGWH rule ) is universally applicable to the pericyclic reactions of all kinds .

  29. 漫谈楞次定律及右手定则的运用技巧

    On Lentz Law and Technigues of Application of the Right-hand principles

  30. 涉及齐次形式的亚纯函数族的正规定则

    A normal criterion of families of meromorphic functions with homogeneous form