
  1. 介绍了实物法确定工程造价的方法,并对现行定额单价法的不足作了分析,阐述了实物法确定工程造价的优越性,提出编制预算具体的工作步骤。

    The real object method is introduced for project cost determination . With analysis on the disadvantages of current norm unit price method the advantages of the real object method are elaborated as well as concrete operation in budget making .

  2. 企业定额的所有单价都实行动态管理。

    All unit price of the unit quota must carry out dynamic management .

  3. 公路工程无定额变更项目单价的合理审定

    How to Reasonably Review and Approve Unit Price for Unrated Variable Items in Road Project

  4. 振动切槽成墙施工定额的拟定及单价分析

    Unit Price Analysis and Draft of Wall Construction Quota by Vibrating Grooving

  5. 现行水利工程定额中人工预算单价的缺陷及改进建议

    Drawbacks of Labor Budget Unit Price and Improvement Suggestions in Present Water Conservancy Project Quota