
  1. 以专家系统的理论与方法为指导,利用统一建模语言(UML),探讨了水电安装工程预结算专家信息系统的建模过程与开发方法。

    Based on the theory and method of expert system , the author discusses the modeling processes and developing methods of expert information system for engineering balance of water and electricity installation in advance , by using UML .

  2. 对开展工程预结算审计的几点看法

    Some idea about making audit to engineering settle accounts in advance

  3. 工程预结算审核方法的探讨

    The Examine Method that the Engineering Budget and Balance of Accounts

  4. 济钢新上工程预结算审查中的问题

    Problems of Engineering Budget and Settlement Examination in New Project at Jigang

  5. 应用电子表格软件建立园林绿化工程预结算系统

    Applied Spreadsheet to Establishment of Landscape Engineering Budget Making System

  6. 编制工程预结算控制工程造价

    Compile the Budget and Settlement Control the Cost of Project

  7. 仿古建筑及园林工程预结算软件系统研制开发

    Development of Budget Software for Pseudoclassic Architecture & Landscape Engineering

  8. 认真做好工程预结算编审工作是控制造价的有效保证。

    Budget and balance are effective means for controlling the construction cost .

  9. 编制准确工程预结算应注意的几个环节

    Some Key Links Should Be Paid More Attention in Compile of Construction Budget

  10. 谈对工程预结算质量的管理与控制

    Formulized The Methodology Of Pre - settlement Control

  11. 结合自身实践,就工程预结算的审核,提出以下几种审核方法。

    How to carry on auditing work in budget and settlement of construction engineering ;

  12. 浅谈内业在工程预结算中的作用

    Function Of Indoor Work In Engineering Balance

  13. 浅谈施工组织设计与工程预结算自适应智能型空间网架节点的自动化设计、预结算统计和软件开发

    Construction Procedure Design And Engineering Budget Automatic Design Software System for Smart and Self-adaptive Space Trusses

  14. 如何把工程预结算搞好,提高结算的含金量,显得尤为重要。

    How the Construction Budget do a good job , improve settlement of gold content , it is particularly important .

  15. 把好安全、质量两个关口;抓住工程预结算、施工进度和资金管理三个环节。

    The two aspects are safety and quality and the three links are grasping construction budget , building progress and fund management .

  16. 施工组织设计在施工全过程乃至工程预结算中占有重要地位,它不仅仅是起组织施工,指导生产的作用,在客观上已成为经济管理工作中不可忽视的非常重要的组成部分。

    Construction procedure design is important in the construction and engineering budget . It is also an important component of economy management work .

  17. 分析了基建维修预结算审计的特点,阐述了加强基建维修工程预结算审计的措施,指出正确有效的审计方法能够达到事半功倍的效果。

    This paper expounds the factors influencing the audit law enforcement and punishment , and puts forward some countermeasures for strengthening the audit law enforcement and punishment .

  18. 本文主要从建筑工程预结算常见问题出发,并就其存在的问题应采取的一些措施进行了分析,以供同行参考。

    This text close from construction work common problem set out , should take on the question that its exists in advance mainly some measure go on it analyse it is consult counterpart not to for .

  19. 提高建筑工程造价预结算审查质量的方法与途径分析探讨

    Analysis of Approaches to Improve the Quality of Construction Cost Examination

  20. 关于工程造价预结算审核问题的探讨

    Discuss on problems in financial check of project cost

  21. 论工程项目预结算管理方法

    On management method of construction project budget and balance

  22. 安装工程的预结算是招投标的重要基础,也是合理确定安装工程造价的重要依据。

    The budget of installation project is an important basis for bidding process , it 's also an vital reference to determine installation cost .

  23. 县级电网工程CAD及预结算系统的设计

    Design of Electricity Power Network CAD and Budget Making System

  24. 浅谈工程造价的预结算审核

    A Tentative Discussion on the Budget and Balance Auditing of Construction Costs

  25. 浅谈现场工程签证在预结算中的重要作用

    Discussion on Important Role on-site Project Visa in Budget and Final Account

  26. 摘要工程造价的预结算审核是合理确定工程造价的必要程序及重要手段。

    The budget and balance auditing of construction cost is necessary procedure of ensuring construction cost reasonably .

  27. 房地产估价,工程项目评估,工程造价咨询,工程预结算编制与审核,工程建设监理。

    Estimation of real estate , appraisal of project , consultation of engineering cost , engineering budgeting and examination and construction supervision .

  28. 浅谈灰场土坝土方工程量计算中的变化因素与工程预结算关系

    Discussion on variation factor with relation to the engineering budget and settle account in the calculation of the coal ash site earthwork quantity of the earth dam

  29. 针对工程造价中普遍存在的一些问题,阐述了工程造价的审核内容,提出了工程造价预结算审核的几种方法。

    In this paper , some items to be verified in project budget according to the existing problems were described , and several methods for project budget and settlement verification were put forward .