
  1. 实验平台的主体是由一个CCD(chargeCoupledDevice)工业摄像机和一个线激光发射器组成的线结构光视觉传感器。

    The platform mainly includes a CCD ( Charge Coupled Device ) industrial camera and a laser which constitute a line structured-light vision sensor .

  2. 该方法采用激光斜射到待测钢板侧面上,用工业摄像机将被测板上的激光光斑成像于CCD靶面。

    This method uses laser beam oblique incidence to the test side of plate , and the laser spot of tested plate will be imaged to CCD target surface by industrial video camera .

  3. 工业摄像机几何畸变校正控制点的自动生成

    Automated Generation of Control Points for Geometric Rectification of Industrial Lens Camera

  4. 工业摄像机自动聚焦系统设计

    The Design of the Auto - focusing System of the Industrial Video Camera

  5. 另一幅是瓶高图像,由工业摄像机沿水平方向对着瓶子的上半部拍摄而得,用来检测瓶子的高度是否合格。

    Another is the bottle tall image screened by the vidicon facing to the top part of the bottle , which is used to detect the height of the bottle .

  6. 一幅是瓶口图像,由工业摄像机垂直对着瓶口拍摄而得,用来检测瓶口的内径、外径和瓶子的垂直度是否合格;

    One is the bottle mouth image screened by the vidicon facing perpendicularly to the bottle mouth , which is used to detect the inside radius and outside radius of the bottle mouth , and perpendicularity of the bottle .

  7. 在焊接条件下,用工业摄像机获取的焊缝的实时图像中常含有各种干扰信息,导致传统的图像边缘检测的方法很难准确地检测出焊缝的边缘。

    Under welding condition , it is much noisy in weld seam image that is obtained by industrial camera in real time . It is difficult to detect the edges of weld seam correctly by using traditional image edge detecting method .

  8. 工业电视摄像机在钢管质量检测中的应用

    Testing Internal Surface Quality of Steel the Tubes by an Industrial TV Camera

  9. 其中视觉子系统的硬件组成包括三轴精密运动平台、工业数字摄像机和远心镜头。

    Vision subsystem includes three DFO motion platform , industrial digital camera and telecentric lens .

  10. 采用工业智能摄像机系统作为装置的核心处理部件,处理速度快,可靠性高,能够准确地识别出铁路沿线的断、合标志,并控制最佳的断、合时间。

    An industrial intelligent camera is adopted as the kernel processor of this device , which can perform high processing speed with reliability . The device can recognize the make-break signs along railways and control the optimal make-break time .

  11. 工业视觉系统中摄像机定标策略问题

    The Camera Calibration Strategy in Industrial Vision System

  12. 在工业中,电视摄像机用在人难以到达或对人有危险的地方监视生产过程。

    In industry , television cameras are used to watch processes in places where it would be difficult or dangerous for a human to be present .