
  • 网络Industrial Park Planning;planning of industrial park
  1. 生态工业园区规划建设方法初探

    Discussion on Methods of the Planning and Construction of Eco-industrial Park

  2. 苏州工业园区规划信息系统的开发与应用

    Development and application of the planning information system in Suzhou Industrial Park

  3. 工业园区规划建设与城镇发展&以胶州市为例

    The Planning and Construction of Industrial Park and Town Development

  4. 城市工业园区规划的经济全球化背景研究

    A Study on the Economic Globalization Background of Planning for Urban Industrial Parks

  5. 生态适宜度评价在工业园区规划环评中的应用

    Ecological Suitability Assessment of the Industrial Park in the Plan Environmental Impact Assessment

  6. 吉安市吉州工业园区规划设计与思考

    Design and consideration on the planning of Ji'zhou industrial park in Ji'an city

  7. 生态工业园区规划及其案例分析

    The Planning of Eco-industrial Park and Its Case Analysis

  8. 关于工业园区规划环评思路和内容的探讨

    Discussion on the strategy and contents of the industrial park planning environmental assessment

  9. 生态工业园区规划研究&以天津子牙循环经济产业区规划为例

    Eco-industrial park planning study : a case study of Tianjin Ziya recycling economic Park

  10. 都市型工业园区规划研究

    Research on Planning of Urban Industrial Park

  11. 工业园区规划与建设若干问题的探讨

    On Planning and Constructing of Industrial Parks

  12. 现代工业园区规划与研究&浅谈苏州工业园区的规划

    Plan and Research on modern industrial parks & elementary introduction to planning of Suzhou Industrial Park

  13. 本文的研究内容是生态工业园区规划研究的一个方面,主要包括产品体系规划与物质集成。

    In this dissertation , product system planning and mass integration of an EIP are researched .

  14. 北屯生态型工业园区规划思考我国高校设施规划设计与工业工程

    CONSIDERING OF THE " ECO - INDUSTRIAL PARKS " PLANNING Planning of Campus Facilities and Industrial Engineering

  15. 工业园区规划布局的发展程度,直接影响了工业园区的经济发展,从而也对区域经济和社会发展带来一定影响。

    The development levels of programming layout not only affect the economics of the industrial parks directly but also have an influence on the regional economics and society .

  16. 第二章梳理、综合了国内外生态工业园区规划建设所用到的循环经济、清洁生产等相关理论,并介绍了相关实践。

    Chapter two comprehensively emphasizes the recycling economy , clean production and other related theories used by the domestic and international eco-industrial park development , introduces the relevant practice .

  17. 城市公共利益与工业园区规划方法探索&以上饶市高新区控制性详细规划为例

    An Investigation into the Urban Public Interest and the Suzhou Industrial Park Area Plan Method & A Case Study on Shangrao High and New Technological Development Zone Control Detailed Plan

  18. 河南新乡工业园区规划面积26平方公里,重点发展化纤纺织、机械装备、汽车零配件、化工等产业。

    Henan Xinxiang industry zone , with the planned area of26km2 , mainly develops the industries of chemical fiber and textile , machinery equipment , auto components and chemical industry .

  19. 通过保护原始地貌、重视规模林地建设、开拓绿色经济、实施适应气候的生态策略和保留原状生态环境等措施,具体而切实地阐述了在工业园区规划中重视发展与生态保护的协调均衡观念。

    This article describes the protection of primitive morphology , valuing grand scale of woodland developments , the green economy and puts into practice the ecosystem strategy and the reservation of original environment and also emphasizes the balance between the development and the protection of industrial park .

  20. 通过勘探和土工试验揭示肇庆高新技术产业开发区沙沥工业园区规划道路所在区域的地质状况,分析其软弱土层工程力学性质,并提出有效的软基处理措施,可供类似工程参考。

    Based upon investigation and soil test the regional geological conditions of road works in Shali industrial park in Zhaoqing Hi-Tec Development Zone are introduced . Through analysis of the engineering mechanical properties of soft soil layer effective treatment measures are proposed , which provide good references for similar works .

  21. 有关该工业园区的规划由中国核工业集团公司(ChinaNationalNuclearCorp.,简称:中核集团)和中国广东核电集团(ChinaGuangdongNuclearPowerGroup)共同拟定,是中国实现能源多样化、满足日益增加的清洁能源需求而发展核电的努力之一。

    Plans for the park were developed by China National Nuclear Corp. and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group , and were part of China 's push to expand nuclear power among ever-growing demand for more and cleaner sources of energy .

  22. 基于物流优化的循环经济工业园区路网规划研究

    Circular Economy Industrial Park Road Network Planning Based on Logistics Optimization

  23. 生态工业园区的规划设计与可持续发展

    Plan and design and sustainable development of ecological industry park

  24. 将循环经济理念融入工业园区的规划建设中已成必然。

    To apply the Circular Economy conception into industrial district planning is necessary .

  25. 生态工业园区的规划与设计研究

    Research on Planning and Designing of ECO-industrial Park

  26. 工业园区的规划建设对城市的可持续发展起到了至关重要的作用。

    Planning and construction of industrial parks play a crucial role in a city 's sustainable development .

  27. 对现有工业园区进行规划调整,完善功能,实现向生态型园区转型。

    It readjusts the existing industrial parks and improves their functions so as to transform them into ecological parks .

  28. 为此,国家环境保护总局环境规划院对包头钢铁(集团)公司进行了生态工业园区建设规划研究,从循环经济的角度进行了方案设计和规划,本论文是该研究的基础上完成的。

    Therefore , Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning have researched on the planning and building of eco-industry park for Baotou iron and steel co.

  29. 本文探讨了我国生态工业园区建设规划的原则、步骤及方法,生态工业园区的选址和景观设计,生态工业园区的工业共生系统构建和管理服务。

    In this paper , there are the discussion on the principles , steps , methods , location , landscape , management and the like of the programming for Eco-Industrial Park construction in China .

  30. 新兴的工业园区在规划建设中应遵循一定的发展规律,而循环经济体现在区域层面即是中循环,这也正是现代工业集成的发展趋势。

    A new industrial district has to follow a standard in its planning and constructing . And the Circular Economy means medium circular in a district , which also presents a trend towards a modern industrial connection .