
  • 网络Industrial gasoline;non-leaded gasoline
  1. 对模型汽油和真实汽油及构成工业总汽油的烷基化油、FCC汽油和重整油等主要炼厂汽油组分的各种掺和物的水容忍度进行了定量。

    Water tolerances were quantified for a variety of blends in model and actual gasolines , as well as in major refinery streams & alkylate , FCC gasoline , and reformate that make up commercial gasoline pools .

  2. 车用工业乙醇汽油的发动机台架试验研究

    Study on the Ethanol Gasoline by Engine Bench Test

  3. 汽车X奖基金会执行董事唐纳德。福利表示,这次比赛活动的赞助人希望汽车工业摆脱靠汽油驱动汽车的局面。

    Automotive X Prize Executive Director Donald Foley says backers of the competition want to move the industry away from vehicles that rely on petroleum-based fuels .

  4. 大气中的铅来自工业污染或含铅汽油,可以通过在农作物植株上的沉积污染食品。

    Atmospheric lead from industrial pollution or leaded gasoline can contaminate food through deposition on agricultural crop plants .

  5. 随着汽车工业的发展,汽油车燃油蒸发污染物的排放已成为亟待解决的问题。

    With the development of automobile industry , the emissions of fuel pollutant evaporated from gasoline automobile are the questions which must be settled immediately .