
  • 网络engineering pipeline;utilities pipeline
  1. 哈依煤气工程管线GPS测量及数据处理

    GPS Survey and Data Processing for Harbin-Yilan Gas Engineering Pipeline

  2. 介绍哈依煤气工程管线GPS控制网的布设、施测及观测数据处理,总结了长距离导线型GPS控制网布设的可能性与经验。

    The establishment survey and observing data processing of GPS control network for Ha-Yi gas engineering pipeline is introduced . The possibility and experience of establishing GPS network for long distant traverse shape are summarized .

  3. 市政工程管线综合CAD系统的研究与实现

    Study and Realization of Comprehensive CAD System of Municipal Engineering Pipelines

  4. 市政工程管线综合CAD系统中最重要的部分是数据模型,数据模型的好坏决定了CAD系统的优劣。

    The most important part of the pipeline 's synthesize CAD system in municipal engineering is the data model . The quality of the data model decides the quality of the CAD system .

  5. 运用改进的BP神经网络方法进行实时建模预报,并针对上海某深基坑工程管线沉降进行预报,与实测值对比分析反映地下管线变形的动态特性。

    Meanwhile , an improved BP neural network was established to make real-time modeling prediction . According to a deep foundation case in Shanghai , the results of comparison show the dynamic characteristics for the deformation of underground pipelines .

  6. 市郊度假风景区工程管线的综合规划

    Comprehensive planning of utilities pipelines in holiday resort of city outskirts

  7. 城市工程管线综合设计无线与有线综合系统设施

    Integrated design for subgrade piping system radio and wire integration

  8. 略论城市道路工程管线的综合规则原则

    On General Programming Principle of Engineering Pipeline in Urban Road

  9. 浅谈小区工程管线的综合设计和施工

    Discussion on the general design and construction of engineering pipeline in district

  10. 建筑小区工程管线综合研究

    Research on synthetic operation of engineering pipeline in residential areas

  11. 地理信息系统在城市工程管线综合规划中的应用

    Application of geography information system in pipeline comprehensive planning of urban engineering

  12. 市政工程管线综合设计概述

    Summary of the Comprehensive Design of the Municipal Pipeline

  13. 城市工程管线综合规划问题的探讨

    Probe into Comprehensive Planning Problem of Urban Engineering Pipeline

  14. 印度东气西输工程管线施工自动焊焊接工艺

    Automatic Welding Procedure in Pipeline Construction of India East to West Gas Project

  15. 加强城市工程管线的规划与管理

    Strengthen the Planning and Management of Urban Pipelines Engineering

  16. 建筑小区室外工程管线综合的探讨

    Integration of outdoor pipeline engineering in one residential zone

  17. 本文介绍中海石油平台制造公司在海南气体处理厂主体工程管线、管件及设备保温所采用的施工工艺。

    With site supervision of ARCO engineers , China Offshore Oil Platform Fabrication Company has made significant improvements in the project .

  18. 公用工程管线仍然沿用与1950年相同的线路,映衬出田园风光的几分永恒。

    Reflecting a kind of permanence appropriate for this farming landscape , the utility lines occupy the same alignments they did in1950 .

  19. 对中小城市地下工程管线管理工作作了初步的探讨,提出了一些措施与建议。

    The paper makes a preliminary discussion of the management of underground piping and lining in large and medium cities and proposes some measures and suggestions .

  20. 城市工程管线综合设计综合管廊与传统管线辅设的经济比较&以中关村西区综合管廊为例

    Integrated design for subgrade piping system Cost Comparison of Pipeline Utility-tunnel with Traditional Tube-based Pipeline & Taking the Pipeline Utility-tunnel of West Zone of Zhongguancun for the Example

  21. 系统地介绍了城市地下工程管线综合规划的主要内容、依据和原则,同时对城市地下工程管线普查工作的重要性进行了阐述。

    This paper systematically introduces the main contents , accordance and principles of comprehensive planning of urban underground engineering pipeline , and expounds the significance of the general investigation of urban underground engineering pipeline .

  22. 分析了小区市政工程管线配套施工中存在的问题,论证了综合管沟引入小区的可行性。

    In this paper the problems existed in pipeline 's auxiliary construction in municipal works are analyzed , at the same time the feasibility of utilizing integral trench to change the current situation is discussed .

  23. 介绍了我国当前螺旋埋弧焊管制造焊丝焊剂的匹配情况,分析了西气东输工程管线钢管制造中气孔产生的原因。

    It introduced the consistent match between weld wire and weld flux in present manufacturing process of spiral submerged arc welded pipe in China , also analyzed the causes of pores produced in manufacturing process of welded pipe applied into " From West to East " pipeline project .

  24. 本技术可为今后类似隧道工程的管线检测提供较好的借鉴。

    This technique of pipeline detection can provide reference for the similar projects in future .

  25. 地铁建设工程地下管线探测项目管理经验探讨

    Discussion on Managing Experience of Underground Pipeline Finding Item in the Project of Subway Construction

  26. 本文通过对各种管线分类、分析,提出了管线保护的具体措施,来解决市政工程中管线问题。

    The paper according to classify , analysis , bring up specific measures to solve the question of pipe-line in the municipal works .

  27. 本文对海南气体处理厂主体工程中管线试压的检验方法和结果的记录作了总结性介绍;并对管线压力试验提出几点建议。

    This paper gives a summary introduction to the inspection processes and result records in the piping test in the Hainan gas processing plant , and also makes some suggestions on the piping test .

  28. 内撑式基坑工程周围地下管线的性状分析

    Behavior analysis of buried pipeline response to nearby excavation pit with braced retaining structure

  29. 上海引水工程过江管线抗震分析

    Earthquake Response Analysis of Buried Water Supply Pipeline across the River of Diversion Works in Shanghai

  30. 为保障管线资源管理的健康发展,提出了不同工程情况下管线资源的管理流程。

    To protect the healthy development of resources management , proposed resources management processes in different project case .