
  • 网络Supply chain;supply system
  1. 需求环节的管理层会捕捉销售点顾客购物行为的信息,然后把信息再反馈给供应环节。

    Demand-chain management captures information on consumer behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain .

  2. 福特在英国的员工总数大约在1.5万人,还要再加上1千多人在供应环节的员工。

    In the UK , Ford employs around 15000 workers overall plus thousands more in the supply chain .

  3. 在这种形势下,商品供应环节需要企业与供应商共同协作才能有效的确定商品供应范围和数量。

    In this situation , the commodity supply chain needs cooperation of enterprises and suppliers that will effectively work together to determine the scope and quantity of supply about goods .

  4. 在备件分类管理、库存管理模式及备件供应环节和管理流程上,结合计算机辅助技术,形成优化管理模式。

    In the classified management of spare parts , inventory management mode , supply chain , management process and their integration with computer aided design form a mode of optimization management .

  5. 为了进一步挖掘降低产品成本和满足客户需要的潜力,企业开始将目光从管理企业内部生产过程转向产品生命周期中供应环节和整个供应链系统。

    To further tap the potential of lowering products cost and meeting client needs , the eyes of enterprise change from managing the production process within the enterprise to throughout the supply chain .

  6. 本文从医用耗材供应商评审、采购、验收、仓储及养护等供应环节上介绍了医疗机构如何规范医用耗材供应质量管理及应注意的问题。

    How to standardize the quality management of the medical disposable materials and attentive problems are introduced in the supply process , such as checkup of suppliers , purchase , storage and maintenance in this paper .

  7. 随着全球竞争的加剧,经济的不确定性增大,人们开始将目光从管理企业内部生产过程转向产品全生命周期中的供应环节和整个供应链系统。

    As the global competition becomes violent and the augment of economic uncertainty , the supply section in the whole lifecycle of the product and the supply chain system are paid more and more attention to than the production process in the enterprise .

  8. 协同电子商务的焦点是面向供应商和客户,通过增加与主要供应商的联系,强化相互之间信息的沟通和一致性,改善供应环节的流程和效率,提高企业的核心竞争力。

    The focus of the Collaborative E-business is facing to the supplier and the customer and increasing the competition power by increasing the contact with the main suppliers , enhancing mutually information communication and the consistency , improving efficiency of the supply link .

  9. 与更具竞争力的供应商形成战略联盟关系能使企业在多个方面表现提升,如降低供应环节的风险,通过供应商的参与降低成本,不断地提升产品质量实现零缺陷等。

    And more competitive suppliers can form a strategic alliance to enhance corporate performance in many aspects , such as reducing supply chain risk , through the participation of suppliers reduce costs and continuously improve product quality and to achieve zero defects and so on .

  10. 但是,国内钢铁企业的物资供应环节却不能满足集团化经营的要求,其中信息不畅和管理模式落后是企业物资供应存在的根本问题,必须用先进的信息技术和管理模式加以解决。

    But in the domestic iron steel company , material supply cannot meet the requirement of grouping management . The slack information and the behindhand management schema are the essential problems existing in material supply of enterprise , and must be resolved through information technology and advanced management schema .

  11. 随着清洁能源政策的推行,CNG车载瓶作为燃气汽车能源供应主要环节,与之相关的机加工技术成为学术界关注的焦点。

    With the implementation of clean energy policies , CNG cylinder bottle as an important link of the gas car in energy supply , the associated machining technology gradually become the focus of academia and the automotive industry .

  12. 加强液化石油气贮运、供应等环节的安全管理

    Strengthening Safety Management of Storage , Conveyance and Supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas

  13. 本论文就制造商和供应商在物料供应运作环节的协调和优化进行了深入的研究。

    The paper studies the coordination and optimization of materials supply between manufacturer and the suppliers .

  14. 这其中,有很大一个原因就是假冒伪劣药品等进入流通市场,尤其是在供应链环节。

    Among these , there is a very significant reason is counterfeit drugs enter the circulation market .

  15. 超市实行一体化经营,进一步优化生鲜供应链环节,降低流通和经营成本;

    Supermarkets should implement integrated management to further optimize fresh food supply chain and bring down costs in marketing and management ;

  16. (到餐厅购买龙虾的这一步时,价格就已经抬高一些了,因为要加上供应链环节的费用,包括码头费、经销商或批发商的分成以及工厂加工成本。)

    ( By the time a restaurant buys lobster , its price has gone up as the supply chain can include wharf fees , a cut for dealers or wholesalers and processing-plant costs . )

  17. 营运资金涉及到企业采购、生产、销售、供应各环节,是企业资产重要的组成部分,生产循环中可长期占用的资金,对企业正常经营和发展发挥重要作用。

    Working capital is referred to each cycle of an enterprise , such as material procurement , production and product sales . Working capital is a significant element of enterprise assets and can be occupied in the long-term during the production .

  18. 同时,个性化的订阅和筛选信息,使用户在庞大的信息洪流中能迅速各取所需,把整个供应服务环节串成一个整体。

    At the same time , the personalized subscription and filtering information mechanism , allow users to get what they need in the information massive flood quickly , stringing the whole services sectors of the logistics supply chains together as a whole .

  19. 零部件供应物流环节是汽车生产的重要保证,汽车整车厂与零部件供应商通过建立供应商管理库存合作机制,可以减少存货量,提高存货周转率;优化业务流程,带来节约成本的好处。

    Parts supply logistics chain is an important guarantee of the automobile production , through the establishment of vendor managed inventory cooperation mechanism , automobile factory and parts suppliers can reduce inventories and improve inventory turnover , optimizing business processes , cost-saving benefits .

  20. 对于处在发展阶段的中国企业来说实施精益生产的过程是漫长而艰辛的,若要取得成功必须坚持不懈地运用精益理论消除企业产品工艺设计环节、生产制造环节及物流供应链环节中存在的浪费。

    For in the development stage of Chinese companies to implement lean manufacturing process is long and hard , if you want to succeed must unremitting ground apply lean theory eliminate enterprise product design and manufacturing process , production links existed in logistics supply chain link of waste .

  21. 医疗供应链流通环节安全隐患分析&以心脏支架为例

    Analysis on Healthcare Supply Chain Security Risk & The Case of Coronary Stent

  22. 加强供应室的环节管理、控制和预防院内感染

    Enhance the Management of Supply Department to Control and Prevent the Internal Hospital Infection

  23. 问题在于,富士康卡在高速竞争的电子供应的中间环节。

    The trouble is , Foxconn is stuck in the hyper-competitive middle of the electronics supply chain .

  24. 输变电是电力供应的中间环节,输变电工程项目也是直接影响电力供应的因素。

    Power transmission link between the powers supplies , power transmission project is also directly affect the electricity supply factors .

  25. 物流配送是连接生产与消费的一种中介服务,也是物资供应的重要环节之一。

    Logistics distribution is intermediary service between production and consumption . It is an important step of materials supply too .

  26. 集装箱码头作为海、陆运输的连接枢纽,是国际供应链各环节中最重要的物流节点。

    Container terminal which is the hinge between sea-transportation and land-carriage is the most important logistics node in all taches of international supply chain .

  27. 禁止行政机关违反国家规定擅自设立煤炭供应的中间环节和额外加收费用。

    Administrative departments shall be forbidden to set up intermediate agencies for coal supply and charge extra fees in violation of State regulations and without authorization .

  28. 但目前我国果蔬供应链各个环节都存在着比较突出的质量安全问题。

    Presently , however , there are most serious problem of quality and safety on the every section of fruit and vegetables supply chain in China .

  29. 实施目的在于为D公司所在供应链各个环节的客户提供高质量的服务,提高D公司的核心竞争力。

    The purposes of this system is to enhance the service and the operation , to boost up the core competing power of the D company .

  30. 但其大多数研究主要集中在供应链单个环节的库存研究上,对于集成式供应链整体的库存研究比较少。

    However , research on inventory problem mainly focuses on a single sector of a supply chain , and few paper has studied integrated supply chains .