
  • 网络nuclear heating reactors
  1. 核供热堆换料优化设计研究

    Study of reloading optimization design for nuclear heating reactors

  2. 核供热堆注硼系统喷射泵的特性研究

    Characteristics of using a jet pump for a boron injection system in nuclear heating reactors

  3. 200MW核供热堆两相流密度波不稳定性实验的Shannon信息熵特性研究

    Shannon Entropy Characteristics of Two-phase Flow Density Wave Instability Experiments for 200 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  4. 200MW核供热堆非线性模型的动态分析

    Dynamic analysis of nonlinear model of 200 MW nuclear heating reactor

  5. 200MW供热堆堆芯结构抗震试验模型设计的若干问题

    Some problems of aseismic test model design of NHR-200 core structure

  6. 结合10MW核供热堆海水淡化系统,分析了闪蒸器蒸汽发生系统的特点。

    This paper analyses the use of a flash evaporator in the steam generation system of the NHR-10 nuclear seawater desalination plant .

  7. 在某些地区,选建100MW池式供热堆在经济上也是有利的。

    In some areas , choosing 100 MW reactor probability is better .

  8. 200MW核供热堆的固有安全性

    The Inherent Safety Features of 200 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  9. 200MW低温供热堆容积补偿器仿真

    Simulation of Volume Compensator in 200 MW Low-Temperature Heating Reactor

  10. 200MW核供热堆功率调节系统设计原理

    Design Principle of Power Regulating System for 200 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  11. 利用模拟退火算法对200MW供热堆堆芯核设计的优化

    Loading pattern optimization for NHR 200 MW using simulated annealing

  12. HR-200供热堆水力驱动控制棒系统运动研究

    Kinematic study on hydraulic control rod driving system for HR-200 heating reactor

  13. 200MW核供热堆海水淡化系统经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Sea water Desalination System for 200 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  14. 5MW核供热堆的水化学实验研究

    Experimental research of water chemistry for 5 MW nuclear heating reactor

  15. 大庆200MW核供热堆安全级构筑物的设计基准龙卷风

    Design basis tornado for nuclear safety structures of 200 MW nuclear heating reactor in Daqing

  16. 实验参数范围包括了200MW核供热堆微沸腾工况运行的参数。

    The range of experimental parameters covers those of the district heating reactor 200 MW .

  17. 5MW核供热堆报警系统的改进

    Improvement of Alarm System for 5 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  18. 200MW低温核供热堆研究进展及产业化发展前景

    Development Progress and Prospect for lndustrial Application of the 200 MW Low Temperature Nuclear Heating Reactor

  19. 200MW供热堆乏燃料的贮存

    Spent Fuel Storage for 200 MW

  20. 5MW核供热堆高欠热沸腾的特性研究

    Characteristic study of highly subcooled boiling in the 5 MW nuclear heating reactor

  21. 2×200MW核供热堆供热系统经济性问题探讨

    A Study on the Economic Effect of Heat Supply System with 2 × 200MW Nuclear Heat Supply Reactor

  22. 5MW低温核供热堆的研制和运行特性

    Development of the 5 MW Experimental Low Temperature Nuclear Heating Reactor and its Operational Features

  23. 5MW低温供热堆挤水器作用的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Coolant Containers on the 5 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  24. 在200MW核供热堆(NHR-200)水力学实验回路(HRHTL-200)上完成了NHR-200燃料组件进口阻力特性实验研究。

    The Experiment is carried out on the 200 MW heating reactor hydraulic test loop ( HRHTL 200 ) .

  25. 200MW核供热堆余热排出系统排热能力及其影响因素分析

    Heat Removed Ability and Its Influencing Factors Analysis on Residual Heat Removed System of 200 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  26. 5MW核供热堆动态过程不稳定性研究

    A study on the instability of the dynamic process in a 5 MW nuclear heating reactor

  27. 200MW核供热堆堆芯燃料元件盒冷却剂出口温度测量方法实验研究

    Experimental Study on Measurement Method of Exit Temperature of Coolant of Fuel Assembly in Core of 200 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  28. 200MW核供热堆(NHR-200)燃料组件定位格架主要由条带、围带及角部片簧组成。

    The spacer grid of the 200 MW nuclear heating reactor ( NHR 200 ) consists of inner strips , outer strips and corner springs .

  29. 在5MW低温供热堆热工水力学实验台架HRT-5上,以水为工质,进行了低压自然循环两相流流型及流型对密度波不稳定性影响的实验研究。

    An experimental study on two-phase flow pattern in the riser of low pressure natural circulation system was performed .

  30. 建立高精度的容积补偿器仿真模型是实现200MW低温供热堆全系统仿真的重要环节。

    The establishment of the simulation model of the volume compensator is significant for the simulation of operation of 200 MW low-temperature heating reactor .