
dòng lì duī
  • power reactor
动力堆[dòng lì duī]
  1. 动力堆辐照元件中钚及超钚核素的测定

    The determination of contents of plutonium and trans plutonium nuclides in spent fuel elements of nuclear power reactor

  2. 基于Windows环境的动力堆核材料数据库计算机管理系统

    The nuclear material database management system for power reactor for windows

  3. 色层分离-原子吸收/火焰光度法是为分析测定动力堆元件、UO2粉末和芯块中痕量Li、Na、K和Cs而研究建立的标准分析方法。

    An analytical method for the determination of Li , Na , K and Cs in uranium dioxide is developed .

  4. 本文采用MCC-1静态浸出实验方法对动力堆模拟高放废液钛酸盐陶瓷固化体浸出影响的因素进行了研究。

    The leaching behavior of titanate ceramic waste form is very complex .

  5. 用磷酸锆-磷钼酸铵复合交换剂从动力堆元件废液中提取~(137)Cs的研究

    Studies on recovery of ~ ( 137 ) cs from waste solution of power reactor fuels with zirconium phosphate & ammonium phosphomolybdate complex inorganic ion exchanger

  6. IDMS法测定核动力堆辐照元件中裂变产物~(148)Nd

    Determination of Fission Product Nuclide ~ ( 148 ) Nd in Irradiation Element of Nuclear Power Reactor by IDMS

  7. 应用自行研制的全反射X射线荧光光谱仪样机,建立了核动力堆(PWR)乏燃料元件不溶残渣化学成分测定方法。

    The analysis method of chemical composition of insoluble residue of spent PWR fuel has been developed by using a self-made prototype of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer .

  8. 10MW高温气冷实验堆(HTR-10)属于研究堆类型,但又具有小型核动力堆的运行模式;

    MW high temperature gas-cooled reactor ( HTR-10 ) has both features of research re-actors and operation model of power plants .

  9. 本文研究了HNO3-Hg(NO3)2淋洗法去除动力堆元件后处理过程废气中的碘。

    The removal of radioiodine from nuclear fuel reprocessing off-gas by HNO_3-Hg ( NO_3 ) _2 scrubbing was studied .

  10. 动力堆乏燃料后处理厂钚产品与MOX元件制造的接口问题

    The interface between Pu product of pressure water reator spent fuel reprocessing plant and MOX fuel fabrication

  11. 用改进的TRPO流程进行了从动力堆核燃料后处理高放废液模拟料液中去除锕系元素的串级实验验证。

    The modified TRPO process for removing actinide elements from synthetic solution , which was taken from reprocessing of power reactor nuclear fuel , was verified by cascade experiment .

  12. 低活化铁素体/马氏体钢(RAFM钢)被普遍认为是未来聚变示范堆和聚变动力堆的首选结构材料。分解示范;

    The Reduced Activation Ferritic / Martensitic ( RAFM ) steel is considered as the primary candidate structural material for DEMO and the first fusion plant , and widely studied in the world .

  13. NPDMC程序可以计算各种类型的研究性反应堆和动力堆中的管道、束孔和缝隙的中子通量、能谱、剂量率和γ光子通量及剂量率等。

    This program can calculate the following : flux , energy spectral , dose ration of neutron and flux , dose ration of photon in pipe , beam hole , gap for research reactor and nuclear power reactor shielding design and analysis .

  14. 核动力堆辐照燃料燃耗的辐照史校正方法

    Irradiation history correction method of burnup of the nuclear power reactor

  15. 第二核纪元与核动力堆发展前景

    The Second Nuclear Era and the Prospects of Power Reactor Developments

  16. 核动力堆燃料元件溶解过程中碘的去除

    The removal of iodine in the dissolution process of nuclear power fuel

  17. 国外核动力堆工作人员的职业性照射

    Review of occupational exposure for nuclear power plant workers in foreign countries

  18. 铀氢化锆元件小型动力堆应用可行性分析辐照二氧化铀燃料元件氢化锆慢化反应堆系统

    Feasibility Analysis for Application of Compact Power Reactor Fuelled with Uranium Zirconium Hydride

  19. 动力堆乏燃料组件燃耗的非破坏性分析

    Non-destructive assay methods for the burn-up measurement of power reactor spent fuel assemblies

  20. 动力堆核材料数据库管理计算机系统

    Computerized nuclear material database management system for power reactors

  21. 水冷动力堆用锆合金的疲劳

    Fatigue of Zirconium Alloys Used in Light Water Reactor

  22. 动力堆核燃料后处理过程废气中碘的去除的研究&吸附放射性碘用的附银硅胶的制备和筛选

    Study on removal of radio-iodine from off-gases of nuclear fuel reprocessing of power reactor

  23. 文章介绍动力堆燃料燃耗测定中样品的溶解方法。

    A dissolution method of sample for determining burn-up of power reactor fuel is described .

  24. 动力堆的年非计划停堆次数是衡量其运行性能的一个重要指标。

    Unplanned outage times per year is an important indicator of operation performance for power reactor .

  25. 脉冲堆燃料的安全特性及其在小型动力堆中的应用

    The Safe Character of Fuel for Pulsed Reactor and Its Utilization in the Compact Power Reactor

  26. 文章叙述了动力堆核材料数据库管理软件的开发成果。

    The software packages for nuclear material database management at power reactors are de-scribed in the paper .

  27. 从动力堆核燃料后处理强放废液中提取镎的模拟试验研究

    Simulation study of the extraction behavior of neptunium from high active reprocessing liquid waste of power reactor fuel

  28. 随着核电事业的发展,动力堆乏燃料后处理引起了人们的广泛关注。

    With the development of nuclear energy , the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel has aroused more and wide attention .

  29. 核动力堆辐照后的核燃料元件中铀和钚的测定方法

    A Review of the Metnods for the Determination of the Uranium and Plutonium in the Post-irradiated Nuclear Fuel Elements of Power Reactor

  30. 概要综述了用无源和有源非破坏性分析技术测量动力堆乏燃料组件燃耗的基本原理、方法和实验装置。

    The principles , methods and equipments of burn-up measurement for power reactor spent fuel assembly using passive and active techniques are described .