
  • 网络animal flight
  1. 根据动物飞行尺度律,确定了样机设计参数;

    On the foundation of animal flight scaling rule , the design parameters of the prototype are worked out .

  2. 中国的一名农民之前曾发现了一种长着蝙蝠翅膀的恐龙化石,现在有关该化石的研究将对动物飞行的演化等具有启示。

    A bizarre new dinosaur with bat-like wings has been discovered by a farmer in China and is now helping to shed new light on the evolution of flight .

  3. 重点研究了动物扑翼飞行机理,为研制仿生扑翼飞行机器人设计提供了理论依据。

    The flapping-wing flight mechanism of animal is investigated in particular , and the results provide a theory foundation for developing BFAR .

  4. 鸟类和昆虫是陆生动物中具有飞行能力的两类动物。

    Birds and insects belong to two different kinds of land living things with flying capabilities .

  5. 而仍需达成一致的是,它们是如何从陆地动物过渡到飞行动物的。

    How they made the transition from the land to the sky , though , has yet to be agreed .

  6. 我们需要对生活在也叮咬灵长类动物的蚊子的飞行范围之内的人类进行筛查,从而弄清楚他们是否容易感染这种灵长类寄生虫。

    We need to screen humans who live in flying range of mosquitoes that also bite primates , to establish whether they are susceptible to the primate parasites .