
  • 网络Dynamic stability
  1. 建立回归模型,反算出下面层(AC-25)动稳定度控制指标。

    Though establishes the actual road surface wheel rut depth model , dynamic stability target of lower course ( AC-25 ) was obtained .

  2. 沥青混合料动稳定度计算方法的分析与研究

    Calculation Methods Analysis of Asphalt Mixture Dynamic Stability

  3. SBS改性沥青软化点与混合料动稳定度关系的研究

    Relationship between softening point of SBS modified asphalt and dynamic stability

  4. 同时结合Burgers模型的粘弹性参数,推导了采用粘弹性参数计算车辙动稳定度的计算公式。

    Combined with burgers viscoelastic model parameters , derived with rutting dynamic stability formul based on the viscoelastic parameters .

  5. 利用正交试验分析方法得出对车辙试验中动稳定度DS、车辙深度RD影响程度为:荷载>温度>厚度;

    And using of the orthogonal method , the influence on the dynamic stability ( DS ) and rut depth ( RD ) is load > temperature > thickness .

  6. 在MATLAB上分别采用多种算法对VMA和动稳定度模型进行了训练,利用神经网络的泛化能力,得到所需要的预测数据。

    The VMA and the dynamic stability model were trained by some algorithms on MATLAB . we got our prediction data needed by using the generalized ability of neutral network .

  7. 研究认为,沥青胶结料Burgers模型中的η1及沥青混合料Burgers模型中的η1与轮辙试验的动稳定度有很好的相关性,可以用来评价沥青及沥青混合料的高温稳定性。

    It is proved that η 1 of asphalt binder and asphalt mixture can be used to assess the high temperature stability and they have a good relationship with the DS of rutting test .

  8. 总结了极端高温气候下北方地区沥青路面典型破坏特征,获得了基质沥青、SBS、CMA结(混)合料极端高温条件下的车辙因子、蠕变劲度、动稳定度和抗剪参数。

    The typical damage features of north asphalt pavement which suffer extreme high temperature climate have been summarized . The rut factor , creep stiffness , dynamic stability and shear parameter of base asphalt , SBS and CMA binders and mixtures were obtained .

  9. 论述了改性沥青的性能及SBS改性沥青混合料在呼绥高速公路上的应用,并通过车辙试验的动稳定度及浸水马歇尔试验的残留稳定度对SBS改性沥青混合料性能进行评价。

    Discussion is made on the performance of the modified asphalt and on its application of SBS modified asphalt mixture in Hulan-Suihua Expressway . Through the stability in high temperature of vehicle cuts experiment and the degree of dynamic stability of Marshall submerge experiment its performance is evaluated .

  10. 沥青砼动稳定度和相对变形指标的研究

    The comparative research of asphalt mixture dynamic stability and relative deformation

  11. 沥青混合料动态蠕变模量与动稳定度的关系

    Correlation of Dynamic Creep Stiffness Modulus with Dynamic Stability of Asphalt Mixtures

  12. 沥青混合料动稳定度试验的分析

    Analysis of Dynamic Stability Test for HMA High Temperature Performance

  13. 动稳定度数据处理方法研究

    A Study on Method Data Processing for Dynamic Stability

  14. 车辙动稳定度适用范围及纠偏方法试验研究

    Experimental Research on Applied Scope of Dynamic Stability and Method of Error Correction

  15. 纤维沥青混合料最佳纤维掺量与动稳定度计算模型

    The Optimal Fiber Content & Dynamic Stability Calculation Model of Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Mixture

  16. 三相对称电力系统短路时动稳定度校验条件的计算

    Calculation of checking conditions for dynamic stability three-phase and symmetric power system being shorted

  17. 通过对稳定度、动稳定度分析表明:稳定度与沥青膜厚曲线均呈驼峰形状,具有明显的峰值;

    Experiential result showed that the stable and asphalt film thickness curve was hump shape .

  18. 车辙试件成型质量的优劣直接影响到动稳定度数值的大小。

    The quality of rut sample manufactured by present method directly impacts on dynamic stability .

  19. 依据全厚度车辙试验和标准厚度车辙试验结果,对比了动稳定度和辙槽深度差异,并分析了其形成的原因,为全厚度车辙试验提供了理论支持。

    We compared the differences between the total thickness and the standard thickness and supplied theory support for the total thickness test .

  20. 通过车辙试验,以动稳定度为指标来评价沥青混合料的高温稳定性。

    Through wheel rutting test , the value of dynamic stability is used to analyze the high temperature stability of asphalt mixtures .

  21. 现行路面材料设计中,沥青混合料的高温稳定性通过车辙试验的动稳定度参数进行控制。

    High temperature stability of asphalt mixture is controlled through the dynamic stability parameters of rutting test in the design of current pavement materials .

  22. 本文将粘弹性理论和人工神经元网络应用于车辙试验动稳定度的预估。

    In the paper , viscoelastic theory and ANN ( Artificial Neural Network ) are applied to estimate DS and draw the curve of deformation .

  23. 受冰胀和冻融作用的影响,排水性沥青混合料的车辙深度明显增加,动稳定度略有下降。

    Influenced by ice expanding and freezing / thawing cycle , rutting depth of porous asphalt prominently increases , however the dynamic stability slightly decreases .

  24. 水泥用量越高,乳化沥青冷再生混合料的动稳定度、冻融劈裂强度比越大,低温破坏应变越小。

    The higher amount of cement , emulsified asphalt cold-recycling mixture has better dynamic stability , freeze-thaw splitting strength ratio and smaller low temperature failure strain .

  25. 其次,本文分析了现有车辙试验评价指标的优缺点,根据车辙试验数据分析动稳定度指标和相对变形率指标的准确性。

    Second , analyzed the advantage and disadvantage of the using rut evaluating index , evaluated the veracity of dynamic stable degree and relative distortion ratio .

  26. 本文通过车辙试验讨论了衡量沥青砼热稳性的两个指标:动稳定度和相对变形。

    This paper discusses the two indexes , dynamic stability and relative deformation , that evaluate the high temperature stability of the asphalt mixture by rutting test .

  27. 试验结果表明,再生料的动稳定度要高于普通沥青混合料,不同的级配类型高出的幅度不同。

    Testing result indicated that the dynamic stability of recycled mixture is higher than that of common asphalt mixture , to which the different grading types offer differently .

  28. 与沥青混合料动稳定度的比较分析表明:纯黏性稠度克服了我国现有高温指标不适宜评价改性沥青的缺点,可以作为沥青的高温指标。

    As compared with the dynamic stability of asphalt mixture , the visco-consistency is an effective index to describe the high-temperature performance because it can be used to evaluate modified asphalt .

  29. 试验研究及数值分析结果表明,改性沥青的针入度、软化点、粘度等指标与车辙因子之间存在良好的相关性,软化点、车辙因子与混合料的动稳定度之间亦存在良好的相关性。

    Based on the test results and numerical analysis , it was shown that there was fine relativity between the parameters including penetration , softening point , viscosity of modified asphalt and the rutting factors ;

  30. 车辙试验较好地模拟现场应力状态、简单实用,车辙试验的变形量和动稳定度值逐渐成为抗车辙能力的重要标准。

    The wheel tracking test perfectly simulate the field stress status , simple and applicable . The deformation and DS ( Dynamic Stability ) of the wheel tacking test are becoming the criterion of rutting resistance .