
  • 网络action shot
  1. 基于morphing合成慢动作镜头的算法研究

    Morphing-based Algorithm for Making Slow Motion

  2. 这部科幻大片以其电脑制作的特技和令人眼花缭乱、接连不断的动作镜头而闻名。

    The science-fiction blockbuster is known for its computer-generated special effects and dazzling , non-stop action sequences .

  3. 这是科比的最佳动作镜头,在他还年轻,壮志满怀欲在联盟打出一番名堂的时候。

    This is the best action shot of Kobe Bryant , when he was young and dedicated to making noise in the league .

  4. 那个年代技术不允许动作镜头,但这些照片是在战斗之中捕捉。所以,战争的讽刺可能最好是通过纸笔才能被表现的淋漓尽致。听听下面这段录音,1890年阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生在读他自己著名的诗《轻骑兵的冲锋》。

    The technology didn 't allow for action shots , but the images captured the moments between battles.So , the folly of war was probably best articulated with the pen and paper.Listen to this , an 1890 recording of Alfred Lord Tennyson himself reading his famous poem " The Charge of the Light Brigade . "

  5. 系统主要包括镜头边界检测、镜头分类、慢动作回放镜头检测和生成视频概要四个部分。

    The proposed framework includes 4 parts which are shot boundary detection , shot classification , slow-motion replay shot detection and video summarization .

  6. 我们一起看了他在“埃德。萨利文秀”中的表演,当表现他下身动作的镜头被切换以避免我们看到不雅的场面时,我们都笑了起来。

    We watched his legendary performance on The Ed Sullivan Show together , and laughed when the cameras cut off his lower body movements to protect us from the indecency .

  7. 故事情节串联板通过对动画镜头时间长度,角色镜头内动作,镜头数量及如何切换等元素的指示来控制着动画的步伐。

    Storyboards dictate the pace of the animation by determining how long each shot is , what the character does in that shot , how many cuts there are in a scene , and so forth .

  8. 它渗透在剧本、动作、镜头剪辑和声音各个制作环节中,没有节奏,影视艺术就没有情节的起伏跌宕,也没有色彩的冷暖对比,更没有人物的生动感人。

    Rhythm permeates the script , action , camera and sound clips in various production areas . No rhythm , there is no plot ups and downs in visual arts , no contrast between warm and cold colors , no more the vivid and moving characters .

  9. 他们将射门动作用慢镜头放映。

    They showed the goal in slow motion .

  10. 本系统能输出足球比赛中慢动作回放的镜头和足球比赛中的关键事件。

    Playback The system can output two types of summaries which are all slow-motion segments in a game and all highlight events in a game .

  11. 慢镜头中的世界总会显得更加精彩,即使是最无聊的事也可能变得像是动作片的精彩镜头。

    Reality always look better in slow motion . Even the most humdrum events can seem like the most dramatic moment of an action film .

  12. 动作的压缩与延展&香港动作片的两极镜头语言

    The Lens Language Study of Hongkong Action Movies