
  • 网络retaking
  1. 所以在你即不用躲避签名搜集爱好者,也不用跑剧院的时候,你随时准备着为可能的EP2补拍镜头,盼望着EP3的开拍?

    So when you 're not running from autograph seekers , or running a theatre , you 're on call for possible Episode II pick-up shooting and looking forward to Episode III ?

  2. 2011年12月22日,影片拍摄完成,2012年一月又进行了补拍。

    The shoot finishedon December 22 , 2011 , with additional shots filmed in January 2012 .

  3. 泰勒劳特纳:本来是拍了两天,后来又用了一整天补拍。

    LAUTNER : Two days originally to film it , and then a full day of reshoots .

  4. 大多是不涉及主要演员的任何内容——譬如动作场景,或者补拍镜头。

    Mostly anything not involving the principal cast - like action scenes , or pick up shots .

  5. 《无限战争》为迪士尼和漫威电影公司带来了超过20亿美元的票房收入,并在本月初,也完成了补拍的场景。

    Infinity War grossed more than $ 2 billion for Disney and Marvel Studios , and wrapped additional photography earlier this month .

  6. 76集的中文版《甄嬛传》将被改编成6集的迷你电视电影和13集的美版电视剧,重新制作电视配乐,中国电视明星孙俪补拍甄嬛晚年生活的镜头。

    Based on the 76-episode drama in the original Chinese version , the six-episode TV movie and 13-episode American drama reproduced the TV music and retook the shots of the life in old age of the main character Zhen Huan , presented by Chinese popular TV star Sun Li .