
  • 网络Covering;COVER;substitute;paratope
  1. 这个队在选位和补位方面确实存在问题。

    The team did have problems in their positional play and covering .

  2. 这意味着他能够把精力全放在抢断及一对一对抗上,因为他知道有斯克特尔及阿格帮忙补位。

    It meant he could fully commit to tackles and one-on-ones while knowing there was cover from Martin Skrtel and Daniel Agger .

  3. 由于大型航空公司放弃了乘客较少的路线,一些较小的飞机正在加紧补位。

    As major airlines give up less-traveled routes , smaller planes are picking up the slack .

  4. 同种猪血清及加热灭活补位的人血清不溶猪细胞。

    Syngenic normal pig serum and heat-inactivated serum were not cytotoxic .

  5. 你为什么没有补位在他后面?

    Why weren 't you backing him up in there ?

  6. 我在机场待命可能有后补位吗?

    Can I stand by at the airport for a possible opening ?

  7. 社会称谓语的缺位现象及其补位形式研究

    A Study on the Absence Phenomenon of Social Address Forms and Supplementary Forms

  8. 主场防守的主要问题是后场队员的个人对抗能力不强、防守补位和协防的意识差;

    The major problem of defence in home-match was that backs ' personal defensive ability not strong , etc ;

  9. 政府在公共话语空间的补位既是公共对话的要求,也是政府管理的需要。

    Participating in the public discourse space for government is not only the public dialogue request , also is the need of government management .

  10. 第三方网上支付作为我国信用体系缺位下的补位产物受到各方的关注,关注的焦点集中在其使用风险方面。

    As the substitute of credit system , which is lacked in our country , has been concerned by the society and focused on its risk .

  11. 他可以在防守上补位五个所有位置,尽管保持在移动较快的后卫的面前,他并不像你想的那样好。

    He can switch across all five positions on defense , though he is not as good as you 'd think at staying in front of quick guards .

  12. 昨天的中场布斯克斯经常因为左路压上而去补位,这么一来斯内德就算是哈维的人了。

    Busquets , the left central midfielder was always going to be drawn to the near side of the goal from a left-wing attack , so Sneijder was probably Xavi 's man .

  13. 正确的角色定位就是要知道自己该做什么,先做什么,不做什么,以及如何补位。

    It is knowing " what should do oneself ", " what is done first " that the correct role makes a reservation , not " doing anything ", and how to " mend the location " .

  14. 第二个球很不走运,因为是个越位。一次传球失误让对方把球得到,但当时正在中线四周的科尔无人补位无法阻止科特里尔的传球,赫斯基随即将球打入网内。

    The second goal was unlucky because it was offside and Heskey netted following a mis-hit , but Cole was unable to stop Cotterill 's cross and he had no cover as he got into trouble on the halfway line .

  15. 护面块体为混凝土准脆性材料,预制过程中存在一些连接部位较弱的现象,且在外荷载作用下易发生谐振、摇滚、坍塌补位、脱位撞击等导致混凝土拉应力及压碎破坏。

    Armor blocks are concrete quasi-brittle material . During prefabrication , their joints are sometimes a little weak , and external loads may not only result in resonance , roll , collapse , collision and so on , but also lead to tensile stress and crushing .

  16. FFT补零充位问题的补充

    A supplement to filling zero in FFT

  17. 求补舍入并行和位长自适应整数转浮点数电路设计

    Circuit of converting integer to floating-point and its performance of complementing and rounding in parallel and adaptation of bit length itself