
  1. 不,丹尼。你要双脚站立。

    No , Danny . Stand on your feet , please .

  2. 你必须自己靠自己的双脚站立起来。

    You have to stand on your own two feet .

  3. 艾扬格说:‘双脚站立,去感受你的双脚’。

    Iyengar was , like , ' Stand on your feet . Feel your feet .

  4. 不可以跳舞、走路、跑,甚至仅仅是靠双脚站立都不可以。

    Having no ability to dance , walk , run , or even stand on two feet .

  5. 三:不许在人类视线范围内双脚站立

    And No. 3 : Standing on two legs is only permitted when humans are nowhere in sight

  6. 其他站着办公的员工也用各种技巧来避免一天中多数时候要双脚站立的辛苦。

    Other stand-up workers use tricks to not be bothered by being on their feet most of the day .

  7. 据说,野人是一种体型较大、全身长毛、能像人一样双脚站立行走的动物。

    The Yeti is said to be a large , hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being .

  8. 真正有竞争力的企业可以依靠自己的双脚站立,而无需纳税人隐性扶持这张安全毯。

    Genuinely competitive businesses can stand on their own two feet , they do jnot need a safety blanket of implied taxpayer support .

  9. 我是一名兼职收银员,59岁年轻,有困难的6至8小时,我的双脚站立。一天。

    I am a part-time cashier , 59 years young , and have trouble standing on my feet for6 to8 hrs . a day .

  10. 其中一只叉开双腿,骄傲地双脚站立以一副强者姿态看向镜头;另一只则身体向前倾,以便挤进镜头。

    one stands proudly in a power pose with her feet wide apart , while the other leans forward to make it into the shot .

  11. 在一棵树上,一根细树枝和另一根细树枝之间可能相隔很宽,所以走不是一个好的选择。但是,每一根小树枝上都有足够的空间让双脚并排站立,所以似乎应该跳跃。

    Perhaps there is wide space in a tree between one thin branch and the next , so walking is not a good choice , while on each small branch there is enough room to set both feet down side by side , so hopping seems to make sense .

  12. 双脚分开站立,与肩同宽,缓慢下蹲,背部挺直。

    Standing straight with your feet shoulder – width apart , slowly lower your body , back straight .

  13. 其中一种是强势型站姿——双脚分开站立,并配上一些手势。

    One was a power pose , in which their feet were wide apart and they gestured with their hands .

  14. 双脚平行站立,屈膝下蹲,迈出右脚。

    Starting off with your feet parallel , you are going to bend your knees . Turn your right foot out .

  15. 研究表明,人们认为女性采用典型的男性站姿(双脚分开站立与肩同宽)时更具领导风范。

    Research shows that women are more likely to be viewed as leadership material when they adopt a typically male posture , with their feet planted shoulder-width apart .

  16. 虽然,地球离月球相去甚远,然而太阳距离我们双脚所站立的土地更加遥远。

    Although the earth is far away from the moon , yet , the distance between the sun and the ground we settle feet on is even further .

  17. 如何做:双脚并立站立,抬起左腿,脚趾翘起,将身体重量放到站立的右腿上。

    How to do it : Stand with the feet together , and lift up the left leg with a pointed toe , putting your body weight onto the standing , right leg .

  18. 来自公共演讲培训公司UKBodyTalk的共同研究人理查德•纽曼建议,双脚应分开站立与肩同宽,站立过程中避免身体乱晃。

    Co-researcher Richard Newman , of public speaking training company UK Body Talk , recommends standing still , with feet shoulder-with apart .

  19. 内森博士走下飞机,感到双脚在沙地中站立不稳。两人热烈握手。

    Dr. Nathan stepped from the aircraft , finding his feet uncertainly in the sand .