
  • 网络dual screen;Double Screen;dual LCD;LT-W
  1. 软件开发采用J2EE开发平台,一机双屏方式。

    In this system , J2EE platform and the model of a computer with dual screen were utilized .

  2. 另一处独特功能在这边,就是双屏功能,能让用户既能浏览网页,同时也能观看视频。

    Another function that 's unique to the Note 10.1 is this right here , it is a dual screen function that allows you to check out a web page , maybe cnn.com , or at the same time , checking out a video .

  3. 基于双屏吹气偶的现场K型参考温度传感器设计

    Design of In-situ K-type Standard Temperature Sensor Based on Two-shielded Blowing Thermocouple

  4. 基于CPLD的双屏结构液晶控制器的研究与设计

    The research and design of double screen LCD controller based on CPLD

  5. 另外,开发者还可以在应用中加入iPhone6Plus处于横屏模式时即可激活的双屏界面。

    Developers can now add a two-pane view to apps , activated when you rotate the iPhone 6 Plus into landscape mode .

  6. 装配误差衰减双屏十字环FSS传输特性研究

    Effect of fabrication error on FSS transmission performance attenuation of double screen cross loop slot

  7. 在微软工作的长期岁月中,伯克斯参与了无数项目,包括让人津津乐道的Courier双屏平板电脑项目。

    Among the numerous projects he worked on during his long stint was the much-talked about dual-screen courier tablet project .

  8. 第一部分是实现Windows操作系统对双屏分屏器的识别和显示控制信息的通信,这是USB模块的主要工作,具体设计是通过将双屏分屏器设计成一个USB显示设备控制类来完成。

    The first part is the realization of WINDOWS operating system on dual split screen for identification and display control information communication , which is the main work of the USB module .

  9. 晚上,这个浴场会变成一个非常时髦的酒吧pierwest;在河的左岸,则有一家亚洲小吃店兼双屏电影院,名唤primitivo。

    At night the Lido becomes pier West , a very hip bar , and an Asiatic tapas restaurant and double-screen film arena , primitivo , on the left bank .

  10. 公平贸易委员会的一位官员表示,目前尚不清楚上述合谋嫌疑给任天堂带来了多大损失,该公司预计在截至3月31日的财政年度销售2950万台双屏DS游戏机。

    An FTC official said it was unclear how much the suspected collusion might have cost Nintendo , which expects to sell 29.5m of the two-screen DS players in the year ending March 31 .

  11. 与单屏驱动的OLEDs比较,采用双屏驱动可显著减小器件的功耗,主要原因是工作占空比提高了2倍。

    The model demonstrate that the power of dual dual-scan OLEDs can be significantly reduced compared with that of single-scan OLEDs , because the scanning duty increase 100 % .

  12. 结果双屏及单屏显示计算机仿TNO随机点立体视检查图和TNO检查结果比较差异无统计学意义。

    Results Comparing the results of random dot stereogram displayed in single and double-screen with that in TNO stereogram , significant difference was not found .

  13. 实验结果表明,当二者工作亮度均为100cd/m2时,采用双屏驱动的OLEDs的功耗比单屏驱动的降低了25%。

    Compared with single-panel OLEDs , the power consumption of dual-panel OLEDs show a reduction of 25 % , when both were operated at the average luminance of 100 cd / m ~ 2 .

  14. 结论仿TNO设置双屏及单屏显示计算机随机点立体视检查系统准确性和TNO相同,并能够满足临床检查需求及实验研究条件要求。

    Conclusion It is demonstrated that this stereopsis test system has the same accuracy as TNO stereogram , it can be applied to clinical examination and experimental study .

  15. 双通道双屏立体显示及分量量化电路设计

    Design of 2-channel 2-screen stereoscopic display and component quantization circuit

  16. 10/15GHz双屏频率选择表面的分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of 10 / 15GHz Double-Screen Frequency Selective Surface

  17. 采用束斑极小化的双屏法测量发射度的计算

    The calculation of the two screen emittance measurement using minimized beam spot

  18. 微型计算机双屏异码显示

    The Displaying of Double - Screen and Different Code in the Microcomputers

  19. 双项目管理研究双屏显示系统

    The Research of Bi-Project Management The Double-Screen Display System

  20. 单屏显示通过红绿眼镜分视检查,双屏显示在同视机分视下检查。

    We used red-green glasses to examine single-screen , and with synoptophore to examine double-screen .

  21. 本文结合可视化技术与计算机技术,对电力系统运行状态的数据显示问题进行了深入研究,提出了双屏显示的新概念。

    Display In this paper , a new concept of Double Screens Display is presented .

  22. 双屏显示系统

    The Double - Screen Display System

  23. 目的设计单屏及双屏显示的计算机随机点立体视检测系统。

    Objective To design a random-dot stereopsis test system based on computer with single or double screen displaying .

  24. 双屏显示系统构建双微处理器系统

    The Double-Screen Display System

  25. 该秤采用双屏显示,可以同时显示累计重量和单次计量重量,具有累计和单次计量功能。

    This scale is used double screen , which can display accumulation data and single time weighing data respectively .

  26. 显示为双屏高亮度数码管显示,显示值准确直观,性能优越;

    Display screens of high-brightness LED digital tube display , display the value of accurate and intuitive , superior performance ;

  27. 目的:探讨加用双屏散对小儿支原体肺炎的疗效作用。

    Purpose : To study the curative effect of additional application of Shuang Ping powder in treating infantile mycoplasmal pneumonia .

  28. 在建立了一个比较通用的电力系统矢量图形编辑器的基础上,对双屏显示技术进行了具体实现以及潮流追踪结果的可视化等方面的应用研究。

    On the base of the building of a graphic editor , double screens display is realized and related application is studied .

  29. 显示为双屏高亮度数码管显示,示值准确直观,性能优越,触摸式按键设定调节参数;

    Double screens of high light nixie tube display , the value displayed well , predominant performance , set and adjust parameters by touch type buttons ;

  30. 另外,还可以添加其他参数作为选项来控制水平和垂直的同步值,还有一些选项可以控制隔行模式和双屏模式。

    For options , extra parameters for controlling horizontal and vertical synchronization can be added , and there are also options for interlaced and doublescan modes .