
  • 网络Game Center;game hub
  1. 这和苹果iOS系统的游戏中心(GameCenter)功能类似。

    This is a lot like Game Center on Apple 's iOS .

  2. 这位程序员称,这招对清理iTunes、iBooks、应用商店以及苹果手表应用的缓存都很奏效,但不适用播客、音乐、游戏中心和iMessage应用。

    According to the developer , the trick works in iTunes , iBooks , App Store and the Apple Watch app , but not in Podcasts , Music , Game Center or iMessage .

  3. 有一个配备特殊活动和工作坊以及学校假期时其他活动的新室内游戏中心。

    There 's a new indoor play centre , plus the special events and workshops , and others during school holiday periods .

  4. 另外一个新的特色就是通过谷歌游戏中心(GooglePlayGames),用户可以和朋友们在游戏中对抗并记录成绩。

    Another new Android feature allows users to play games against friends while keeping track of their achievements using Google Play Games .

  5. 一个电子游戏中心是一个能找到乐趣的地方。

    The video arcade is a good place to have fun .

  6. 它位于电子游戏中心与超市之间。

    It 's between the video arcade and the supermarket .

  7. 超市在邮局和电子游戏中心中间。

    The supermarket is between the post office and the video arcade .

  8. 还有一个电脑游戏中心。

    There 's also a computer games center .

  9. 电脑游戏中心不大,里面人又太多;

    The computer games centre is small and there are too many people in it .

  10. 这是一个加强版的游戏中心。

    The have enhanced Game Center too .

  11. 在游戏中心里即可下载新的游戏。

    Game downloads within Game Center .

  12. 远航游戏中心是由公司历时三年开发成功的具有自主知识产权的网络游戏平台。

    The Company has spent three years to develop this online game platform , Yuanhang Game Zone , with self-owned intellectual property right .

  13. 日历、电话、短信、游戏中心以及其他的应用都没有了之前的仿真界面设计。现在的特点是:干净利索,平面布局。

    The calendar , phone , messages , Game Center , and others have all lost their skeuomorphic designs and now feature clean , flat layouts .

  14. 斯特朗电子游戏中心称,自从二月宣布要创办游戏名人堂来认可电子游戏多年来的影响,他们已经收到了数以千计的提名。

    The Strong said it received thousands of nominations since February , when it announced creation of the video game hall to recognize the impact of electronic games through the years .

  15. 斯特朗电子游戏中心收藏了55000款电子游戏及相关物品,此外还藏有记载游戏历史的个人文件和公司记录。

    The Strong 's electronic games center has more than 55,000 video games and related artifacts in its collection , along with personal papers and corporate records that document the history of video games .

  16. 上诉委员会(游戏机中心)

    Appeal Board ( Amusement Game Centres )

  17. 财务委员会秘书〔立法会〕上诉委员会(游戏机中心)

    Clerk to Finance Committee [ Legislative Council ] Appeal Board ( Amusement Game Centres )

  18. 游戏机中心巡查小组

    Amusement Game Centres Inspection Team

  19. 随后章节重点介绍了本系统客户端的两大功能模块:广告平台和游戏推广中心的设计和实现。

    Then section key introduced the system client two big function module : advertising platform and the game the design and implementation of the extension center .

  20. 2006年,位于阿姆斯特丹的史密斯与琼斯治疗中心自称其为“目前世界上第一家也是唯一一家居住式线上游戏治疗中心”。

    In 2006 Amsterdam 's Smith & Jones facility billed itself as " the first and , currently , the only residential video-game treatment program in the world . "

  21. Monstermob计划利用联梦娱乐作为它创造最新手机游戏的研发中心。

    Monstermob plans to use M-Dream as a development center for creating new mobile phone games .

  22. 要确认游戏杆的中心位置,请使其握柄位于中心,然后按下游戏杆的某一按钮。

    To confirm your joystick 's center position , leave its handle centered , and then press one of your joystick 's buttons .

  23. 从本质来看,股市是一种为行业筹集资金的工具,而赌场是一个人们为了钱玩游戏的娱乐中心。

    At its heart the former is a device to raise finance for industry . Meanwhile the latter is an amusement centre for people to play games for cash .

  24. 这里有学校、游戏室和医疗中心,红十字会还提供旧衣服。

    There is a school , playroom and medical centre while the Red Cross provides second-hand clothes .

  25. 为确定控制器的中心位置,请将您的游戏杆放在中心位置,然后按下游戏杆的一个按钮。

    To confirm your controller 's center position , leave its handle centered , and then press a button on the controller .

  26. (地下)游戏室,娱乐室游戏机中心牌照条件

    Rumpus room amusement game centre licence conditions