
  1. 使用LZRRacer的运动员从二月开始已经打破了四十多项游泳世界纪录。

    Athletes wearing the LZR Racer have broken more than forty world swimming records since February .

  2. 他是去年的游泳世界冠军。

    He was the world champion of swimming last year .

  3. 参加花样游泳世界锦标赛必须经过以下几个项目的角逐:规定动作比赛,自选动作预赛及自选动作决赛。

    For synchronized swimming world championships , the competitions shall be : technical routines , free routines and free routines final .

  4. 她在1996年赢得了女子游泳的世界冠军。

    She won a world championship in the women 's swimming in1996 .

  5. 游泳是世界上最好的全身运动之一,以这种方种锻炼也是很好玩的。

    It has got to be one of the best all-around exercises in the world . Working out this way is fun , too .

  6. 那位游泳冠军提出同世界上任何人决一胜负。

    The champion swimmer challenged anyone in the world to beat him .

  7. 例如烟台可承办亚洲级别的综合性游泳赛事,或者世界级巡回赛。

    Yantai Asia , for example , contractors may be integrated level swimming event , or a world-class tour .

  8. 近几年我国竞技游泳运动技术水平有了显著的提高,我国游泳运动员在各级世界性大赛中均取得了优异成绩。

    In recent years , the technological level of China competitive Swimming has been developing and improving continuously . And Chinese swimmers have obtained excellent achievement in all kinds of worldwide games .