
  • 网络australasia;australasian
  1. 《英语走向何方》的作者大卫葛拉多尔(davidgraddol)表示,人们很容易将这看作是北美、不列颠群岛及澳大拉西亚等地以英语为母语的人士的胜利但这是错误的。

    David Graddol , the author of English next , says it is tempting to view the story of English as a triumph for its native speakers in North America , the British Isles and Australasia but that would be a mistake .

  2. 澳大拉西亚一个单子叶棕榈树属。

    Feathery palm trees . monotypic genus of palms of Australasia .

  3. 澳大拉西亚学院急救医学评议员AndrewMaclean解释:病人长时间等待有时不可避免。

    Australasian College for Emergency Medicine councillor Andrew Maclean said long waits for patients were sometimes inevitable .

  4. 世界上最大的天文观测项目由非洲和澳大拉西亚来合作完成。

    The world 's biggest astronomy project is split between Africa and Australasia .

  5. 澳大拉西亚常绿树木或灌木。

    Australasian evergreen trees or shrubs .

  6. 澳大拉西亚大型树种。

    Large tree of Australasia .

  7. 澳大拉西亚地区色彩亮丽的小鹦鹉,具有刷子一样尖端的舌头用于食花蜜,羽毛柔软。

    Small brightly colored Australasian parrots having a brush-tipped tongue for feeding on nectar and soft fruits .

  8. 大的热带蕨类植物;一些附生的攀缘植物和一些陆地沼泽蕨类植物;非洲;亚洲;澳大拉西亚。

    Large tropical ferns ; some epiphytic climbers and some terrestrial bog ferns ; Africa ; Asia ; Australasia .

  9. 澳大拉西亚常绿针叶树,树冠优美,叶似芹菜叶,鳞状叶腋长有叶状柄。

    Australasian evergreen conifer having a graceful head of celery-like foliage composed of phyllodes borne in the axils of scalelike leaves .

  10. 巍峨的库克山,被誉为云霄之钻,是澳大拉西亚地区最高的山峰,高3755米。

    The mighty Mt Cook , known as the " Cloud Piercer ", is the highest peak in Australasia at 3755m .

  11. 北美、欧盟和澳大拉西亚等西方人口总和为7亿,占全世界人口的10%左右。

    The combined western population in North America , the European Union and Australasia is 700m , about 10 per cent of the world 's population .

  12. 这场保卫战如果失败,欧洲、亚洲、非洲和澳大拉西亚的所有人民和所有资源都将为征服者所控制。

    If that defence fails , all the population and all the resources of Europe , Asia , Africa and Australasia will be dominated by the conquerors .