
  1. 随着Internet和流媒体技术的飞速发展,以及世界广播电视数字化的来临,流媒体服务器的性能日益成为制约流媒体应用的重要因素。

    By the rapid development of Internet and stream media technology , world broadcast TV gradually becomes digitized , and the performance of stream media server becomes important factor that restrict stream-media application .

  2. 世界广播电视技术核心期刊

    The Key Periodicals of Radio and TV Technology in the World

  3. 这一变化凸显出广播电视市场运作的新特点和未来走向,并对世界广播电视体系具有难以预计的深刻影响。

    This change indicates the new characteristic and tendency of the broadcasting market , and has a profound effect on the global broadcasting system .

  4. 1987年创刊的《世界广播电视》已成为国内本行业领导人的首选决策参考读物;

    Launched in1987 , International Broadcast Information ( IBI ) is well established as first choice for industry leaders as the decision-making reference in China .

  5. 世界广播电视已进入数字化时代,作为21世纪最具发展前景的新兴产业,数字电视广播的推广普及无疑是消费升级中最受瞩目的一环。

    TV Broadcast industry has been approaching into digital era all over the world , as one of the most promising young industry , propagation and popularity of digital TV broadcast would become attractive spot in updating consuming products .

  6. 世界各国的广播电视体制可以划分为三种类型:商业体制、公共体制和国营体制。

    Radio and television systems can be specified into three types , namely , commercial , public and state-operated .

  7. 为了适应这个趋势,世界各国的有线广播电视网络都在进行相应的改造。

    In order to adapt to this trend , the wired broadcast and television networks of countries all over the world are carrying on the corresponding transformation .