- 网络World Wushu Championships

The Goodwill Ambassador of The Ninth World Wushu Championships .
The 7 th World Wushu Championships
Approach to Reform of Competition Contents of Wushu World Championships
International Development of the Wushu Competition According to the Medal Distribution of the World Wushu Championship
Viewing Developmental Situation of Wushu Routine in Light of the 9 ~ ( th ) Would Wushu Championship
Hong Kong athletes also performed well at the Fourth World Wushu Championships . They brought back three gold , four silver and two bronze medals .
The changes of Hb , Bu , T and C of players of the Chinese National Sanshou Team five weeks before the Fifth World Wushu Championship were studied through literature study , expert interview and tests .
The item-setting of competitive Wushu routine should base on the content of definite routine in the world Wushu championship and should add appropriately definite movement , and make them more practical measures , more easily operate .
In April , one escapee said there were still 50-60 South Korean soldiers being jailed in North Korea . 3.1 Only the top four place winners of each category of the 6th World Wushu Championships are permitted to participate ( Name list is enclosed ) .