
yī jí yùn dònɡ yuán
  • First-level athlete;first grade sportsman
  1. 与向心肌力相比,一级运动员更具有膝、踝两关节离心肌力的优势。

    Grade A jumpers tend to be better in knee and ankle centrifugal muscle force .

  2. 健将级运动员与一级运动员各项指标总体差异不显著。

    There is no significant difference between the indexes of Master-level athletes and First Grade Sportsmen .

  3. 国际健将级运动员的状态自信心显著高于国家健将级和国家一级运动员;

    Athletes'cognitive state anxiety was higher and state self-confidence was lower at the high group of self orientation ;

  4. 一级运动员的两腿膝关节和踝关节伸肌离心肌力矩显著大于二级运动员;

    Knee and ankle extensor centrifugal moment of force of grade A is obviously stronger than that of grade B ;

  5. 游泳和赛艇项目健将和一级运动员间的基因型和等位基因频率分布,存在明显差异(P<0.05);

    There is obvious difference about the distribution of genotype and allele frequency of ACE gene between master and first rank swimmers rowers .

  6. 技能水平为三个水平&健将运动员组、一级运动员组、二级运动员组,每组10名队员,共计30名。

    Three levels of skill-master athlete group , an athlete group , two athletes , each group has 10 members , a total of 30 .

  7. 第二组为每周训练六次的青岛大学健美操一级运动员15人(男生9人,女生6人),她们从事的是竞技健美操的训练。

    The second group was comprised of 15 aerobics athletes ( 9 boys and 6 girls ) of Qingdao University who had six aerobics trainings per week .

  8. 安琪艾可科技文化传媒诚邀中国国家一级运动员王聪,为喜欢棍术的您,亲自演练编排棍术教程。

    Angell Echo Technology and Culture Media Company invites state first-class athlete Wang Cong to give you , cudgel play lovers , a professional cudgel play training .

  9. 肘关节速度差异显著,一级运动员肘关节制动明显,上肢环节速度递增,击球动作符合鞭打动作原理。

    The elbow braking of first grade athletes is obvious , and the speed of upper limbs is increasing and batting action is suitable to the action principle .

  10. 研究发现各年龄段青少年男子足球运动员专项心理能力存在显著差异,一级运动员成绩明显高于二级运动员。

    Study found that young men of all ages a special football player , there was a significant mental ability differences in performance level was significantly higher than athletes athletes 2 .

  11. 江苏省普通高校高水平田径队一级运动员占50%,二级运动员占46.02%,健将及以上级别的运动员较少;

    Jiangsu Province ordinary university high level track and field team ⅰ level of athletes account for 50 % ,ⅱ levels of athletes account for 46.02 % , over ⅰ level are few ;

  12. 在相同测试速度下,一级运动员肌肉收缩力量大于二级运动员,且右侧略大于左侧;

    Under the same speed of testing , First grade athletes ' muscle shrinks strength is greater than that of the second grade ones ' . And the right side is slightly greater than the left side ;

  13. 一级运动员重心的位置在两腿之间,靠近右踝关节0.23米处左右,二级运动员重心位于靠近右踝环节0.08米处左右,重心位置太靠前,导致重心不稳,回动能力差。

    The gravity of first grade athletes is near the center of two legs , and near the right ankle 0.23 meters . The gravity of second grade athletes is close to the right ankle 0.08 meters , and gravity position is too forward to lead to unsteady gravity .

  14. 采用测力台与肌电同步的方法对4名一级短跑运动员的蹲踞式与站立式起跑动作进行了运动生物力学分析。

    By using the biomechanical method of force platform and electromyography , the author studies the movement of crotch and standing start for4 elite athletes .

  15. 采用开放式问卷调查法对101名现役一级以上运动员大负荷训练的心理认知干预效应进行研究。

    Through using the method of questionnaire , this paper makes study on mental cognition and intervening of 101 first class active athletes with intensive training load .

  16. 一级男子短跑运动员的去脂体重和肌肉重量显著(P0.05)高于二级运动员,而去脂体重/体重、肌肉重量/体重则非常显著高于二级运动员(P0.001)。

    Level 1 male sprinters have heavier reduced-fat weight and muscle weight ( P 0.05 ) and significantly heavier reduced-fat weight / weight and muscle weight / weight ( P 0.05 ) than those of Level 2 .

  17. 利用cybex-770等速测试与康复系统,对17名一级男子跳远运动员起跳腿的膝关节进行了等速向心收缩测试。

    By using Cybex-770 isokinetic and rehabilitation instrument , we test knee joint of supporting legs of 17 male long-jumpers in concentric contraction .

  18. 对我国男子跳远健将、一、二级运动员身体训练水平的检查与评定

    Inspection and Evaluation on the Physical Training Levels of the Chinese Elite , First and Second Classes Male Long Jumpers

  19. 这家店还吸引了至少另外一位世界级运动员,那就是获得两块金牌的美国游泳选手瑞恩。罗切特。

    And it has attracted at least one other world class athlete , double gold medalist American swimmer Ryan Lochte .

  20. 对影响我国部分一流三级跳运动员第二跳落地效果主要技术因素分析

    An Analysis on the Major Technical Factors Which Influence the Falling Effect of the Step among some Chinese Hop , Step and Jump Athletes of First-Class

  21. 无等级的健美操学生、二级健美操运动员和一级健美操运动员在自信心、特质运动任务自信心和特质运动应对自信心上均存在高度显著性差异。

    No Aerobics Level students of primary and secondary level aerobics athletes and athletes in the self-confidence , self-confidence and mission characteristics of exercise to deal with self-confidence on the characteristics of sport there are significant differences in height .

  22. 对一级110m栏跨栏运动员跨栏步技术特征分析与研究

    The Research into the Technical Features of the First-Rank Hurdlers ' Strides Between Hurdles

  23. 当时,勒内·拉科斯特是法国的一位世界级网球运动员。

    Ren é Lacoste was a world-class tennis player from France .

  24. 将所选指标测量的不同运动级别之间进行显著性检验,武英级、一级、二级运动员之间都有显著的差别。所选择测量指标的有效性较高。

    Choosing measurement index has high validity among top-notch players , the first grade and the second grade athlete .

  25. 他在奥运会中的差劲表现使得许多人怀疑他作为一名世界级短跑运动员的生涯是否结束了。

    His poor performance in the Olympics had many people wondering if his career as a world-class sprinter was finished .

  26. 结论:跳高运动员膝关节肌群等速测试结果的差异是造成一、二级跳高运动员成绩差异的原因之一。

    The differences of Isokinetic test results of knee muscle groups is the reason made different levels of elite or sub-elite high jumpers .

  27. 运动员的技术水平比较高,大部分是一级武士(一级运动员),运动员在进入大学以后运动技术水平都有明显的提高,但是运动员的学训矛盾问题还是不能很好的解决。

    They are all high level athletes , most of the national-level athletes and their skills have significantly improved after getting into the college . But the contradictions between athletes ' study and training are still not well resolved . 3 .