
  • 网络Primary current
  1. 给出了TA的主要参数,如一次电流、一次绕组、二次电流、二次负荷、时间常数等的选择和计算方法。

    Giving out the method for calculating and selecting fundamental performance parameters , such as primary current , primary winding , secondary current , secondary load , time constant and so on .

  2. 额定一次电流、准确级组合、额定输出及额定动、热稳定电流见表。

    Rated primary current , accuracy combination , rated output , rated dynamic and thermal current see form .

  3. 电子式电流互感器新型一次电流传感器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of a New Electronic Current Transducer Primary Converter

  4. (保护用电流互感器的)准确度限定的额定一次电流。

    Rated accuracy limit primary current ( of a protective current transformer )

  5. 仪表的额定极限一次电流

    Rated instrument limit primary current

  6. 论文研究了在不同饱和程度和不同负载情况下的一次电流波形和励磁电流波形。

    We also study the wave forms of the primary current and the second current with different loads and different saturation status .

  7. 由于在零状态中一次电流为零,减小了通态损耗,因此可以提高变换效率。

    As the primary current reduces to zero , the conduction loss is eliminated during zero state , which increases the efficiency .

  8. 为了使一次电流在零状态时减小到零后不再反方向流动,在两个滞后管中分别串入一个二极管。

    In order to prevent the primary current from flowing in the reverse direction during zero state , two diodes are added in series with the lagging switches respectively .

  9. 利用这些公式,可以简便地用于判定一次电流场异常成分的一些空间分布规律,对于正确认识异常场的形态特征颇有益处。

    These formulas can be used quite simply to determine the spatial distribution of the anomaly of the primary field , which is very helpful in recognizing the characteristics of anomaly field .

  10. 模拟量输入采集的信号有升压变压器一次电流、一次电压、二次电流、二次电压等,采用12位逐次比较式A/D转换器MAX187,兼顾采样速率和转换精度;

    The analog input includes primary current , secondary current , primary voltage , secondary voltage , etc. Controller uses MAX 187 as the A / D converter , which ensure the sampling speed and the conversion precision in the same time .

  11. 分析选择电流互感器额定一次电流和准确级的各种因素,论证S级互感器的应用条件、选择原则以及多次级互感器的合理性和经济性。

    This paper analyzes factors relating to selection of rated primary current and accuracy class of current transformer ( TA ), discusses its application conditions and selection criteria for S class TA as well as the rationality and economy of multi stage TA .

  12. 论述采集开关柜一次电流及环境温度,与预制的风扇控制曲线比较来启停风扇,并可在线检测风扇运行状况的一种自动监控装置。

    Discussion was made on an automatic monitoring and control device which collected the firstly current and environment temperature of the switchgear cabinet , to be compared with the pre-set fan control curve to start and stop fan and to test on-line real-time the fan 's operation state .

  13. U形一次绕组电流互感器的动稳定计算

    Calculation of Dynamic Stability of Current Transformer with U Primary Winding

  14. 当系统采用单极倍频的PWM斩波方式来跟踪一次侧电流来产生二次侧电流时,只要保持给定相同,二次侧各支路的输出完全相同。

    The coil s secondary current is generated by the means of tracking the primary current using the unipolar multi-frequency PWM in the system .

  15. 利用Matlab仿真软件搭建了仿真实验模型,通过改变一次侧电流中非周期直流分量的方向,研究了非周期直流分量对电流互感器的饱和方向、入饱和时间的影响。

    Based on the simulation model established with Matlab , influences of DC component on the saturation direction and start time are studied by changing the direction of DC component .

  16. 介绍了U形一次绕组电流互感器可满足动稳定要求的结构及强度计算方法,并给出了计算实例。

    The strength calculation method and the structure of current transformer with U primary winding to fulfil the dynamic stability requirements are introduced , and some calculating examples are given .

  17. 电流互感器(CT)采用电磁感应的原理得到与一次侧电流成比例的二次电流,当磁通饱和时励磁电流增大,两侧电流的比例关系发生改变。

    Using current transformer ( CT ), people gain secondary side current which is proportional to primary side current . When magnetic flux is saturated , the excitation current is increased and the proportion of the CT is changed .

  18. 在分析PI型电流环及最速电流环的控制特点的基础上,设计了一种次速电流环控制器,它具有调节速度快、抗信号扰动能力强、对对象参数不敏感等优点。

    Based on the analysis of controlling features of PI and time-optimal current-loop , the paper presents a design of hypo - time-optimal current-loop control system , which has the advantages of fast adjustment , strong anti-disturbance and insensitiveness to system 's parameter .

  19. 一次风机电流与动叶开度不匹配原因分析与对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure for Mismatch Between Adjustable Vane Opening with Current of Primary Fan

  20. 起动机变得很热,显示一次大的电流消耗使引擎发热。

    The starter gets excessively hot , indicating a large current draw to turn the engine over .

  21. 小占空比实现同样的功率输出必须使用更高的一次侧峰值电流。

    Shorter duty cycle for the same output power results in higher peak currents on the primary side .

  22. 小型数码家电产品的发展,使一次电池大电流、高功率放电性能得到提高。

    The development of household mini digital electrical equipment products enhanced heavy load and high power discharge performance of primary battery .

  23. 对该电流互感器正常工作电流状态、一次侧大电流故障状态及一次侧开路故障状态的电磁暂态过程进行了仿真。

    In addition , the electromagnetic transients of normal operating-current state , primary side large current fault state and primary side open-circuit fault state are simulated .

  24. 金装持续原始配方可提高黑色的光泽度。一次风机电流与动叶开度不匹配原因分析与对策

    Gold Class Endurance Original formula leaves a dark satin matte finish . Analysis and Countermeasure for Mismatch Between Adjustable Vane Opening with Current of Primary Fan

  25. 弧焊电源一次逆变控制电流快速动态过程,二次逆变控制电弧极性。

    Dynamic process of current is controlled quickly by the first inverter , and arc polarity is controlled by the second inverter of arc welding power source .

  26. 它检测一次侧基波电流并用逆变器产生多个基波补偿电流注入二次侧的多绕组中。

    The fundamental component of the primary windings is detected and tracked so as to produce multiple compensation currents , which are injected to the multiple secondary windings .

  27. 通过智能控制器控制电力电子功率变换器,改变可变电抗器二次绕组的电流,从而改变可变电抗器的一次绕组的电流,实现阻抗可变。

    Through intelligent control of power electronic power converter controller , transformer reactor can change the secondary winding current , thus changing the reactor can be a transformer winding current to achieve impedance variable .

  28. 但若盲目重合于永久性故障,不仅会使电力系统又一次受到短路电流的冲击,还会使电气设备条件恶化。

    However , the implementation of a permanent fault conditions reclosing not only will the power system is once again under the impact of short-circuit current , but also to make electrical equipment conditions to deteriorate .

  29. 电流互感器U形一次导体中的电流在二次绕组环形铁心中产生的磁场计算

    Calculation of Magnetic Field Generated in Ring Core of Secondary Winding by Current in U-Primary Conductor of Current Transformer

  30. 介绍了电流互感器U形一次导体中的电流在二次绕组环形铁心中产生的磁场的计算方法,并推导出了计算公式,给出了改善铁心磁场的方法。

    This paper introduces the calculation method of the magnetic field which is generated in ring core of secondary winding by the current which flows in U-primary conductor of current transformer . The calculation formulas are derived . The method of improving magnetic field of core is given .