
  • 网络ripple factor;Ripple Ratio;mV p-p
  1. 文章指出,采用十二脉波可控整流电源作为试验电源,其纹波系数能满足试验要求。

    In this paper , it is pointed out that the ripple factor will meet the test demands by choosing 12 pulsating wave controlled rectifying power supply as the test supply .

  2. 给出了计算负载电压有效值、电压纹波系数及各次谐波电压幅值的计算公式;

    Calculation formulas of SCR turn on angle , virtual value of load voltage , average of load voltage , voltage ripple factor and amplitude value of arbitrary order harmonic voltage are presented in this paper .

  3. PPM量级纹波系数的光电倍增管恒流源

    A constent current source for photomultiplier with ripple factor as low as several ppm

  4. 该滤波器在时域及频域上的性能已在C模拟器上经过验证,能够达到纹波系数小于0.00007dB,阻带衰减大于112dB。

    The filter has been verified by a C simulator in time and frequency domain , with the passband ripple of 0 . 000 07 dB and stopband attenuation of 112 dB .

  5. 实验结果表明,输出电路纹波系数增加将导致光输出波动增大,但不同纹波系数对光输出波动的影响在高频(10kHz)驱动情况下减弱。

    The experimental results show that the output circuit ripple coefficient increases will lead to light output fluctuation increased , but the different impact of light output ripple coefficient is weaken under high frequency driver condition ( 10kHz ) .

  6. 纹波系数不大于0.5%,整个电源效率在85%以上。

    The efficiency of the power-supply system is more than 85 % .

  7. 系统地分析了变换器的稳态工作特性,电感电流、电容电压纹波系数。

    The dissertation also presents the main steady characteristics , the ripple of current through inductor and voltage across capacitor .

  8. 实验运行表明:该装置输入功率因数高、输出电压稳定、纹波系数小。

    The experimental result shows the power supply has high input power factor , stable output voltage and small ripple .

  9. 实验表明:该系统能提供(0-2.5)A长期恒定的电流,纹波系数小于0.1%;

    Tests show that this system can achieve a long time stable current of ( 0 ~ 2.5 ) A for LD .

  10. 对一台实际应用的工业装置的测试表明,其电流纹波系数达到了1×10-5。

    Tests of a practical industrial device with the DC active power filter show that its ripple achieves 1 × 10 - 5 .

  11. 由于电路简单、体积小、纹波系数小,因而在精密测量领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    Because of this simple circuit , small size and low ripple quotient , it can be widely used in the field of precise measurement .

  12. 程控交换机电源性能的好坏直接影响通讯质量,它要求电源具有稳定度高,小于2%的电压变化率,纹波系数小等特点。

    The characteristic of power supply is a main factor that effects the quality of communication . The power supply should have high voltage stabilization , lower than 2 ?

  13. 可控硅和磁饱和恒电位仪体积较大、纹波系数较大、控制精度较差,效率较低(低于70%)不易实现数字化。

    For SCR and magnetic saturation potentiostat , larger volume , larger ripple quotiety , less control accuracy and less efficient ( less than 70 % ) is not easy to digitize .

  14. 该电源系统采用了变频技术、高压π型滤波技术和闭环控制及多路输出,使电源的稳定性和纹波系数达到了较好水平。

    The power system adopts the techniques of frequency conversion high voltage π type wave filtering closed-loop control and multi-channel output , making the power stability and moire coefficient reach good level .

  15. 设计制做的行波管测试电源,通过总装验收,已经应用于行波管测试台上,效果良好。尤其在调整灵敏度,纹波系数,稳定性方面,在国内,处于领先地位。

    We have obtained good results , Especially in the aspects of adjustment sensitivity , ripple coefficient and stability coefficient , the TWT test power supply are in a leading position in China .