
  • 网络Texturing;Texture mapping;Texture Map;texture projection;Mipmap
  1. 基于分形理论与纹理映射的3D海浪仿真

    Ocean Simulation Based on Fractal Algorithm and Texture Mapping

  2. 据研究,该算法同样适用于3D纹理映射的体绘制方法。

    The algorithm may be also applicable for volume rendering based on 3D texture mapping .

  3. 为了快速实时地进行由平面组成的结构景物的3D建模问题,文中介绍了一种在进行图像3D重构时纹理映射中的平面校正方法。

    Introduces an effective method of planar rectification in texture mapping .

  4. 引入一种适应于网络应用的、针对3D场景的图案纹理映射算法。

    It introduces a patterns mapping algorithm for 3D scenes to adapt the demands of Web applications .

  5. 基于2D多纹理映射的三维医学图像体绘制技术的改进

    Innovation in Volume Rendering for Medial Volume Data Based on 2D Multi-Texture

  6. OpenGL二次曲面纹理映射技术分析与应用

    Analysis of OpenGL Texture Mapping Onto Quadric Surfaces and Its Application

  7. 纹理映射(texturemapping)是将纹理图像的像素映射到屏幕空间像素的过程。

    Texture mapping is the process that mapping the pixels of texture image to the pixels of the screen space .

  8. 基于OpenGL纹理映射技术实现动态图像的应用

    Application of Dynamic Image with Texture Mapping Based on OpenGL

  9. 基于OpenGL纹理映射技术的纸盒贴图功能的实现方法

    Carton Mapping Technique Based on OpenGL 's Texture Mapping

  10. 基于OpenGL读取bmp实现纹理映射的方法

    A Method of Reading Bmp to Realize Texture Mapping Based on OpenGL

  11. 基于OpenGL的复杂曲面的纹理映射

    Texture Mapping on Complex Surface Based on OpenGL

  12. 文中提出的数字地图TIN自动生成算法,可极大地加快数字地图三维透视或纹理映射的显示速度。

    A TIN generation method is developed and can used for accelerating the 3D perspective and texture mapping display .

  13. 纹理映射技术在GIS领域已经广泛运用,而纹理合成技术仍不为GIS领域学者所注意。

    Now texture mapping technique already used extensively in the GIS domain , but texture synthesize technique still can 't attract the GIS author ' attention .

  14. 纹理映射失真处理中的LOD技术

    The Technique of LOD Used in Texture Mapping

  15. 图像形变中基于MLS的光滑纹理映射技术

    Smooth Texture Mapping Based on Moving Least Squares for Image Deformation

  16. 基于OpenGL的PNG纹理映射的实现

    Realization of PNG Texture Mapping Based on OpenGL

  17. 带不失真纹理映射的三维Morphing动画研究及实现

    Research on the 3D Morphing Animation with Non-distorted Texture Mapping and Its Implementation

  18. 应用纹理映射技术将TM影像与数字高程模型结合,实现准动态监测湿地的水文变化。

    TM image and DEM are combined using texture mapping technology , thus realizes monitoring the hydrological change of wetland dynamically .

  19. 在关键技术中,主要探讨了建模的纹理映射技术、LOD技术以及DOF技术。

    The key technologies such as mapping technology , LOD technology and DOF technology were analyzed .

  20. 其中主要对纹理映射反走样技术、LOD技术、碰撞检测等技术进行了深入的研究和探讨。

    Such as texture mapping , anti-aliasing , LOD and collision detection techniques and so on .

  21. 基于纹理映射和fBm的真实感地形研究

    Study on the Realistic Terrain Based on Texture Mapping and fBm

  22. 给出了基于双三次B样条参数曲线面的表面纹理映射算法,和通过表面法向量扰动产生凹凸不平视觉效果的凸包纹理映射算法,并给出了立体纹理映射的实现方法。

    Surface texture mapping algorithm based B-splint parameter surface , and bump mapping algorithm based surface voter twist to produce real objects sense are suggested . Solid mapping method is also introduced in the paper .

  23. 提出了公路视景仿真的研究思路,建立了基于Brep的公路三维视景管理模型,对视景仿真中的多层次细节模型、纹理映射技术进行了应用研究。

    Based on B-rep model , the management model of highway three-dimension scene was established . The LOD model and texture mapping technology was studied .

  24. 使用基于抛物面纹理映射的方法,来存储BRDF分解压缩后的数据。

    Use parabolic texture mapping technology to save the compressed data from raw images .

  25. 利用图形硬件的纹理映射和可编程GPU功能,高效实现基于焦点区域的体绘制。

    This paper presents an approach of using texture mapping and GPU based method for realizing focal region based volume rendering .

  26. 使用OpenGL的编程接口,应用纹理映射技术,实现场景中三维地形可视化。

    By using the programming interface of OpenGL and applying the technology of texture mapping , the visualization of 3D terrain in scene is realized .

  27. 对场景的地形构造、纹理映射、LOD技术、实例调用等建模技术细节进行了深入探讨。

    The technique details of the terrain generation of scene , texture map , LOD and transferring instance are discussed .

  28. 分析OpenGL的纹理映射机制,针对建筑物表面纹理的单一性,提出一种建筑物模型纹理映射方法。

    Analysis the OpenGL texture mapping mechanism , with the singularity of the building surface texture , I propose a building model for texture mapping method .

  29. 对现有的多重前向散射光照模型进行了简化和改进,使用纹理映射和OpenGL函数进行加速。

    The exiting multiple forward scattering illumination models were simplified and improved , and the texture mapping and the OpenGL were used to enhance the operation speed .

  30. 此外,通过将OpenGL技术嵌入到软件系统实现了三维数字图像的各种快速显示方法,包括顶点显示、网格显示和纹理映射显示。

    In addition , quick screen display including vertices , surface patches , and texture images , has been realized by incorporating OpenGL technique into the software .