
  • 网络Ripple;ripple voltage;mVp-p;r.m.s;Vp-p
  1. 纹波电压对电视机性能的影响

    Ripple Voltage Influenced TV of Performance

  2. 仿真分析及实际应用证明,该法能有效减小纹波电压,适合于工程应用。

    When using this method , ripple voltage can be reduced , and this method is suitable for engineering applications after simulation and actual certification .

  3. Boost变换器的能量传输模式及输出纹波电压分析

    Energy Transmission Modes and Output Ripple Voltage of Boost Converters

  4. 同步Buck型开关电源纹波电压抑制方法

    Restrain of Ripple Voltage in Synchronous Buck Switching Converter

  5. buckDC/DC变换器的输出纹波电压分析及其应用

    Analysis of Output Ripple Voltage of Buck DC / DC Converter and Its Application

  6. 最小负载电阻和最高输入电压所对应的CCM和DCM的临界电感,即为整个工作范围内使输出纹波电压极大值最低的最小电感。

    It is also concluded that the minimum inductance to guarantee the lowest ORV is the critical inductance of CCM and DCM under the highest input voltage with the heaviest load .

  7. 通过建立和分析同步降压型(Buck)开关电源小信号平均模型,阐述了连续电流模式下同步降压开关电源纹波电压的产生原因,并给出其抑制方法。

    Based on the creation and analysis of the small-signal average model about synchronous Buck switching converter in continuous current-mode , the reasons for ripple voltage are explained and the actual method of inhibition ripple voltage is given .

  8. 当输入电压为2.4~4.2V时,输出电压可以达到15V,负载电流最大可以达到50mA,纹波电压小于200mV。

    When input voltage varies from 2.4 V to 4.2 V , the maximum output voltage can be 15 V and the maximum load current can be 50 mA .

  9. 稳定电源用直流有源滤波器的检测纹波电压控制方法

    Control Strategy of Detecting Ripple Voltage in DC Active Power Filter for Stable Power Supply

  10. 通过采用新型峰值检测算法改进了纹波电压补偿算法,进而改进了瞬态直接电流控制和预测电流控制策略。

    The predictive current control and the transient current control have been improved by compensating the output voltage ripple .

  11. 供电单元为其他两个单元提供高效、稳定、低纹波电压输出的电源。

    Power supply unit provides an efficient , stable , low-ripple voltage output power for the other two units .

  12. 电压环以线纹波电压增益最小为目标,优化结果表明电压环的带宽明显减小,纹波抑制能力远远优于优化前的。

    The objective of design optimization for the voltage loop is to minimize the gain of the line ripple voltage .

  13. 这些问题主要是:参考电压源内阻对电压稳定度的影响;比较放大器频响特性与纹波电压的关系;

    They are differential resistence of reference voltage , freguency response of compare amplifier and the time-constant of output circuit .

  14. 讨论直流电源纹波电压的形成,分析纹波电压过大对电视机性能的影响,以及将在电视机中产生的主要故障现象加以解释。

    It is discussed how DC of ripple voltage form , and that oversize ripple voltage influences TV of performance and it will bring mostly malfunction .

  15. 实验结果表明:此本质安全型开关电源输出比较稳定,纹波电压小,能够基本达到设计的要求。

    The results show that the intrinsically safe switching power supply output is relatively stable , ripple voltage is small , it can basically meet the design requirements .

  16. 纹波电压是其一个很重要的关键参数,在一定程度上决定了后级器件的工作状态和使用寿命,因此对其进行准确测试相当重要。

    The ripple voltage is a key parameters , determines the work state and life of the whole device , so it is very important for accurate testing .

  17. 逆变器除了要求高效率、高功率密度外,还要有快速动态响应性能和低的输出纹波电压,这与滤波器的设计密切相关。

    In addition to high efficiency , high power density , the inverter requires fast dynamic response and lower ripple voltage output , which is closely related to the design of the filter .

  18. 讨论了外部功率器件对变换器输出纹波电压和负载瞬态响应特性的影响,在此基础上确定了外部功率器件参数。

    The influence of external components on output ripple voltage and performance of load-transient response is thoroughly discussed . And based on the discussion , the parameters of the external components are chosen .

  19. 结果显示了系统工作在不同的参数条件下,输出电压中纹波电压幅值和噪声电压幅值的变化规律。

    The system was run under a range of operating conditions and results were presented in terms of the noise amplitude of the continuous noise spectrum and the ripple amplitude presented in the output voltage .

  20. 实验结果表明,采用多相交错并联技术实现的稳压电源具有效率高、动态响应速度快和输出纹波电压低等特性,为低压大电流稳压电源的设计提供了借鉴思路。

    The experiment results show that the voltage regulation power which has high efficiency , rapid dynamic response and low output ripple voltage is implemented by adopting multiphase crisscross parallel technique , providing the reference and idea for achieving design of low voltage and high current power supply .

  21. 对电路中重要组成部分倍压整流电路进行了详细的分析研究,针对其输出纹波和电压下降等缺点提出了解决方案,并通过仿真确定了其电容的容值。

    It analyzed the important parts of voltage multiplying rectifying circuit in detail , proposed solutions for the output ripple and dropping voltage and other disadvantages , and determined the capacity of its capacitance through simulation .

  22. 芯片中嵌入的LDO,可作为第二个输出端,提供具有高精度、低纹波的输出电压,这在国内处于领先水平。

    Inline LDO can provide high precision and low ripple voltage output as second output , which introduced technical innovation .

  23. 文章首先从噪声和效率这两个角度分析各种升压电路结构,分析结果表明电荷泵加上线性稳压电路的组合结构是获得低纹波高输出电压的最好方法。

    First , from the view of noise and efficiency , various boost circuits are analyzed , concluded that the combination structure of charge pump and low dropout regulator is the best method to obtain a low ripple and high quantity voltage .

  24. 针对传统型悬浮斩波器输出电流纹波随电源电压提高而提高的缺点,设计出了三电平悬浮斩波器,其输出电流纹波基本上与电源电压无关。

    Contrapose to the disadvantage of traditional maglev chopper whose output current ripple becomes larger with the increase of power supply voltage , we have worked out tri-level maglev chopper whose current ripple is basically has nothing to do with the power supply voltage .

  25. 丘克(Cuk)变换器的纹波电流及输出电压研究

    The Research of Ripple and Output Voltage of Cuk DC / DC Converter

  26. 由于直流供电电源纹波的影响,电压控制SPWM逆变电路的输出谐波分量幅值较大。

    Because of the ripple of the DC power supply , the output harmonic amplitude of the voltage controlled SPWM inverter is higher .

  27. 该转换器具有瞬态响应快,启动过冲小,输出纹波小,输出电压可调等特点。

    Fast transient response speed , tiny overcharge voltage , programmable output voltage and small ripple voltage are the characteristics of the circuit .

  28. 空间矢量调制法的直流电压利用率高、电流纹波小并且输出电压形式丰富,但计算十分复杂,且在电平数较多时难以实现实时控制,适用性受到很大限制。

    Space vector modulation has a high DC voltage utilization and a low Current ripple . And its output voltage form is diversiform . However , its calculation is very complicated . ? And when levels are more , it is difficult to achieve real-time control .

  29. 它输入正,输出正,具有高功率密度和效率,廉价的拓扑结构,纹波小,输出电压高,因此广泛应用于计算机外围设备和工业产品,特别是高压项目。

    These converters perform positive to positive DC-DC voltage increasing conversion with high power density , high efficiency and cheap topology in simple structure . Therefore , these converters will be widely used in computer peripheral equipment and industrial applications , especially for high output voltage projects .

  30. 计算了三电平和两电平式PWM功放的电流纹波,得出三电平功放电流纹波和电源电压无关的结论。

    By calculating its current ripple , a conclusion that the current ripple is independent on DC link voltage is drawn .