
  • 网络Charge current;charging current;Current
  1. 它具有动态电源管理(DPM)、利用脉宽调制控制(PWM)充电电流和电压、耗尽电池检测等功能。

    It has functions of dynamic power management ( DPM ), depleted battery detection and pulse width modulator ( PWM ) to accurately control battery charge current and voltage .

  2. 根据蓄电池电压特性来调整充电电流和最高充电电压,根据蓄电池的极性自动调整充电电源的输出极性,保证了该充电站可以对任何电动自行车充电。

    According to the battery voltage to adjust the charge current and the maximum charge voltage , according to the polarity of the battery charging power supply automatically adjusts the output polarity , to ensure that the charging station can charge for any electric bicycles .

  3. 电池的连续充电电流可达4C,连续放电电流可达8C;

    The cell could be charged continuously with 4 C rate current and discharged continuously with 8 C current ;

  4. 基于镍氢电池性能实验结果,分析了轻度HEV用镍氢电池在不同SOC情况下不同充电电流的最高温度、温差变化趋势。

    Based on the result of NiMH battery performance experiments , changing trend of maximal temperature and difference in temperature of HEV NiMH battery in different SOC and different charging current is analyzed .

  5. 数字PI调节算法在该设备中的成功运用不仅加快了充电电流调节速度,提高了测试精度,减少了硬件控制环节,提高了设备的稳定性,而且节约了设备开发制造成本。

    The successful application of PI adjustment algorithm in the equipment not only improves the adjusting rate of charge current , the testing accuracy and the stability of equipment , but also reduces the control hardware and the cost of development and manufacture .

  6. 可编程充电电流最大可达800mA。

    The maximal programmable current is 800 mA .

  7. 仿真结果表明采用APFC技术能够主动消除DVR充电电流中的谐波和无功电流,提高储能单元的电压稳定性和动态响应性能。

    Simulation results show that by use of APFC technology the harmonics and reactive current in charging current of DVR can be actively eliminated and both voltage stability and dynamic response of DC energy storage unit can be improved .

  8. 设计了一种自适应开启时间的Buck型控制器,基于输入电压前馈和输出电压反馈技术来解决COT控制开关频率变化的问题,利用充电电流补偿电路,实现了输入电压与开启时间的线性化。

    An adaptive on-time control buck controller is presented . The techniques of input feedforward and output feedback are adopted to solve the problem of switching frequency variation in COT control . By using the charging current compensation circuit , the linearization of on-time with input voltage is realized .

  9. 一种适用于充放电装置的专用电流表电解式充电电流调节器

    A Suitable Ammeter for Charging and Discharging Device electrolytic battery regulator

  10. 计时电流的因子分析-法拉第电流与充电电流的分离

    Separation of Faradic and Charging Current with Factor Analysis for Chronoamperometry

  11. 铅蓄电池槽化成的连接与充电电流的均匀度

    The connection method in tank formation for lead-acid batteries and homogeneous charging current

  12. 首次充电电流对LiCoO2/石墨电池性能的影响

    Effect of the first charge current on the performance of LiCoO_2 / graphite battery

  13. 讨论了充电电流与放电电流以及钻离子注入对碱性镍电极性能的影响。

    Effects of charge and discharge currents as well as cobalt implantation have been discussed .

  14. 对充电电流、充电时间等参数,本文采用用户可设置的形式,为用户提供了友好的使用界面。

    The charging current and period can be programmed by user to provide friendly interface .

  15. 通过循环伏安法研究了自制石墨粉-环氧树脂固态电极在盐酸溶液中充电电流增大的现象。

    The influence of hydrogen ion on the graphite-epoxy solid electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry .

  16. 另外,在研究过程中本文还发现不同方向的充电电流对晶体管的阈值电压有不同的影响。

    In addition , different polarity of the charging current has different impact on MOSFET threshold voltage .

  17. 分析了影响电池充电电流的因素及其最大允许充电电流的计算方法。

    Factors influencing charging current and the calculation method of allowed maximum charging current are also analyzed .

  18. 实验室进行开合线路充电电流试验是考核断路器开合空载架空线路性能的重要手段,通过试验可以优化断路器的设计、提高断路器开合空载架空线路性能。

    According to the test results , the design of the circuit-breaker is optimized and re-strike performance is improved .

  19. 在电池电压尚未到达饱和之前,充电电流便开始减小;

    After the battery voltage reaches its final value and remains constant , the charging current is further reduced .

  20. 用于分合负荷电流、闭环电流、空载变压器和电缆充电电流。

    Used for points and load current , closed loop current , no-load transformer and cable charging electric current .

  21. 分析了槽化成的连接与充电电流的均匀性,单对角连接及其组合体能获得好的充电电流的均匀度。

    By using the single diagonal connection and its combination a good homogeneous degree of charging current can be gained .

  22. 它限制每个电容器的充电电流,并在电容器发生短路时保护继电器。

    It limits the charging current of each capacitor and also protects the relays in case a capacitor becomes short-circuited .

  23. 对双电层电容充电电流引起的测量误差作了修正。

    It can also correct the measuring deviation caused by the charging current of the capacitance of electric double layer .

  24. 通过控制压电陶瓷的充电电流来控制其运动速度,从而控制其位移量。

    The displacement of the piezo actuator is controlled by controlling its velocity through controlling the current of the piezo actuator .

  25. 镍氢电池负极用贮氢合金电极材料的充电电流效率对电池的密封以及能源节约都具有重要的意义。

    The current efficiency during charging is important for the seal of nickel-metal hydride secondary battery and the saving of energy .

  26. 通过对蓄电池组不同充电电流的控制,研究了不同充电电流对自复保险丝动作时间的影响。

    The effects of various charge current on resettable fuses trip time were studied by the controlling charge current of storage batteries .

  27. 充电电流超过最大可接受充电电流,将使蓄电池极化严重,析气加大。

    If the charging current is larger than the maximal acceptance charging current , the battery will polarize worse and generate more gas .

  28. 地下交流输电线路的一个主要难题由电缆导线与电缆外皮间持续流动的充电电流所引起。

    A major difficulty of underground AC transmission lines results from a continuous flow of ″ charging current ″ between the conductor and the sheath .

  29. 软开关串联谐振电容器拓扑因其在较宽的电压范围内具有平均充电电流恒定和抗短路能力强的特点而用于对高压电容器充电。

    Series resonant topology is used in capacitor charging power supply ( CCPS ) because of its constant average charging current characteristic from zero volts to maximum voltage .

  30. 负荷开磁分合仙、闭环电流、空载变压器和电缆充电电流,组合电器可以开断直至额定短路电流的任何电流。

    Breaking and closing ring closure current of load switch , charging current of non-load transformer and cable , composite apparatus can break till any current of rated short circuit current .