
  1. 不过,俞女士表示,自己得到的是一辆崭新的特斯拉ModelS电动轿车,以及一根不能用的充电桩。

    What Ms. Yu said she got instead was a new electric Tesla Model S sedan and a malfunctioning charging station .

  2. 寻找充电桩是其中一个普遍的抱怨。

    And finding charging stations is a regular complaint .

  3. 等待车送来的时间里,我们安装了政府补贴的充电桩。

    Waiting for delivery gave us time to install the government-subsidised charging point .

  4. 我们为电动汽车提供补贴,却把能让这些汽车更有用处的快速充电桩忘到了脑后。

    We subsidise electric cars , but forget the fast charging points that would make them more useful .

  5. 唉,结果这个充电桩的插座是三孔的,和我的电动汽车的二型连接器不适配。

    Alas , it turned out to be a three-pin socket , no use to my car 's type 2 connector .

  6. 通过功能需求分析提出了充电桩的主要设计技术指标,并据此进行了完整的方案设计。

    Its main design technical indicators are proposed according to the functional requirements analysis , and the complete design is given out accordingly .

  7. 我们最终在当地的一家超市找到了一个公共充电桩,并在汽车充电的时候喝了杯咖啡。

    We finally found a public charging point at a local supermarket , and had a coffee while the car picked up juice .

  8. 但未来某一时刻,固定充电桩将再也应付不了道路上行驶的大量电动汽车。

    But there will come a time when fixed point charging can no longer cope with the number of electric vehicles on the road .

  9. 对找充电桩这个令人头疼的问题,他并不介意。他预计,这个问题会随着中国扩建自己的电动车辆基础设施而消失。

    He does not mind the headache of finding charging stations , a problem he expects will disappear as China expands its electric vehicle infrastructure .

  10. 遗憾的是,家中已经增强过的供电系统无法提供充电桩所需的32安培电流,所以我不得不再次为更粗的电缆自掏腰包。

    Unfortunately our home 's souped-up electricity could not deliver the needed 32 amps , so I had to pony up again for thicker wires .

  11. 在加电站内部,有充电机、充电桩、物流设备、快换设备、计费终端等设备。

    The resources inside the power station are charging machines , charging piles , logistics equipments , quick change equipments , billing terminal equipments and so on .

  12. 根据当前的十二五规划,到2015年中国将建成超过40万个充电桩。

    According to China 's current five-year plan a holdover strategy from the Stalinist economy there are supposed to be more than 400,000 charging piles nationwide by 2015 .

  13. 许心超称,新发布的标准将涵盖充电桩和电动车充电插座,使不同型号的新能源汽车能够公用充电桩。

    Xu said the revised standards will cover charging posts and electric vehicle sockets , adding they would enable new-energy cars from different models to share charging posts .

  14. 他在特斯拉购买了20个充电桩,并将充电桩捐赠给了沿途旅店,这些旅店都能够接收到社交媒体的求助,并能够帮助车主提供停车和充电服务。

    He bought 20 chargers from Tesla and gave them away to hotels along his route that responded to a social media plea for parking spaces and power outlets .

  15. 根据当前的“十二五”规划,到2015年中国将建成超过40万个充电桩。

    According to China 's current five-year plan -- a holdover strategy from the Stalinist economy -- there are supposed to be more than 400000 charging piles nationwide by 2015 .

  16. 他说,特斯拉在4月初向他承诺六周内交车,还附带赠送带有特斯拉车标的限量版铭牌,并免费在他家安装充电桩。

    He said that in early April Tesla promised him delivery within six weeks , a complimentary limited-edition plate carrying Tesla 's logo and free installation of charging equipment at his home .

  17. 论文最后对交流充电桩进行了系统测试,经测试结果表明,该充电桩运行可靠、功能完善,可投入实际应用。

    Finally , the AC charging system tests are conducted . And the results show that the charging pile is reliable and functional , and it can be put into practical use .

  18. 通过这些图形界面,可以实现充电桩与充电站工作人员的信息交互,方便工作人员对充电站的管理。

    Through these graphic interfaces , the information interaction between the charging piles and charging station working staff is achieved , which will be convenient for them to manage the charging station .

  19. 梅赛德斯称,使用220伏/40安的二级充电桩充电的话,充满电量耗尽的电池需要三个半小时,充到60%的电量需要两小时。

    With a 220V / 40A Level 2 charger , it takes 3.5 hours to fully charge a depleted battery , says Mercedes , and 2 hours to raise levels to 60 % .

  20. 他说,特斯拉在4月初向他承诺六周内交车,还附带赠送带有特斯拉车标的限量版铭牌,并免费在他家安装充电桩。

    He said that in early April Tesla promised him delivery within six weeks , a complimentary limited-edition plate carrying Tesla 's logo and free installation of charging equipment at his home . '

  21. 新车在我生日之前如期而至,我的妻子还给了我一个惊喜&带我去一家酒店度周末,选择这家酒店的原因是它的院墙前有充电桩。

    The new wheels arrived in time for my birthday , and my wife whisked me away for a surprise weekend getaway at a hotel chosen for the charging point on its front wall .

  22. 该多用户充电桩集中式电能规划与监测模块具有功能齐全、可扩展性强的优点,在充电系统建设中有广阔的应用前景。

    The multi-port charging pile of centralized power planning model and monitoring module has been proved to be functional and strong scalability . It has broad application prospects in the construction of the charging system .

  23. 但是高瞻电动车的张大伟说,在拥有2400万人口的上海,目前只建成了1000-2000个充电桩,远远达不到实现十二五目标的速度。

    But in today 's Shanghai , a city of 24 million people , only 1,000-2,000 have so far been installed , says Mr. Zhang of EV Buy & far off the pace required to help China achieve its goals .

  24. 但是高瞻电动车的张大伟说,在拥有2400万人口的上海,目前只建成了1000-2000个充电桩,远远达不到实现“十二五”目标的速度。

    But in today 's Shanghai , a city of 24 million people , only 1000-2000 have so far been installed , says Mr. Zhang of EV Buy -- far off the pace required to help China achieve its goals .

  25. 我们最终在当地的一家超市找到了一个公共充电桩,并在汽车充电的时候喝了杯咖啡。当我们回到酒店的时候,车的电量和我们两小时前离开的时候完全一样。

    We finally found a public charging point at a local supermarket , and had a coffee while the car picked up juice . By the time we returned to the hotel , we had exactly the same range as when we left two hours earlier .

  26. 去年第四季度,特斯拉在中国的表现同样疲软。穆斯克指出,这是因为中国城市居民误以为给电动汽车充电是一桩难事。

    Sales in China were also weak in the 4th quarter , with Musk blaming a misperception among urban Chinese consumers that it would be difficult to charge their cars .

  27. 同时作为其配套设施的充电站、充电桩产品必须与电动汽车发展齐头并进。

    At the same time as the facilities of the charging station , charging pile must and electric vehicle achieve coordinated development .

  28. 电动汽车主要以充电电池为动力,以充电桩作为能量补给。

    The main power of EV is rechargeable batteries , which the energy supply is charge pile .

  29. 由于动力电池是电动汽车核心系统之一,因此充电站与快速非车载充电桩成为了电动汽车不可或缺的配套设施。

    As electric vehicle battery is one of the core system , non-car charging statons and fast charging poles became indispensable facilities .

  30. 一些电动汽车充电公司的老板曾对我说,超级充电桩只是穆斯克的一个小花招:它是帮助提升汽车销量的一个附加设备,是推动行业向前发展的方法而已,绝对不属于电动汽车基础设施的一部分。

    As several owners of electric vehicle charging companies told me , the Supercharger is a bit of Musk magic : a great add-on to help sell more cars and a way to move the industry forward but by no means a comprehensive piece of EV infrastructure .