
  • 网络energy fund;China Clean Energy Capital-CCEC
  1. 通过分析认为,我国目前的可再生能源产业投资制度需在现有基础上进一步完善,具体包括加大政府扶持力度、加强银行的支持以及积极发挥BOT、能源基金、股票等市场化方式的融资作用。

    This paper puts forward that the present investment system of renewable energy industry needs improvement , including strengthening government and bank 's support and giving play to the financing function actively in such market-based ways as BOT , energy fund and stock .

  2. 清洁能源基金将为银行在这些方面进行的工作提供急需的支持,他补充道。

    CTF will provide much-needed support to the banks ' initiatives in pursuing these efforts , he adds .

  3. 中电创新能源基金旨在加深市民对可再生能源及能源效益的认识,以及推广两者的应用。

    CLP Energy Innovation Fund aims to promote awareness of renewable energy and energy efficiency and their applications in Hong Kong .

  4. 清洁能源基金将以在规模的技术为重点,而不会支持仍然处于研究阶段的技术。

    The Clean Technology Fund will focus on deployment of technologies at scale , but would not support technologies that are still in the research stage .

  5. 在美国能源基金会的资助及上海有关部门和机构的合作和支持下,完成了燃气热电联产的政策研究。

    Financed by the American Energy Foundation and cooperated and supported by related sectors and institutions of Shanghai , the research of the gas-based cogeneration policy was completed .

  6. “如果清洁能源基金能够帮助将集中的太阳能发电提高到风力发电目前所处的地位,那就将是一个重大的成就,”他补充道。

    " If the Clean Technology Fund can help drive concentrated solar power to where wind power is today , that will be a major achievement ," he adds .

  7. 新的清洁能源基金将为推广低碳电力和运输技术以及提高建筑、工业和农业的能源使用效率提供52亿美元的资助。

    The new Clean Technology Fund will provide $ 5.2 billion in funding for scaling up low-carbon power and transport technologies and energy efficiency in buildings , industry , and agriculture .

  8. 假如当时我们单独发行了一支5亿美元的能源基金,结果要么是无法完成投资,要么会在投资时倍感压力。

    If we 'd gone out and raised a $ 500 million energy-only fund , we either wouldn 't have been able to invest it or would have felt pressure to do deals we otherwise weren 't comfortable with .

  9. 因此今天晚上,我提议我们用我们的一些石油和天然气收入,成立一个能源安全基金会,用以发展新科研,以让我们的汽车和卡车以后不再用石油。

    So tonight , I propose we use some of our oil and gas revenues to fund an Energy Security Trust that will drive new research and technology to shift our cars and trucks off oil for good .

  10. 能源政策研究基金会(EnergyPolicyResearchFoundation)估计,全球的日产能损失总量高达450万桶,相当于全球有效剩余产能的两倍。

    The Energy Policy Research Foundation estimates the world 's lost output of up to 4.5m b / d is the equivalent of twice the world 's effective spare capacity .

  11. 然而,华盛顿能源政策研究基金会(EnergyPolicyResearchFoundation)的特丽莎柯蒂斯(TrishaCurtis)表示,油价跌至50美元下方正对页岩行业造成“非常严重的”问题。

    However Trisha Curtis , of the Washington-based Energy Policy Research Foundation , says oil at under $ 50 is causing " quite serious " problems for the industry .

  12. 研究公司Preqin的数据显示,上个季度,4家能源私募股权基金共募资51亿美元。

    According to research firm PreQin , four energy-focused private equity funds raised a total of $ 5.1 billion last quarter .

  13. 由于这个原因,许多投资者将资金投入了数量不断增加的替代能源或环保基金。这些基金的投资对象是一组企业。

    For this reason , many investors have put money into the increasing number of alternative energy or environmental funds that invest in a portfolio of companies .

  14. 因此,在我的国情咨文中,我号召国会成立一个能源安全信托基金,资助那些帮助我们实现这些目标的科学研究。

    That 's why , in my State of the Union Address , I called on Congress to set up an Energy Security Trust to fund research into new technologies that will help us reach that goal .

  15. 退出Mesa,依托自己的7800万美元净值,在1997年创立了专注于能源行业的对冲基金BPCapitalManagement。

    Withdraws from Mesa , with his $ 78 million net worth , and founds energy-focused hedge fund BP Capital Management in 1997 .

  16. 我还有能源和贵金属基金,正好也赶上了大宗商品市场的牛市行情。

    And energy and precious-metal funds that rode the bull commodities market .

  17. 能源交通重点建设基金

    Major construction fund of energy resources and transportation

  18. 过去一年油价崩盘也促使航空公司、能源公司及对冲基金进行补仓。

    The collapse of oil prices in the past year has also spurred airlines , energy companies and hedge funds to add positions .

  19. 上述预算还包括将加大对教育和基础设施的投入,奥巴马计划通过对能源行业、共同基金以及房地产行业增税,来支付这部分开支。

    The budget also includes extra spending on education and infrastructure , which the president plans to pay for with additional higher taxes on the energy industry , mutual funds and also estates .

  20. 在谈到新产品时,帕克认为,另一个趋势可能是农业、基础设施、水力和新能源等主题行业基金的增长,而新兴市场充满机遇。

    When it comes to new products Mr Parker believes another trend could be the growth of themed sector funds such as agriculture , infrastructure , water and new energy , with opportunities in emerging markets .

  21. 为此提出了制定可再生能源发电上网的若干规定、可再生能源专项基金、税收优惠和优惠贷款政策以及相应的机构能力建设的具体建议。

    Some detailed suggestions related to renewable power grid connection issue , setting up renewable energy fund , tax and loan favorable policies and capacity building issue are proposed in this article finally .

  22. 能源顾问KonstantinSimonov是莫斯科独立的国家能源安全基金的董事,他说,在这个缺少多样化的经济体中,石油生产和供应代表了俄罗斯经济三大支柱中的两个。

    Energy consultant Konstantin Simonov , director of the independent National Energy Security Fund in Moscow , says oil producers and suppliers represent two of three legs that support Russia 's poorly diversified economy .

  23. 第二,针对我国可再生能源缺乏专项资金来源和融资机制差,建议在我国设立可再生能源基金制度。

    Second , in view of lacking the special fund and bad financing mechanism of renewable energy resources in our country , the author suggests to set up the fund system of renewable energy resources in our country .

  24. 环境分析机构新能源金融(NewEnergyFinance)跟踪了约30家将中国为主要投资地的国际清洁能源基金,它们管理下的资金规模估计为35亿美元。

    Environmental analyst New Energy Finance has tracked about 30 global clean energy funds , with an estimated $ 3.5bn under management , that are targeting China as a prime investment region .