
  1. 第五章针对光伏产业链所存在的问题,对其进行产业链的构建整合。

    The problems for the photovoltaic industry chain , industry chain integration .

  2. 太阳能硅片多线切割机是太阳能光伏产业链硅片生产流程中的关键设备,硅片加工质量的好坏将直接影响到后续的加工效率和成品率。

    Multi-wire saw ( MWS ) for solar silicon wafer is the key equipment in the solar silicon wafer manufacturing process in photovoltaic ( PV ) industry . The processing quality will directly affect the following the processing efficiency and yield .

  3. 介绍了目前光伏产业全球价值链的分布。

    The paper also described the distribution of current global PV industry global value chain .