
  • 网络Hybrid system;Hybrid Power Systems;hev;THS
  1. 精确的动力电池剩余电量(SOC)是混合动力系统进行动力分配的重要依据,也是整车控制和降低使用成本的关键。

    Precise state of charge ( SOC ) of traction battery is a key factor for power distribution of HEV power system , total control of vehicle and cost reduction .

  2. 混合动力系统的匹配设计与优化算法

    Matching and Optimization Algorithm of the Powertrain of HEV

  3. 应用ADVISOR研究丰田混合动力系统

    Study on the TOYOTA Hybrid Power System with the ADVISOR

  4. 轻度HEV混合动力系统轴系机电耦合动力学特性的研究

    Study on Electro-Mechanical Coupling Dynamics of Hybrid Shafts System of Mild HEV

  5. 以上研究为CVT混合动力系统能量管理策略的制定奠定了理论基础。

    These researches provide theoretic foundation for the system energy management strategy of mild HEV with CVT .

  6. 丰田第二代混合动力系统(THSⅡ)

    Second Generation of Toyota Hybrid System ( THS ⅱ)

  7. Prius混合动力系统分析

    Analysis of Prius Hybrid Power System

  8. 根据试验数据,在ADVISOR仿真软件中对混合动力系统性能(加速性能、爬坡性能)进行仿真测试。

    According to test data , the performance ( speed up performance , climbing performance ) were simulated by the ADVISOR simulation software .

  9. 集成启动发电机(ISG)型式的并联混合动力系统是汽车动力系统发展方向之一。

    Integrated Starter Generator ( ISG ) parallel hybrid system set a new trend of vehicle powertrain systems .

  10. 本文首先概述了PEMFC的发展现状,简述了PEMFC的各重要组成部件及工作原理并对燃料电池混合动力系统的构型与控制策略进行了简要介绍。

    A brief overview is conducted on the important elements and the principle of PEMFC , as well as the framework and control strategy of fuel cell hybrid system .

  11. 在研究与掌握ADVISOR车辆仿真系统结构组成的基础上,对该系统进行了二次开发,建立了该仿真系统不具备的某特定车型的混合动力系统仿真模型及其控制器模型。

    The advanced vehicle simulation software ADVISOR is redeveloped for setting up the simulation models for a specific hybrid electric vehicle and its controller , which was not available in ADVISOR .

  12. 对叉车混合动力系统主要部件:发动机、ISG电机、发电机及动力电池等进行了选型和参数设计。

    For forklift hybrid system main parts : engine , ISG motor , generator and power battery , which were selected and designed parameters .

  13. 本文以降低瞬态过程排放为目标,对柴油机ISG混合动力系统的优化控制问题展开研究。

    For the purposes of reducing emission in transient state , optimal control of ISG hybrid system with diesel engines has been studied in this dissertation .

  14. Plug-in混合动力系统可以实现利用普通电网进行充电,并具有较长纯电动续驶里程,一旦实际行驶距离超过纯电动续驶里程,则可立即启动混合动力模式进行长途远行。

    Plug-in HEV can use the home power system for charging , and owns a longer pure electric driving mileage . When the driving distance is more than the maximum pure electric driving range , it will start the hybrid model for a long distance travel .

  15. 四象限混合动力系统是一种新颖的混合动力电动车(HEV)用驱动系统,基于其紧凑的结构和优良的混联式混合动力系统性能,成为HEV领域最有竞争力的理想系统之一。

    The four-quadrant transducer drive system is a novel drive system used for hybrid electric vehicle ( HEV ), and it becomes one of the most competitive and ideal drive systems due to its compact structure and advantages of series-parallel hybrid .

  16. 首先要指出的是,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)为MalibuEco研发的轻度混合动力系统为它拿到了不少分数,它不仅改善了性能和油耗,价格也比较合理(底价25995美元)。

    To begin with , General Motors ( GM , Fortune 500 ) gets heaps of points for developing a mild hybrid system for the Malibu eco that aims to deliver improved performance and better gas mileage at a reasonable price ( base : $ 25,995 ) .

  17. 研究了丰田混合动力系统及其主要控制策略,利用ADVISOR软件对Prius轿车的加速过程和燃油经济性进行了模拟计算,并与试验结果进行了对比。

    The TOYOTA hybrid power system and its main control strategies are studied . The acceleration process and fuel economy of the PRIUS passenger car is simulated with the ADVISOR , and the results are compared with the test results .

  18. 基于上述模型,完整的提出了一套ISG混合动力系统转矩协调控制算法,并考虑了电机输出转矩动态约束和转矩输出延时问题。

    Based on the above models , a complete torque coordination algorithm for ISG hybrid system is proposed , in which the dynamic limit on motor torque output and the delay in torque output is considered .

  19. 同时通过修改仿真文件等操作,完成了对软件Advisor的二次开发,构建了同轴式混联混合动力系统的仿真平台。

    And the Advisor software is secondarily developed to set up a new simulation platform for the series-parallel hybrid power train by modifying the simulation files and so on . Finally , the driving cycle and the simulation conditions are selected and the simulation of hybrid power train is completed .

  20. 本文针对四象限混合动力系统中的核心部件&四象限能量转换器(4QT)进行了以下几个方面的研究。

    Some research has been carried out on the four-quadrant transducer ( 4QT ) which is the key part in the four-quadrant transducer drive system .

  21. 基于CAN总线的混合动力系统与计算机通讯的研究

    Research on Communication Between HEV Based on CAN Bus and Computer

  22. 对混合动力系统中的控制系统进行了研究和设计。

    The control system in the hybrid power system was discussed .

  23. 混合动力系统分流耦合机构工作模式分析

    Analysis on working mode of power-split mechanism for hybrid power system

  24. 双转子混合动力系统研究

    A Study on Hybrid Power System with Double Rotor Motor

  25. 轻度混合动力系统典型瞬态过程仿真分析

    A Simulation on Typical Transient Processes of Mild Hybrid System

  26. 一种燃料电池混合动力系统功率控制算法

    A Power Control Algorithm of Fuel Cell Hybrid Power System

  27. 在此基础上,介绍了油液混合动力系统及其特点。

    Based on this , hydraulic hybrid system is introduced .

  28. 质子交换膜燃料电池混合动力系统能量优化的仿真分析

    Simulation and analysis of energy optimization for PEMFC hybrid system

  29. 燃料电池混合动力系统构型和控制方法研究

    Study on Configuration and Control Method of the Hybrid Power System of

  30. 燃料电池城市客车混合动力系统的自适应控制

    Adaptive Control of the Hybrid Power System in Fuel Cell City Bus