
  • 网络carbon capture;CCUS
  1. 碳捕集与封存技术(CarbonCaptureandStorage)是一项新兴的、具有大规模减排潜力的技术,有望实现二氧化碳接近零排放。

    Carbon capture and storage technology ( the Carbon Capture and Storage ) is an emerging technology with large-scale emission reduction potential and is expected to achieve near-zero emissions of carbon dioxide .

  2. 气候变化;碳捕集与封存(CCS);零排放电站;绿色煤电;厂址选择。

    Climate Change , Carbon Capture and Storage ( CCS ), Near-zero-emission power plant , GreenGen , Site Selection .

  3. 这家公司近年来希望把碳捕集技术(ccs)引入到中国来。

    The company in recent years is expecting to introduce carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) technology into China .

  4. 近年来提出的碳捕集利用封存和碳捕集再利用封存是更为积极的CO2减排应对策略。

    Carbon Capture Use and Storage ( CCUS ) and Carbon Capture Reuse and Storage ( CCRS ), as the two concepts emerged recently , may be viewed as more active policy responding to CO2 emission reduction .

  5. 化石燃料燃烧产生的CO2是最主要的温室气体来源,O2/CO2循环燃烧是一项非常有潜力的碳捕集技术,而且特别适合于我国以煤为主的能源结构。

    CO2 emission from the combustion of fossil fuel is the main source of greenhouse gases . Oxy-combustion is a very promising CO2 capture technology , which is particularly suited to the coal-dominated energy structure of China .

  6. 在传统火力发电厂中,引入CCS技术,即为碳捕集电厂,可实现大规模、高效率的碳减排,具有广泛的应用前景。

    It will be carbon capture power plant after introducing the technology of CCS in the traditional power plant . The carbon capture power plant has a wide application prospect .

  7. 煤是我国一次能源的主体,燃煤排放的CO2占我国CO2排放量的70%以上,开发具有碳捕集的新型燃煤技术是实现大规模碳减排的根本途径。

    Coal is the principal part of the primary energy in China . Morn than 70 % of the CO2 emission in China came from burning coal . The ultimate way which could largely reduce the carbon emission is to develop new coal combust technologies with carbon capture ability .

  8. 碳捕集、利用和封存(简称CCUS)可大幅度减少电力和工业领域的燃煤排放。

    Emissions from coal combustion in the electric power and industrial sectors can be significantly reduced through carbon capture , utilization , and storage ( CCUS ) .

  9. 碳捕集、利用和封存。

    Carbon capture , utilization and storage .

  10. 通过碳捕集、利用与封存可以显著减少电厂和工业的煤炭燃烧排放量。

    Emissions from coal combustion in the electric power and industrial sectors can be significantly reduced through CCUS .

  11. 而阿尔斯通方面声称,其开发的冷氨技术可以显著降低与碳捕集相关的能源成本。

    However , Alstom claims that its ammonia refrigeration technology can greatly reduce the energy costs related to carbon capture .

  12. 在无国家补贴政策情况下,碳捕集和封存会使电煤供应链成本脱钩弹性和收入脱钩弹性均处于衰退脱钩状态。

    Without the subsidies from the nation , the cost of CCS will make the cost elasticity and revenue elasticity in a recessive decoupling .

  13. 中国和美国将一道合作,通过在两国实施多项大规模综合性项目,克服在实施碳捕集、利用与封存中存在的障碍。

    China and the United States will cooperate to overcome barriers to deploying CCUS by implementing several large-scale , integrated CCUS projects in both countries .

  14. 合作项目将应对碳捕集、利用和封存、削减氢氟碳化物、城市和水泥行业的低碳转型等问题。

    The projects address carbon capture , usage and storage , hydrofluorocarbon reduction , and the move toward low-carbon cities and a low-carbon model for the cement industry .

  15. 增加碳捕集、利用与封存:美国和中国的煤炭消耗量占全球40%以上。

    Increasing carbon capture , utilization , and storage ( CCUS ): Together , the United States and China account for more than 40 percent of global coal consumption .

  16. 碳烟捕集器多孔陶瓷性能的实验与仿真计算

    Experimental and Simulative Research on Porous Ceramics Performance in Smoke Trap

  17. 柴油机微粒捕集器燃油添加剂催化再生研究碳烟捕集器多孔陶瓷性能的实验与仿真计算

    Using Fuel Additive for Regeneration of Diesel Particulate Trap Experimental and Simulative Research on Porous Ceramics Performance in Smoke Trap

  18. 这意味着干水可以用于碳的捕集和存储,代替危险的高压气体罐。

    That means that dry water could be used in carbon capture and storage methods in place of dangerous , highly compressed gas cannisters .

  19. 同时指出了该工艺最关键的几个问题,如含碳飞灰的捕集和返烧、碳转化率、甲醇含量等。

    Through comparison of several gasification technologies , it is pointed out that the two stage gasification technology has also remaining problems of uncertain carbon conversion rate and unfixed value of methane content .