
  • C4 fraction;【化】C-4-fraction
  1. 碳四馏分中烯烃资源的利用调研

    Investigation of making use of olefin resource in C_4 component

  2. 二维气相色谱技术分析混合碳四馏分中微量炔烃

    Analysis of trace alkynes in mixed C_4 fractions by two-dimensional gas chromatography

  3. 催化裂化碳四馏分加工方案对比

    Contrast of Processing Programmes of C_4 Fractions from Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit

  4. 碳四馏分选择加氢研究进展

    Advances in selective hydrogenation of C_4 fraction

  5. 指出我国解决碳四馏分出路的重要途径就是采用歧化技术生产低碳烯烃,尤其是丙烯、己烯,以进一步提高企业经济效益。

    It is pointed out that we should put emphasis on the disproportionation technology for producing light olefin , especially propylene and hexene from C_4 fraction in view of the domestic conditions .

  6. 该装置为五塔设计流程,主要产品精丙烯的纯度为99.6%,轻碳四馏分中异丁烯纯度不小于21%,为下游的聚丙烯、聚异丁烯等化工装置提供原料。

    The unit is a five-column process and its main products purity are as follows : purified propylene 99.6 % , isobutene in light C4 distillate above 21 % , which both are feedstock of polypropylene and polyisobutene units downstream .

  7. 利用蒸汽裂解和炼油工艺的碳四和碳五馏分生产丙烯是增产丙烯的一条重要途径。

    Technologies for propylene production by using C4 and C5 fractions as feedstock coming from steam cracker and refineries are reviewed .

  8. 本工作研究了丁烯-1的加氢异构化反应。采用硫化了的Pd-Al2O3催化剂,以碳四抽余液和炼厂碳四馏分为原料,在液相中进行异构化反应,使丁烯-1转化为丁烯-2。

    Using sulfurized Pd-Al2O3 catalyst , liquid hydroisomerization of 1-butene to 2-butene in C4 raffinate of cracked gas and C4 fraction of refinery gas was studied .

  9. 兰州石化公司生产高辛烷值汽油的碳四加工联合工艺,原采用催化裂化生产的轻碳四馏分,由MTBE、聚异丁烯、气体分馏、叠合和烷基化等装置组成,流程较长。

    The original combined process for C 4 processing to produce high octane value gasoline in Lanzhou Petrochemical Company was made up of MTBE , polyisobutylene , gas fractionation , polymerization and alkylation units , taking FCC light C 4 distillate as feedstock .