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  • carbon brush
  1. 采用该材料制成的汽车起动电机用碳刷架通过了法国Valeo公司测试。

    The carbon brush shelf for automotive start motor and made by this material has passed the measurements in Valeo Co. , France .

  2. 进口灯泡贯流式机组滑环碳刷系统的改进

    Improving slip-ring and carbon brush system for import bulb hydro-generating units

  3. 该文在建立弹载机构角运动模拟装置的基础上,摒弃了传统的碳刷机构测试方法,提出了一种基于ARM处理器嵌入式系统的弹载机构运动测试新方法。

    Traditional carbonic brush mechanism testing method is spumed . Based on the projectile-borne mechanism angular motion simulation device , a new testing method for the projectile-borne mechanism motion test is provided , which is based on the ARM embedded system .

  4. 发动机用刷[不包括碳刷或石墨电刷,不超过1000V电压用]

    Brush for motors [ excl. those of carbon or graphite , for a voltage not exceeding 1000v ]

  5. TGL16M采用无碳刷变频电机,TGL16采用无碳刷直流电机,免维护,大力矩,升降速快。

    Brushless frequency motor for model TGL16M and Brushless DC motor for TGL16 which in great torque , free maintenance , no powder pollution , quick in speed up and down .

  6. 发电机励磁碳刷打火原因分析及消除

    Reason analysis and stop of generator excitation carbon brush strike fire

  7. 浅谈发动机碳刷的故障处理及日常维护

    Talking about fault treatment and daily maintenance of generator carbon brush

  8. 大轴径分体轴通式碳刷集流器的设计与制造

    Design and Manufacture of a Large Size Separated Collecting Ring with Carbon Brushes

  9. 舰船用无碳刷补偿型大功率交流稳压电源的探讨碳刷强度测试仪

    On the brushless compensation high-power alternating current voltage regulator power supply for ships

  10. 无须碳刷和齿轮,减少维护和大大延长生命。

    It can maintenance and extend life without carbon brush and gear wheel .

  11. 汽车碳刷架用酚醛模塑料的性能研究

    Study on Properties of Phenolic Moulding Compound for Carbon Brush Shelf of Automobile

  12. 碳刷架是起重机的一种配件。

    Brush frame is a kind of crane accessories .

  13. 灯泡贯流式机组碳刷火花原因分析与防范措施

    Reason Analysis and Its Prevention of Carbon Brush Light in Bulb Tubular Turbine Generator

  14. 提供优质碳刷。

    We supply high quality carbon brush .

  15. 一种无碳刷、无触点、补偿式电力稳压器的研制

    Develop of No Carbon Brush , No Contact Point , Compensation Type Electric Voltage Stabilizer

  16. 运用6σ缩短更换电机碳刷有效维修时间分析

    Analysis of Shortening Effective Repair Time in Replacement of Starting-motors ' Brush by 6 σ

  17. 发电机励磁碳刷滑环发热的分析预防和应急处理措施

    Analysis and Prevention of Fever of Carbon Brush and Slip Ring for Generator Excitation and Countermeasures

  18. 切割机的电源由碳刷提供,利于减少能耗。

    The carbon brush supplies power for the cutting machine to reduce the waste of energy .

  19. 免维护的无碳刷变频电机。

    Maintenance-free brushless drive motor .

  20. 应该保证碳刷和滑环始终保持接触。

    Should guarantee to maintain the contact between the carbon brush and the rolling rings all the time .

  21. 现场直流励磁机碳刷打火的分析与处理

    Analysis and Treatment for the Carbon Brush of Direct Current Exciter to Strike a Light on the Spot

  22. 确定一下碳刷与换向器是否保持良好的接触,是非常必要的。

    It is very necessary to make sure that the carbon brushes stay in good contact with the commutator .

  23. 单相:接触式调压器是一台由伺服电机及减速传动机构带动碳刷的单相自藕器。

    Phase : Touch regulator contains 1 servo motor , 1 phase 1 wrap with decelerate tranmission type to operate carbon brush .

  24. 分析了接地导纳型继电器运行中因接地碳刷与转子大轴接触不良引起一点接地信号误发的原因。

    The reason for the misoperation of the rotor grounding relay is the unstable touch of the ground carbon brush with the rotor shaft .

  25. 分析了轴电压吸收回路以及接地碳刷与大轴间接触电阻对发电机转子接地保护的影响,并分别提出了相应的对策和注意事项。

    This paper analyzes the influences of shaft voltage absorbing circuit and brush touching resistance on the performance of generator rotor earth fault protection .

  26. 高纯石墨可加工各类石墨模、石墨质机械零件、石墨坩埚、石墨轴承、碳刷等。可用于冶金、化工、轻工、制药、纺织、石油、国防、航天等行业。

    Machinable various types of high-purity graphite-graphite , graphite of mechanical parts and graphite crucible , bearing graphite , carbon brush , and so on .

  27. 吸尘系统是三个单相旁路电动马达,使用碳刷,在钢制外壳上有独立的操作开关。

    The suction is provided by three by-pass motors , using carbon brushes , operated by independent switches and placed inside a sturdy steel casing .

  28. 根据观察、测量及分析,找出了发电机碳刷烧损事故的主要原因。

    Based on observation , measurement , and specialists analysis , the main causes of burnout failure for carbon brush on said generators have been found .

  29. 膨胀石墨与碳刷复合填充时的库仑效率是碳刷单独填充时的2.84倍。

    The coulomb efficiency of MFC which was composite packed with expanded graphite and tungsten carbide was 2.84 times than only carbon fiber brush packed MFC .

  30. 微机控制,低噪音免维护,无刷电机驱动,无碳刷粉尘污染,快速升降速,操作简便自动平衡系统,振动小,噪音低。

    Computer-controlled , brushless motor driven , simple handling , low noise , low vibration , no carbon dust , fast change of speed , autobalancing system .