
shí zì jiē
  • cross streets
十字街 [shí zì jiē]
  • [cross street] 与主干道交叉的街道;尤指垂直交叉并双向连续延伸的街道

  1. 在《查令十字街84号》(84CharingCrossRoad)中,海莲·汉芙(HeleneHanff)向英文名著与书商致敬时写道,她曾告诉朋友如果去英国,她将会寻找英国文学中的英格兰,也就是这个地方。

    In her tribute to English books and booksellers , " 84 Charing Cross Road , " Helene Hanff writes of telling a friend that if she ever goes to England , she 'll go looking for the England of English literature , to which he replies , " It 's there . "

  2. 而查宁十字街则主要销售便宜的二手书。位于街道中心中段的Foyles书店,100年前就被誉为“全球规模最大的书店”,如今至少就藏书种类数而言,依然是全英国门类最齐全的书店。

    Charing Cross Road was for cheap second-hand stuff . At its centre was Foyles , billed a century ago as " the largest bookshop in the world " and still , at least in terms of the number of different titles stocked , the UK 's most expansive .

  3. 组织者将参与者分成若干小组,接着活动人群便前往查令十字街地铁站。

    Organisers then divided people into groups before everyone headed to Charing Cross Tube station .

  4. 你们若恰好路经查令十字街84号,代我献上一吻,我亏欠它良多!

    If you happen to pass by84 Charing Cross road , kiss it for me ! I owe it so much .

  5. 在伦敦这个努力保留各个独特贸易区域的城市,也许传统建筑、新书店以及纸质图书的联合能让查宁十字街作为书店一条街继续存在下去。

    In a city that has struggled to retain its distinctive trade districts , perhaps this combination of architecture , place and the printed word will allow Charing Cross Road to hang on just a little longer as the street of words .