
  1. 很多旅游景点在十一黄金周期间都上涨了票价。

    Many tourist attractions raised tickets prices during National Day Golden Week .

  2. 许多人把十一黄金周当作休息的绝佳机会。

    Many people think that the golden week is perfect for relaxation .

  3. 十一黄金周期间,中国铁路载客创历史新高。

    China 's railway passenger traffic sets record high .

  4. 十一黄金周期间,郊区商业地产开始初露锋芒。

    Golden Week holidays , the beginning of fire directed suburbs commercial real estate .

  5. 走向转型升级的中国假日旅游&从十一黄金周看我国假日旅游的发展

    China Holiday Tour towards Shift and Upgrade

  6. 十一黄金周路线推荐

    Recommended itineraries of golden national holiday week

  7. 据国有新闻机构新华社报道,今年十一黄金周期间,全国共接待游客4.28亿人次。

    According to the state-run Xinhua news agency , Chinese tourists made 428 million trips last week during Golden Week .

  8. 十一黄金周期间,西湖边上成群结队的游客。又一个为期一周的长假过去了,各种以混乱为主题的假期故事不绝于耳。在此之后,中国政府似乎开始重新考虑假期安排策略。

    After another weeklong Chinese holiday filled with tales of chaos , the government seems to be rethinking its scheduling strategy .

  9. 此外,今年的十一黄金周与中秋节赶到了一块,导致长假比以往的黄金周多了一天。

    Also , Golden Week coincided with the mid-Autumn Festival this year , meaning the ' week ' was a day longer .

  10. 在十一黄金周假期里我到上海看了几场高级别的体育比赛。

    Last week , I traveled to Shanghai to attend a couple of high profile sporting events held during the Chinese Golden Week holiday .

  11. 随着十一黄金周第三天的结束,有关中国游客不良行为的画面已经在网上传开。

    As China completes day three of its Golden Week holiday period , images of Chinese tourists behaving badly are already doing the rounds online .

  12. 即便是在十一黄金周这样的大力度促销季,也努力稳扎稳打送实惠,以维护自身的品牌形象。

    Even in the11 Golden Week this season 's big promotion efforts , but also a steady effort Give benefits in order to protect their brand image .

  13. 十一黄金周过后,香港旅游的促销力度不减反增,不少商业机构采用抱团组合的方式,进一步降低成本,吸引消费者。

    After the national holiday week , the tourism promotion increased rather than decreased , many commercial organizations cooperated with each other to further reduce costs and attract consumers .

  14. 去年十一黄金周期间带孩子们去宜昌,游了大坝和三峡人家。

    Last year , during the National Day 's Golden Week Holiday , we took the kids to Yichang to visit the Three Gorges Dam and the Tribe of the Three Gorges .

  15. 但随着可支配收入的增多,旅游景点开始人满为患,交通堵塞动辄数公里。据国有新闻机构新华社报道,今年十一黄金周期间,全国共接待游客4.28亿人次。

    But with disposable incomes on the rise , tourist destinations are getting overwhelmed and traffic bottlenecked for miles . According to the state-run Xinhua news agency , Chinese tourists made 428 million trips last week during Golden Week .

  16. 中国国家旅游局上个月底在十一黄金周前发布了一套新的旅游出行指南,目的就是要纠正这类游客的不良行为。

    A new set of guidelines by China National Tourism Administration , issued late last month ahead of the key Golden Week vacation period that kicked off on Oct. 1 National Day , aims to set such tourists right .

  17. 研究院院长戴斌表示,该研究院的监控数据显示,泰国、新加坡、越南、马来西亚、印尼和菲律宾这些国家,位居国人十一黄金周期间出境游的前十大热门目的地之列。

    Monitoring data from the academy showed that Thailand , Singapore , Vietnam , Malaysia , Indonesia and the Philippines are among the 10 most popular destinations for outbound travelers during the holiday from Oct. 1 to 8 , said Dai Bin , head of the academy .

  18. 中国假期安排的复杂程度早已恶名远扬,大多数在职者都要在长假——“十一黄金周”和春节假期——前后的周末调休。

    China 's holiday system is notoriously complicated , with most of the country 's workers required to make up for long public holidays -- the National Day ' Golden Week ' in October and Chinese New Year in late winter -- by working prior or following weekends .

  19. “十一”黄金周的山东国际会展中心人潮涌动,欢迎您加盟“爱车DIY”!

    Welcome to attend " My Favourite Car , DIY ", also for the large amounts of visitors in Shandong International Convention Center during the Golden Week !

  20. 此外,由于今年中秋节和“十一”黄金周假期相隔较近,沈阳部分旅行社还特地为此推出了超长假期游。

    As the Autumn Festival and the National Day holidays are approaching , local travel agencies launch extraordinarily long vacation travel .

  21. 据当地旅游局介绍,十一国庆黄金周期间,林芝预计将接待约35万名游客。

    During the upcoming week-long National Day holiday , Nyingchi is expected to receive about 350,000 tourists , according to local tourism bureau .

  22. 在“十一”黄金周我参加了很多的室外活动,比如是:打羽毛球,烧烤,饭后散步。

    During the October golden week I took part in many outdoors activities , for example playing badminton , having barbecue , walking after meals .

  23. 目前正值印度的结婚旺季,这通常是市场大量需要黄金礼品的时候,而中国消费者正在为下周开始的“十一”黄金周假日做购物准备。

    Consumers in India are on the cusp of wedding season , a traditional time of gold gift giving , while Chinese buyers are preparing for the National Day Golden Week holiday , which begins next week .

  24. 据当地旅游局介绍,“十一”国庆黄金周期间,林芝预计将接待约35万名游客。

    During the upcoming week-long National Day holiday , Nyingchi is expected to receive about 350000 tourists , according to local tourism bureau . ( Xinhua )

  25. 通过检验,本文发现五一、十一这两个黄金周对全年的社会消费品总额并没有显著的影响。

    Through testing , the paper found that the May holidays and October holidays are two of the annual Golden Week amount of social consumer goods and no significant impact .