
  1. 在此攻击事件中除了攻击者外另有十九人丧生。

    19 people were killed in the attack in addition to the attacker .

  2. 股份有限公司设董事会,其成员为五人至十九人。

    A company limited by shares has a board of director with five to nineteen members .

  3. 2014年双龙卷风袭击了这个城镇,造成一名儿童死亡,其他十九人受伤。

    The twin tornado phenomenon hit the town in 2014 , resulting in the death of a child and the injury of nineteen others .

  4. 据最新公布的伤亡数字,南韩海军有四名水兵丧生、一人失踪、十九人受伤。

    According to the latest release of casualties , four sailors of South Korea 's navy were killed , one is missing and 19 were wounded .

  5. 南韩方面指出,有四名该国军人在海战中阵亡,一人失踪,十九人受伤。一般年轻的韩国民众心里不欢迎美国驻军继续留驻该国。

    South Korea pointed out four of its soldiers died in the sea battle while one was missing and 19 were injured . The general feeling among young South Koreans is that America has overstayed its welcome .

  6. 十九世纪的人喜欢华丽朦胧的散文。

    The nineteenth century liked it rich and smoky .

  7. 他看出镇上的十九位要人及其夫人脸上重新呈现出安详圣洁的快乐神情。

    He noticed that the faces of the nineteen chief citizens and their wives bore that expression of peaceful and holy happiness again .

  8. 其他地区参与调查的同样拥有澳大利亚房产的情况是,百分之十八的印度人、百分之十九的印度尼西亚人和新加坡人、百分之二十六的马来西亚人和百分之五的台湾人。

    Of the rich Indians surveyed 18 per cent owned Australian property , 19 per cent of Indonesians and Singaporeans , 26 per cent of Malaysians , and 5 per cent of wealthy Taiwanese .

  9. 古希腊罗马哲学家的自由理想、文艺复兴时代与启蒙时代的自由思想,十九世纪的人本主义自由思想,都是其重要的理论渊源。

    Ancient Greek and Roman philosophers , the ideal of freedom , the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment ideas of freedom , Nineteenth-century humanistic ideas of freedom , all are his theoretical sources .

  10. 属于销售者责任的,生产者赔偿后,有权向销售者追偿。十九、出租人在参加承租人破产清偿后,其债权未能全部受偿的,可就不足部分向保证人追偿。

    If the sellers are at fault , the producers may have recourse to similar action . Article 19 If the credit of the leasor is not satisfied completely , the leasor may request the guarantor to pay off the shortfalls .

  11. 十九世纪前期亚美尼亚人成为奥斯曼帝国参与国际贸易最主要的商人群体,他们在进行商业活动的同时成为沟通东西方世界的中介。

    In the earlier stage of nineteenth century , Armenians in the Ottoman Empire became the most important international merchants groups , their contribute not only are limited in commerce activities but also acted as a bridge which linked the East and West .