
  • 网络cross;criss cross;crisscross;cross-coupled
  1. 本文用十字交叉试验设计法考察pH值、光照强度和光照时间对氧氟沙星葡萄糖注射液稳定性的影响。

    Effects of different pH , illumination time , illumination intensity on the stability Of ofloxacin were observed by means of cross curve experiment design .

  2. 或把一个十字交叉粘贴在一个十字上。

    Or stick a cross across a cross .

  3. 十字交叉心的磁共振及多排螺旋CT影像诊断

    MRI and MSCT in the diagnosis of criss-cross heart

  4. 本文对无支撑、钢带支撑、槽钢支撑和十字交叉钢带支撑的C型截面柱的墙柱骨架进行了在轴心压力作用下的足尺试验。

    The full-scale tests are carried out in this research for the wall-stud structures with C-type cross section stud which subject to centric axial loads .

  5. 用低功率微波热雾化器与十字交叉气动雾化器作为ICP-AES进样装置的比较

    Comparison of a Low Microwave-powered Thermospray Nebulizer and a Pneumatic Nebulizer for ICP-AES

  6. 也有一些传感器供应商做出了单层结构,也就是把X和Y放在同一层ITO,成十字交叉结构。

    Some sensor suppliers create a single-layer sensor that includes both X and Y sensors in a single layer of ITO with small bridges where they cross .

  7. 其次,基于Onyxmaker软件和十字交叉法建立起树木三维模型库。

    Secondly , building trees three-dimensional model library is based on Onyx maker software and image texture of cross methods .

  8. 例如:“A12”在我们的程序里的含义可能是“红色线条的十字交叉针法图案”。

    For example ," A12 " in the program may refer to " the cross-stitching pattern in red line " .

  9. 论文讨论了UHF频段圆极化天线的设计方法,主要研究工作分为两个部分:1.研制了UHF频段圆极化十字交叉振子天线;2.设计了UHF频带宽波束平面阿基米德螺旋天线。

    The design method of the UHF-band circular polarization antennas is presented in this paper . It includes two parts in this thesis : 1 . UHF-band crossing dipoles circular polarized antennas are designed ; 2 .

  10. 磁性随机存取存储器(MRAM)的运行是通过在两层芯片上蚀刻十字交叉形导线格栅&横向导线在垂直导线之下。

    MRAM works by etching a grid of criss-crossing wires on a chip in two layers-with the horizontal wires being placed just below the vertical wires .

  11. 文中首先研究了UHF频段圆极化十字交叉振子天线及其两种馈电方式:一种是同轴线馈电,另一种是微带线结合集总参数馈电的方法。

    UHF-band Archimedean spiral antenna with wide beam-width and circular polarization is designed . Firstly , UHF-band crossing dipoles circular polarization antennas fed with two type forms are presented : one is coaxial feed , another is a combination of lumped microstrip line-fed method .

  12. 比方说,诸位看一下AgentProvocateur那几款最为畅销的文胸:Annoushka绕颈系带露背奢华蕾丝款(售价160英镑)、十字交叉形Jet低胸露背款(售价110英镑)以及Demelza薄纱丝绸文胸(售价125英镑)。

    See , for example the bestselling bras at Agent Provocateur : Annoushka ( £ 160 ) , a halter-neck-style in delicate lace ; the Jet ( £ 110 ) , which criss-crosses the d é colletage ; and the tulle and silk Demelza ( £ 125 ) .

  13. 本文基于现实视频序列中运动向量的分布特征,提出了一种十字交叉六边形搜索算法(NHEXS)。

    Based on the motion vector distribution characteristics of real video sequences , a new cross-hexagon search algorithm ( NHEXS ) is proposed .

  14. 2台YN,d接线变压器十字交叉构成的AT牵引供电系统,接线复杂,变压器容量利用率低,相邻供电区段必需用分相绝缘器分断,不利于高速铁路运行。

    There are defects existed in traction power supply system based on transformer decussating two YN , d connection such as complicated connections , low availability of transformer capacity , and neutral section insulator needed in every supply sector which are not suitable for high speed railway .

  15. 十字交叉基础梁的节点荷载分配问题

    Problems on load distribution for the joint of crossed foundation beams

  16. 带刚域的十字交叉弹性地基梁的内力分析与设计(Ⅰ)

    Analysis and Design for Grillage Foundation with Rigid Area (ⅰ)

  17. 十字交叉格构梁内力分析与优化设计

    Analysis on internal force of lattice beam and optimization design

  18. 双参数地基上十字交叉梁工程实用算法

    Practical Arithmetic in Engineering for Cross Foundation Beam on the Two-parameter Model

  19. 空间框架、十字交叉条形基础和土介质的相互作用分析

    Space frame . grillage foundation and soil medium interactive analysis

  20. 柱下钢筋混凝土十字交叉基础节点力的分配

    Pressure distribution at nodal points of reinforced concrete crossed foundations under columns

  21. 如果你凝视时间太久你的眼睛可能出现十字交叉。

    Your eyes may appear to cross if you gaze too long .

  22. 上部结构、十字交叉梁基础和地基共同作用的分析

    Analysis to the Interaction Among Superstructure , Grillage Beam Foundation and Subsoil

  23. 空间高层框架&十字交叉基础梁与桩土地基相互作用分析

    Analysis of Interaction between Space Multistory Frame Grillage Foundation with Piles and Soil

  24. 城市十字交叉口汽车尾气污染扩散模式

    A Model of Vehicle Emission Dispersion in Urban Crossroad

  25. 圆极化十字交叉振子馈源设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Circular Polarized Crossed Dipole Feeds

  26. 平面十字交叉口停车线设计方法研究

    The Analysis of Stop Line Arrangement for At-grade Intersection

  27. 将桔子十字交叉切成圆圆的薄片,再切成半片。

    Cut oranges crosswise into round slices , then cut slices in half .

  28. 十字交叉地基梁柱荷载分配工程实用统一算法

    Practical unified algorithm in construction for distribution of column load on Cross Foundation Beam

  29. 该天线由两个十字交叉的微带分支提供极化分集。

    The antenna has two crossed microstrip branches , which can provide polarization diversity .

  30. 十字交叉振子类型圆极化天线的研究

    The research on crossing dipoles circular polarization antennas