
huì chē
  • pass each other side by side
  • pass each other
会车 [huì chē]
  • [pass each other] 车辆交错同时通过某地

  1. 使用商业的CFD软件,应用其提供的滑动交界面和动网格功能对简单外形汽车隧道中会车过程的瞬态空气动力学特性进行了模拟。

    The transient flow field around two simplified shape cars when they meet oppositely side-by-side in tunnel was simulated by means of the sliding interface and the moving mesh features offered by a commercial computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) software .

  2. 汽车夜间会车合适变光距离的分析

    Analysis of Proper Changing Light Distance for Automobile Meeting at Night

  3. 轿车大客车会车时的气动特性研究

    Study on Transient Aerodynamic Characteristics of Sedan and Coach Crossing Each Other

  4. 高速磁浮列车会车压力波数值计算研究

    Numerical study of the pressure load caused by high-speed passing maglev trains

  5. 隧道内会车压力波的边界条件

    Boundary Conditions for Train Crossing Pressure Waves in a Tunnel

  6. 关于复线插入段与不停车会车的探讨

    The Study of Double-Track Insertion and No - Stop Meeting of Train

  7. 高速列车会车压力波研究

    Study on Pressure Pulses on High - speed Trams Passing Each Other

  8. 车速对会车车辆瞬态气动特性的影响最大瞬时转速变化率

    Influence of velocity on transient aerodynamic characteristics of vehicles crossing each other

  9. 快背式轿车空气动力特性分析会车过程的空气动力特性研究

    Study on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Fastback Passenger Car

  10. 隧道中部存在车站时列车会车气动效应数值分析

    Aerodynamics effect numeral simulation of high speed train passing through tunnel with mid-station

  11. 高速列车等速会车时气动作用力仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of Aerodynamic Force for High Speed Trains Passing at the Same Speed

  12. 磁浮高速会车压力波和列车风的实测研究

    Field measurement of passing pressure and train induced airflow speed on high speed maglev vehicles

  13. 从驾驶员心理学和生理学角度探讨了汽车夜间会车时眩目的机理。

    This paper discussed the mechanism of dazzling from the viewpoint of psychology and physiology .

  14. 通过与实测的会车期间压力瞬变曲线对比,验证了本文中提出的方法。

    The proposed method is verified by comparing it with the practically measured pressure transients .

  15. 缓冲结构可有效降低高速列车在隧道内会车时压力和空气阻力的变化。

    Buffer structure is an effective measure to decrease pressure and air drag force variation .

  16. 浅谈接触网线岔的通车条件与技术标准超限货物列车与邻线普通货物列车会车条件

    The Meeting Condition between Vehicles Loaded with Out-of-Gauge Goods and Freight Trains on Adjacent Lines

  17. 简单外形汽车隧道中会车过程的瞬态空气动力学数值模拟

    Transient aerodynamic numerical simulation of simplified shape cars under condition of opposite meet side-by-side in tunnel

  18. GB/T17348-1998道路车辆会车光束倾斜角随载荷变化的测量

    Motor vehicle & Measurement of variations in dipped beam headlamp angle as a function of load

  19. 不停车会车条件下计算中间站会车线长度的新方法

    A New Computation Method of Length of Loop Line at Intermediate Station in Cast of Flying Crossing

  20. 对向列车的不停车会车

    Nonstop crossing of opposite trains

  21. 隧道内高速列车会车压力波的数值模拟方法

    The Numerical Prediction Method of the High Speed Train Crossing Pressure Waves in a Single Bore Tunnel

  22. 会车状态的空气动力作用对汽车操纵稳定性有重要影响。

    The aerodynamic forces on the cars when they meet have significant effect on the car handling stability .

  23. 钝形、流线形列车会车压力波的试验对比研究

    Test and Comparison Study of Passing Pressure Waves Generated Due to Meeting of Blunt Shaped and Streamlined Trains

  24. 侧向力和升力的变化主要受到会车压力波的影响。

    Lateral force and lift force changes are mainly affected by pressure pulse generated when the train passing each other .

  25. 对平地和路堑两种路况下高速列车会车气动力和动力学性能进行了比较。

    The differences of high-speed train aerodynamic forces and dynamics between the cutting and flat ground are compared and analyzed .

  26. 偏振照明系统可以过滤对面的偏振光,增加会车时司机的视力范围以及分辨力完美解决夜间会车的失能性眩光。

    The polarized headlight system can improve drivers visibility and distinguishing ability by decreasing the amount of light from oncoming headlight .

  27. 并对隧道内的瞬时压力变化、隧道入口压力波以及列车在隧道中的会车压力波进行了初步分析。

    The tunnel transient pressure and the tunnel entry pressure waves and the train crossing pressure wave in tunnel have been studied in-depth .

  28. 间距的解释学意义在车辆超车、交会过程方面,分析了间距和速度对超车、会车过程的影响。

    For vehicles passing by and overtaking each other , the influence of the vehicles velocity and the distance between vehicles on flowfield is studied .

  29. 这一特殊装置来自这辆通用汽车公司制造的轻型货车。超限货物列车与邻线普通货物列车会车条件

    This particular one came out of the GMC pick-up truck . The Meeting Condition between Vehicles Loaded with Out-of-Gauge Goods and Freight Trains on Adjacent Lines

  30. 最后,本文采用分段模拟的方法对超车和迎面相会两种情况进行了计算模拟,分析会车过程对气动特性的影响。

    At last , this thesis uses method of subsection simulation to simulate overtaking and on-head passing and analyses effect of passing an automobile on aerodynamic character .