
  1. 定兴县优越的地理位置、自然环境、悠久的历史、灿烂的文化成就了会戏贤寓调。

    Advantageous geographical location , natural environment , a long history and splendid culture made Xian Yu opera as " Civil society opera " in Ding Xing County , Hebei Province .

  2. 我希望角色会在戏内死去。

    I wish the character will die in the film .

  3. 每个女演员迟早都会达到戏我难分的境界,虽然有时候需要生活轻轻推她一把。

    Every actress eventually finds the hook into her character , even if sometimes life has to give her a little push .

  4. 她会解释那个戏的事儿的。

    She 'll explain what the scene is about .

  5. 我会看这个戏的制作,推断他们在用哪个话筒——诸如此类。

    I 'm looking at the production , figuring out which microphones they 're using - that sort of stuff .

  6. 现在剧本女孩会把你的戏份稿子发到你的手上。

    Now the script girl will be handing out your part .

  7. 同样的演员阵容也会出现在每场戏里。

    The same cast members will appear in every show too .

  8. 我记得她在“游园会”那出戏里的表演。

    I remember her acting in a drama called the garden party .

  9. 在商业谈判中,常会有一些猫戏老鼠的把戏。

    In business negotiations , there are always cat-and-mouse games .

  10. 我想你会喜欢那出戏的。

    I think you 'd love the opera .

  11. “噢,”波尚说,“现在谁会说这幕戏演得不自然?”

    " Well ," said beauchamp ," let them now say that drama is unnatural !"

  12. 那之后的电影,会继续玩其他戏吗?

    So will you continue to make a spoof of other movies in the future ?

  13. 可能会出现一些情感戏份,他尝试着抢救弥留之际的她,但是她是还是最终离开人世了。

    There were going to be some really emotional scenes where he tried to save her from dying , but she ultimately passed .

  14. 他说,“我希望这是一部历史学家会正眼看待的戏。”要知道,历史学家通常是讨人嫌的,排戏的时候滚越远越好。

    He said , " I want the historians to take this seriously . " " Now , usually , historians are considered pests and kept a million miles from productions .