
huì shī
  • join forces;effect a junction
会师 [huì shī]
  • [join forces;effec a junction] 行军时各路人马聚集于一处

会师[huì shī]
  1. 这就是我们现在要做的事,我们要与奥巴马参议员的竞选团队会师!

    That is what we will do now , as we join forces with Senator Obama and his campaign .

  2. 然后我们向北走,去和第四方面军会师。

    Then we headed north to join forces with the Fourth Front Army .

  3. 俄美两军在易北河岸首次会师。

    The Russian and American armies linked up for the first time on the banks of the river Elbe .

  4. 同时,中国乒乓球女子单打选手陈梦和孙颖莎也在半决赛中战胜各自的对手,将于今晚会师决赛。

    Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha beat their respective opponent in table tennis women 's singles semifinals to set up an all-China clash late on Thursday .

  5. 两支队伍共创历史,连续三年会师NBA总决赛。

    For the first time ever , the same two teams are facing off in three consecutive NBA Finals .

  6. 结论自制单J管和医用尼龙线治疗儿童尿道会师术后后尿道狭窄效果显著,具有取材方便、简单、实用的优点。

    Conclusions Application of self-designed single J tube and medical nylon string is effective , simple and economical for the treatment of child traumatic posterior urethral stricture . It is easy both for the doctors ' training and for the children 's cooperation .

  7. 14例术后放置两条F6双J支架管,2例放置记忆金属网状支架。结论:对UPJ闭锁的患者,采用顺行和逆行输尿管硬镜联合会师治疗安全,创伤少,疗效满意;

    Two 6 F double-J stent were placed postoperatively in 14 , metal stent was placed in 2 . Conclusions : Ureteropelvic junction atresia result from nephrolithotomy for complex renal stones can be successfully treated with rigid ureteroscope using a combined antegrade and retrograde approach .

  8. 方法对72例骨盆骨折后尿道断裂患者行改良尿道会师牵引术,采用Foley氏尿管牵引固定于腹壁,改变传统牵引方向,增加牵引力等。

    Methods 72 patients with posterior urethral disruption complicated pelvic fracture after realignment of urethra were conducted modified urethral realignment with traction , fixed with traction to abdomen by Foley 's ureter , changed traditional traction way and increased traction , and so on .

  9. 顺行和逆行输尿管镜联合会师治疗肾盂输尿管连接部闭锁

    Combined antegrade and retrograde approach to ureteropelvic junction atresia with ureteroscope

  10. 尿道会师术后尿道支架的应用

    Application of Urethral Stent after Urethral Reunion Operation in Pelvic Fracture

  11. 急诊内镜下尿道会师术治疗尿道断裂(附12例)

    Immediate endoscopic realignment for treating urethral disruption ( 12 cases )

  12. 同时,外圈钳形围攻的部队已经会师合围。

    In the meantime the outer pincers had met and closed .

  13. 尿道腔内会师植皮术治疗外伤性后尿道断裂

    Internal realignment and skin grafting for the treatment of posterior urethra rupture

  14. 预计伞兵部队将与第一支持中队会师。

    The paratroops were expected to rendezvous with the first support group .

  15. 与第四和第五军团会师,然后联合进攻

    Rendezvous with 4th and 5th . And launch a coordinated attack !

  16. 骨盆稳定性对尿道会师术成功的影响

    The fixity of the pelvic , the important influence factor for urethral realignment

  17. 我们先遣部队跟山上下来的游击队员们会师了。

    Our advance troops married up with partisans pressing down from the hills .

  18. 4月1日,他们在利普施塔特会师。

    On April 1 they linked up at Lippstadt .

  19. 纤维膀胱镜尿道会师术在尿道损伤中的临床应用

    Clinical application of operation of urethral realignment with fiber cystoscope in treating urethral injuries

  20. 美军和俄军正在迅速地向前推进到易北河去会师。

    The Americans and Russians were driving swiftly to a junction on the Elbe .

  21. 膀胱镜下尿道会师术治疗体会(附26例报告)

    Therapy realization of urethral reunion operation by cystoscope ( report of 26 cases )

  22. 那两个连奉命在黎明前会师。

    The two companies were ordered to join up with each other before dawn .

  23. 会师牵引加骨盆复位治疗后尿道断裂30例

    Treatment of posterior urethral disruption by realignment with traction and pelvic reduction in 30 cases

  24. 14例尿道会师术有5例狭窄,二期手术治愈,发生阳痿4例。

    Occurrence of iatrogenic impotence was found in four out of 14 patients of urethral realignment .

  25. 双膀胱镜下尿道会师术治疗男性尿道损伤18例

    Treatment of blunt urethral injury by dual cystoscopic urethral realignment : A report of 18 cases

  26. 此桥过去就是与奥马哈登陆之第29师会师地。

    Beyond that bridge was the linkup point with units from the29th Division coming from Omaha .

  27. 第一组24例,采用术后留置导尿管4周以下的尿道会师术;

    In the first group , traditional urethral realignment operation was performed in the 24 cases .

  28. 学生们向工厂行进,准备“与工人阶级会师”,然而却吃了闭门羹。

    The students marching toward the factories to " meet the workers " found the doors closed .

  29. 那两个连奉命于黎明前在3号桥会师。

    The two companies were ordered to join up with each other at bridge No.3 before dawn .

  30. 尿道会师牵引术加硅胶管持续尿道扩张治疗后尿道断裂

    Urethra realignment with traction and urethral stent for the treatment of posterior urethral disruption complicated pelvic fracture