
huì kǎo
  • uniform examination;a general examination for students from various schools;unified exams
会考 [huì kǎo]
  • [unified exams] 会集某地区内的各校毕业生进行统一命题考试

会考[huì kǎo]
  1. 明天的考试你一定会考好的。

    You 'll be fine in tomorrow 's exam2 .

  2. 你会考好的。

    You 'll be fine in the exam .

  3. 在今年高级程度会考日校考生报考的科目中,考获E级或以上的占74.4%,与一九九八年相同。

    The percentage of awards at grade E and above for day school candidates in A-level subjects was 74.4 , which was the same as 1998 .

  4. 对申请大一新生入学的学生来说,如果已参加了SAT或者ACT,便可以用会考替代高考。

    For freshmen applicants who have taken ( and submitted ) the SAT or ACT and TOEFL or IELTS , you may submit the results of the Hui Kow in lieu of the Gao Kao .

  5. 英国GCSE考试制度的特色及其对我国会考制度改革的借鉴意义

    The Characteristics of British GCSE Examination System and its Significance to China 's Graduation Examination System in Senior Secondary School

  6. 真的吗?你觉得他会考上吗?

    Did he ? Do you think he passed the exams ?

  7. 今天的考试会考你们新的单字。

    Today 's test will test you on the new words .

  8. 如果你继续努力,你下次会考好的。

    You will do better next time if you work harder .

  9. 我知道你会考得很好,干得漂亮!

    I knew you 'd ace your test , well done !

  10. 加倍努力学习,下次你会考得更好的。

    Work harder and you 'll do it better next time .

  11. 数学及统计学〔香港高级程度会考〕

    Mathematics and Statistics [ Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination ]

  12. 学生:教授,第四章期中考会考吗?

    Student : professor , will chapter four be on the midterm ?

  13. 经济及公共事务〔香港中学会考〕

    Economic and Public Affairs [ Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination ]

  14. 陈子量在高级程度会考拿了四个甲,本应有很多选择。

    With four As in the HKALE , Anthony had several options .

  15. 全市高中毕业生数学会考

    City-wide math examination for graduation students of senior high schools

  16. 陈瀚洋连考两次高级程度会考才能进入科大。

    Henry had to sit for the HKALE twice to enter UST .

  17. 别担心&我相信你会考得很好。

    Don 't worry & I 'm sure you 'll ace your test .

  18. 如果你不用功一点的话,你一定会考砸了。

    If you don 't work harder , you 're sure to flunk .

  19. 孩子们可在十六岁毕业而不须参加会考。

    Children may leave schools at sixteen without taking part in the public examination .

  20. 论高中地理会考的教学实践

    On the Teaching Practice of Geography for the Provincial-level Examination of Senior Middle Schools

  21. 英国语文(课程乙)〔香港中学会考〕

    English Language ( Syllabus B ) [ Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination ]

  22. 素质教育与初中英语毕业会考改革

    On the Quality Education and Reforming Graduation Test of English in Junior Middle School

  23. 你可以确信本尼会考上大学。

    You can bet your boots that Benny will be admitted to a university .

  24. 你得开始用功准备考试,否则你会考不及格的。

    You 'd better start studying for the test or you 'll fail it .

  25. 考试会考这个吗?

    Is that gonna be on the test ?

  26. 如果你再不努力些的话,你会考不及格的。

    You will not pass the exam , if yo don 't work hard .

  27. 你下次一定会考好的。

    You 'll surely do well next time .

  28. 陕西省普通高中毕业会考数学试卷分析

    Maths Paper Analysis for the Graduating Students of All Senior Middle Schools of Shaanxi Province

  29. 社会教育〔香港中学会考〕国际古典艺术考古学协会

    Social Studies [ Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination ] International Association for Classical Archaeology

  30. 计算机科〔香港高级程度会考〕管理会计高级训练研究所

    Computer Studies [ Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination ] higher Training Institute for Management Accounting